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Welcome Baltimore Polytechnic Institute February 16, 2012 U.S. History

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1 Welcome Baltimore Polytechnic Institute February 16, 2012 U.S. History
Mr. Green

2 Agenda/Topics To Be Covered
The students will describe to what extent governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after WWI contributed to the rise in fascism Announcement: Chapter 16 February 24 Drill: Read “Failures of the World War I Peace Settlement” on and answer the following: 1. Why did the Germans dislike the Treaty of Versailles? 2. What happened to the democratic governments created by the treaty?

3 Dictators Threaten World Peace Ch. 16 Section 1 pgs. 542-547
Nationalism Threatens Europe and Asia Germany hated the “war guilt” clause and reparations lost territory that was German Soviets (USSR) upset over losing territory Many newly formed democracies collapsed and dictators took control Joseph Stalin transforms the Soviet Union Stalin did anything to build communist Russia Ordered collectivization in 1927 Initiated 5 year plans to modernize Russia’s economy

4 Turned Russia (Soviet Union) into a police state Dissenters/protesters shipped to Siberia Stalin created a totalitarian government Rise of Fascism in Italy Mussolini led Italy toward fascism Strong central government, rooted in nationalism Anti-communists supported the fascists in Italy Nazis Take over in Germany National Socialist German Workers’ Party Mein Kampf Aryan Race Nationalism National expansion-lebensraum

5 Militarists Gain Control in Japan Japan needed more living space Invaded Manchuria in 1931 League of Nations investigated and Japan quit the league Military leaders took control of Japan Aggression in Europe Germany leaves League in 1933 German military buildup in troops to Rhineland Rome-Berlin Axis Pact Italy attacked Ethiopia which fell in 1936

6 The U.S. responds Cautiously
Clinging to Isolationism Nye hearing documented profits by American companies during WWI Roosevelt pursued isolationist policies Neutrality Acts of 1935 outlawed arms sales/loans to nations at war or civil war Neutrality Breaks Down 3,000 go to fight Hitler and Franco in Spain Franco triumphs and Spain is totalitarian, with help from Germany and Italy Japan attacked China in 1937-U.S. sent arms anyway

7 Independent Work List the main ambitions of each dictator from Italy, Germany and the Soviet Union

8 Exit Ticket Describe to what extent governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after WWI contributed to the rise in fascism Be sure to write a thesis sentence and support that thesis sentence with evidence from the notes/text before you leave class today!!!!!!

9 Homework 1. Read Chapter 16 Section Chapter 16 Vocabulary-next week 3. Prepare for a Chapter 16.1 quiz on Friday

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