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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Prepared: by Ahmad Jamshid Sadid CII Institute of Logistics by Prof Anandhi

2 Definition of Management and Its Importance
Management is the organizational process that includes strategic planning, setting objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets needed to achieve objectives, and measuring results.

3 Scientific Management and Traditional Management
Scientific management is defined as the systematic study of work methods in order to improve efficiency. In the late19th century, management decisions often random and workers Often worked at an initially slow speed. Hence to create a cerebral revolution in workplace, Scientific management come into existence. Frederick.W Taylor was its main promoter. Traditional Management style doesn’t apply nowadays, except for the military. But it does, still, exists widely, especially on government agencies and some private institutions.

4 Scientific management has several major principles.
1. It insists on the application of the scientific method to work in order to determine the best method for accomplishing each task. 2. Workers should be scientifically selected based on their skill sets, qualifications and trained to perform their jobs in the best manner. 3. Scientific management also suggests that, cooperation between worker’s and management based on mutual self- interest and understanding. 4. Scientific management also suggest that, management should take complete responsibility for planning the work and that plan should be implement as primary responsibility to the workers.


6 TYPES OF MANAGERS TOP MANAGERS- set organizational goals, strategies to implement them and make decisions MIDDLE MANAGERS- heads of various departments and organise human and other resources to achieve organizational goals FIRST-LINE MANAGERS- often called supervisors stand at the base of the managerial hierarchy


8 Top Level Management Top level Management consist of
Board of directors Chief executive Managing directors General managers Owners Share holders/financers Functions of Top Level Management Establishing basic goals and objectives Establishing policies and monitoring framework Designing / redesigning organization Growth, expansion, diversification, of activities/plan

9 Middle Level Management
Middle Level Management Consist of Branch managers Superintendent Assistant managers Functions of Middle Level Management To coordinate and cooperate efforts for smooth running of business Employees development through training To achieve coordination between different parts of organization To develop effective team and spirit

10 Lower Level Management
Lower Level Management Consists of Foremen Supervisors Office superintendent Inspectors Workers Functions of Lower Level management To Conduct direct supervision of workers and their jobs Inspection /quality control functions Training and imparting instructions to workers Better work methods for operating through continuous development and improvement To provide final finishing touch to the plans and policies of top level management

11 Functions Of Management
Management Functions(duties) Are Broadly Classified As; Planning Organizing Controlling Motivating and Decision Making

12 Planning It means thinking before doing. It decide what to produce, how to produce, how much in quantity, when to produce and who should produce ? Planning is the blue print for goal achievement that specifies necessary resources allocations, schedule, tasks and other actions. In short planning is preparing for tomorrow and today’s activities. Goals specify future ends, plans specify today’s means.

13 The Main Advantages Of Planning
It avoids wastages of manpower, material and money. Focuses attention on objectives and results Provides guidelines for decision making

14 Organizing Here the man, machines and materials are arranged in a roper order so that the work goes on smoothly. It is a process of identifying & grouping of tasks and establishing authoritative relationship among employees so that the firm objectives are achieved.

15 There are Four Stages(steps) in Organizing
Identifying the goals of different divisions like sales, financial, purchase etc. The firm is divided into departments or divisions so that all the resources are utilized efficiently. Properly assigning of authority and responsibilities. of all departmental heads. Authority and accountability relationship between employees should be established.

16 Staffing Staffing It is concern with recruitment of man power. It is the process of selecting qualified employees to fill the job in the industries. It is a continuous process involving developing and placing qualified people. Manager is responsible for staffing process. If proper staffing is not done then the industry cannot run efficiently and economically.

17 Controlling Controlling is a process of monitoring the actual performance and compare with the standard plan or pre planned targets. Manager collect data to measure actual performance and it is compare with preplanned targets, if there is deviation from planned targets, then corrective action may be taken.

18 Motivation Motivation is defined as the force that causes an individual to behave in a specific way. Highly motivated person works hard at a job. And unmotivated person does not.

19 The core of project management
published by PMI in 1987

20 Where most projects fail

21 Project Management Knowledge Areas
Scope Management Cost Management Time Management Quality Management Risk Management Procurement Management Communications Management Human Resources Management


23 Project Failure and Its Causes
The Project could not be completed. Due to sudden change in political environment, There can be stay on the project from the court due to petitions raised by social groups or environmentalists, Due to natural calamities, wars, etc, Due to conflicts between contractor and consultant or owner and contractor the project work stops.

24 2. The project can not serve the purpose to its
full extend many projects such as water supply schemes, irrigation schemes, road projects though completed, can not serve the functions completely for which they are constructed.

25 Due to incomplete data or wrong data or overestimated data, the design of the project
is incorrect. Because of lack Quality Control and continuous monitoring at the time of construction.

26 At the desired performance/technology level,
Successful project management can then be defined as having achieved the project objectives Within time, Within cost, At the desired performance/technology level, While utilizing the assigned resources effectively and efficiently, Accepted by the customer.

27 Bottom line What project management will do is provide a system for planning, documenting, organizing, and communicating. It provides a basis for better decisions Ultimately, it is the people who will make things happen and make things work, not the methodology!


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