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Portnoff Delinquent Tax collection review

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1 Portnoff Delinquent Tax collection review
Turnover January of 2016 of the un-paid Real Estate Taxes Review of the results, data, observations, and recommendations November 21, 2016

2 Countywide turnover – School District History
LANCASTER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TURNOVER School District Parcels Penalty $ COCALICO 323 620,172 320 615,257 330 663,431 338 761,459 COLUMBIA 263 583,681 268 604,032 281 560,929 278 537,415 CONESTOGA VALLEY 258 561,898 270 633,757 294 657,540 292 702,543 DONEGAL 223 503,585 230 516,724 244 543,039 241 533,463 EASTERN LANCASTER CO. 262 442,188 279 457,771 274 387,039 384,573 ELIZABETHTOWN 310 668,437 675,914 339 860,607 353 819,581 EPHRATA 369 657,938 377 672,564 418 697,280 391 839,764 HEMPFIELD 450 1,052,728 434 1,113,438 459 989,175 462 1,016,269 LAMPETER-STRASBURG 177 580,859 181 570,505 189 617,209 200 701,607 LANCASTER 1479 2,630,848 1626 2,958,700 1487 3,087,811 1394 2,828,356 MANHEIM CENTRAL 336 641,212 307 561,490 483,080 299 535,735 MANHEIM TOWNSHIP 255 783,705 250 766,252 243 689,028 288 879,071 OCTORARA 43 170,220 52 166,215 187,988 60 238,434 PENN MANOR 463 772,635 457 733,844 473 794,653 449 713,085 PEQUEA VALLEY 541,747 347 652,397 304 563,110 674,444 SOLANCO 540 586,267 559 568,938 578 570,155 601 622,249 WARWICK 259 508,609 275 564,131 269 769,767 290 843,175 NET LANCASTER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTALS 6,302 12,306,727 6,552 12,831,929 6,515 13,121,840 13,631,225

3 Recap: For the Turnover of unpaid 2015-16 property taxes in January of 2016
Board approved (Fall of 2015) a one year pilot of utilizing professional collection services ( Portnoff) vs the County collection bureau The firm works for Solanco (as a customer); services are customer focused and responsive, imbedded & transparent real time data tracking, significant collection expertise and experience, a detailed legal process / dealing with our customers as directed District requested the County to waive the 5% “mandated” fee as they were no longer collecting the taxes. The County declined to waive.... Taxes were turned over to Portnoff -- with significant front-end effort to contact, meet, and assist all cooperating customers to create payment plans set up schedules to get caught up

4 Tracking Activity on turnover
Solanco School District 2015 Taxes - Activity Summary as of 10/31/16 Number of Accounts Placed 533 100.0% Number of Certified Letters Sent 512 96.1% Number of First-Class Letters Sent 16 3.0% Number of Accounts with a Phone Call 326 61.2% Number of Accounts with Written Contact 48 9.0% Number of Accounts with In-Person Contact 7 1.3% Number of Accounts with Attorney Contact Number of Accounts on Standard Payment Plans 21 3.9% Number of Accounts on Hardship Payment Plans 33 6.2% Number of Accounts with Hardship Applications Sent 54 10.1% Number of Accounts Paid in Full 306 57.4% Number of Accounts Exonerated by School District 9 1.7%

5 Summary: 2016 calendar year to date Note: (Collections cross over school district fiscal years)
Through June 30, 2016 FY ending; 59.2% of January 2016 turnover was collected (started about the 3rd week of February) Through October 31, 2016 (into FY); 83.97% of January 22, turnover collected Through October 31, 2016 – 306 accounts of 533 are paid in full, (191 of those paid no attorney fees---engaged and followed the process); 54 accounts remain on payment plans; 138 in various collection processes. Through October 31, 2016; the county charged (Portnoff fronts the costs and assumes risk-of-loss) $31, in Prothonotary and Sheriff office fees for required filing processes Through October 31, 2016; in addition to row office fees, the county charged Solanco $23, in 5% commission fees--- Total paid to the county through October 31, 2016 is $54,647.80


7 Selected Major Components of 2016 turnover data
Solanco Property type Dollar Value SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 32.8% 47.5% AG - DAIRY/BEEF/HOGS 3.2% 10.1% MOBILE HOME ONLY 39.2% 9.1% MOBILE HOME ON LAND 6.4% 3.75% Percent of total turnover 81.6% 70.6% MOBILE HOMES 45.6% 12.9% Observation: Mobile homes represented over 45% of the turnover --- and 13% of the dollars; it is believed that this is an area which can be targeted to address what appears to be an issue. Based on observations of these particular accounts, it is clear that a lack of understanding/communication exists---and the system itself may be complicit in generating additional costs to many who can least afford it. (See also total sheet of all property types for 2016 turnover)

8 Lancaster County Mobile Home Properties

9 Lancaster County Mobile Home Property- Percent Share

AMOUNTS RECOVERED FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT Total Face + Penalty Turned Over 611,746.52 Face + Penalty + Interest Collected 466,827.83 AMOUNTS PAID TO ROW TO OFFICES Amount paid to Lancaster County Prothonotary 15,403.53 Amount paid to Lancaster County Sheriff 15,902.89 5% Commission Paid to Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau 23,341.38 Amount paid to Lancaster County Tax Assessment office for Assessment Data 50.00 NOTICE EXPENSE CHARGE AND REIMBURSEMENT Notice Expense Charged 23,123.40 Notice Expense Recovered and Remitted to School District 17,092.66 Notice Expense Balance 6,030.74 COURT COSTS CHARGED AND RECOVERED Court Costs Charged (Prothonotary and Sheriff costs paid to county) 31,306.42 Court Costs Recovered 14,603.64 Court Costs Balance (Portnoff has to front those costs) 16,702.78 Through October 31, 2016

11 Current Year Collection---Running 1. 4% to 1
Current Year Collection---Running 1.4% to 1.7% ahead of past four year average and median---December and Turnover? SOLANCO SCHOOL DISTRICT REAL ESTATE TAX COLLECTIONS TAX COLLECTION STATISTICS RECENT 5-YEARS 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 Duplicate - Reduced by homestead/farmstead exclusions 23,138,480 22,186,373 21,434,265 20,653,435 19,770,866 # Taxable Parcels 11,806 11,788 11,794 11,775 11,767 Millage Rate 11.804 % of Millage Rate Increase 2.9% 2.5% 2.4% 3.6% July 1 - August 31 Collections (Base Amount) 15,784,105 15,940,231 14,734,107 14,814,835 15,655,870 4yr Avg 4yr Median Sept. 1 - October 31 Collections (Base Amount) 5,158,731 3,692,165 4,661,811 3,511,635 1,905,650 68.2% 72.9% 71.8% Nov. 1 - December 31 Collections (Base Amount) 1,969,759 1,497,723 1,780,630 1,694,546 22.3% 16.3% 16.8% Total Collections at Base Amount 20,942,836 21,602,155 20,893,641 20,107,100 19,256,066 90.5% 89.1% 88.8% % of Duplicate Collected at Base Amount 90.51% 97.37% 97.48% 97.35% 97.40% Change 1.4% 1.7% July 1 - August 31 # Payments Collected 8523 8722 8594 8737 9539 Sept. 1 - October 31 # Payments Collected 3048 3666 2859 2843 1469 Nov. 1 - December 31 # Payments Collected 641 1404 1787 1430 July 1 - August 31 % of Duplicate Collected (Base Amount) 68.22% 71.85% 68.74% 71.73% 79.19% Sept. 1 - October 31 % of Duplicate Collected (Base Amount) 22.30% 16.64% 21.75% 17.00% 9.64% Nov. 1 - December 31 % of Duplicate Collected (Base Amount) 0.00% 8.88% 6.99% 8.62% 8.57% Note for perspective: 1% of $23M is $230,000

12 Working through remaining 2015...
Real Estate Taxes: Turned over January 2016 Status as Of October 31, 2016 Count Balance On Payment Plans 54 $ ,944 In process 138 $ ,248 Active 192 $ ,192 Paid in full 306 $ Collectible files 498 In Bankruptcy 2 $ ,159 Closed due to low balances 21 $ Sale pending $ Other as listed 25 $ ,755 Base Tax Amount Recovered Percent Recovered $ ,968 $ ,824 83.97%

13 Audit June 30, 2016----Current Year (2016)...
Delinquent Real Estate Taxes County Base Tax and Penalty Collections 284,033.01 County Interest Collections 32,158.70 Portnoff Tax Collections 362,243.28 Portnoff Interest Collections 214.77 678,649.76 Account : Revenue From: Prior Year Comparison: Fiscal Yr ending 6/30 Turnover to Portnoff Turnover (January) To county Total collected 6411 Current year collections for Real Estate Taxes: a 1% improvement in current year collections equals: Portnoff Collected County Collected 2011/2012 765,404.71 622,249.38 2012/2013 691,692.21 570,154.76 2013/2014 649,267.36 568,937.95 2014/2015 615,709.36 586,266.59 2015/2016 362,458.05 611,746.52 316,191.71 2016/2017 * 574,000.00 500,000.00 $ ,546.00 637,546.00 $ ,000 2017/2018 ** 400,000.00 450,000.00 $ ,000.00 430,000.00

14 Observations For many of our customers-----some delinquent accounts were repetitive year after year---basically trapped in what can be described as a system which enabled too easily. As such, in some cases it fed/encouraged entry into an expensive delinquent collection process. The objective is to move this process toward greater focus on customer need and hardship review; including work to avoid client entry into the delinquent system where possible in successive years. At a minimum, the goal is to lower delinquent amounts via payment plans which will lower client costs. Providing an easy path (i.e. never-ending County bureau payment plans) simply leads to higher costs for too many. Year one is a transition year----it is having impact across several arenas....county & district past accounts, and current FY collections (crossing over FY’s), and our customers/clients behavior for some it will take a second year to get there......objective is to lift as many accounts as possible out of the ‘past’ delinquent trap...and get them to a current status Focus on (and perhaps look for some creative solutions) those truly in the greatest need....delinquent as systemic vs one-off events....situations change and people have to work through them. Data analytics and collection tracking provided a much improved lens to see and understand who and what type of properties ended up in turnover—what is working or not, & what remains to work on, and actionable information in general. ---Mobile homes in particular----information clearly indicates there are opportunities to improve at multiple levels. Current year collections are up 1.4%---assuming it holds, this will lead to a lower turnover in January of our tax payers will pay less in 10% delinquent penalties, and mailing costs. They will pay less in filing fees, interest, and other costs for collection; as well as Solanco will not pay the 5% commission to the county on the reduced turnover amounts......assuming the county commissioners continue to charge the fee for not doing the work while still collecting significant row office fees. County is making MORE money with this process....and doing significantly less work.

15 Recommendations: To Continue with Portnoff indefinitely with adequate periodic reports to the board Share key data with the Commissioners; and again request that the 5% commission fee either be waived....or lowered to 1% given they clearly are collecting significant row office fees covering county costs. Refine and adjust with Portnoff as needed from year one experience. Work with Portnoff on year two carry-overs to assist as we work clients through payment needs and individual situations. Investigate work with local mobile home parks and owners to clarify communications regarding property tax bills; who owes them and when due....facilitate county assessment communications for required address changes. Reassessment is with clients to educate on impact if any.

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