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Ireland By: Dereck 2008.

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1 Ireland By: Dereck 2008

2 Capital city The capital city is Dublin.
Erie is a Irish name for that part of the island. About two million people live there,most of the people speak English there,some people speak Irish.

3 Population\ school Kids start school at four\five and wears a uniform in every grade. At 16 students have to take a test that would give them their diploma. Ireland population is estimated to be 2,000-3,869,000.

4 Food in Ireland Ireland’s main food is potato cakes\potatoes, bacon,a bread,Irish stew, and eggs.

5 Ireland’s location Ireland’s location is near the Alantic Ocean.
And Aran Island.

6 Climate Mild and wet [mild weather and a little rain showers.]

7 Holidays The main holiday is Saint Patrick’s day and there are many festivals on that day.

8 Ireland’s flag The Irish people choose their leaders .
The head of this country is called the president. Ireland’s flag is red,white and green.

9 Ireland’s money Ireland’s money has a queen on the front .
At the bottom it says E.R. Here are some coins.

10 Resources “Ireland” . Culturegrams.
Arnold,Helen. Ireland. Austin:Rain Tree ,1997.

11 Ireland I really hope you liked my slide show so good-bye!
I would live in Ireland.I love what they do in Ireland.

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