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Creating fuzzy rules from numerical data using a neural network

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1 Creating fuzzy rules from numerical data using a neural network
References: T. Nishina & M. Hagiwara, “Fuzzy Inference Neural Network,” Neurocomputing 14(1997),

2 Preconditions Assume some numerical training data, which has been obtained empirically Assume a known number of inputs and outputs

3 Three phases Self-organised learning (competitive learning)
Rule extraction Rule refinement (supervised learning)

4 Network architecture

5 Network architecture(2)
Connections from the inputs have both a weight and a width Connections to the outputs have only a weight Initialize all widths to “lots” Input weights = centres

6 Network behaviour Rule layer: Output layer:

7 Self-organised learning
Uses competitive learning Winning rule node (middle layer) is the one whose weight vector produces the “best” results, i.e. Whose outputs are nearest to the actual data All weight vectors of all rule nodes are updated, taking into account how close their weight vectors are to the that of the winning node

8 Learning Rule Each weight vector is updated according to:

9 Rule extraction Starting off with many rule nodes
Now merge similar ones together Remaining rules are much more general

10 Rule extraction: algorithm
For each pair of rule nodes, find the Euclidean distance between their weight vectors If the distance is under a certain threshold, merge the two rule nodes by taking the average weight vector Repeat until no more merging occurs

11 Supervised learning The rules can still be refined further
Given the training inputs, the actual outputs will still have some error Use this error to adjust the weights and widths LMS algorithm

12 Supervised learning formulae

13 Final result In the end, each rule node represents one rule
Each rule is of the form: “IF input1 is catagory1 AND input2 is catagory2 AND...THEN the outputs should be [whatever]” Whether or not inputx is of catagoryx is up to a membership function with known parameters

14 Example application Steering a remote control car around corners
Inputs = various distances to the walls, current steering angle Output = next steering angle Numerical data: collected while car was correctly run by a human operator

15 Remote control car: diagram

16 Remote control car: results
32 rules were found

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