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A Note from Your Teacher Upcoming tests & assignments

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1 A Note from Your Teacher Upcoming tests & assignments
Classroom News! September 6th- 9th Mrs. Cindy McKinney + A peek at the week Mark your calendar Superkids: Unit 1 Week 4 Fluency: A Little Bit, A Little Bite Reading & Grammar: Read & spell Pattern Words with vowel at the end (CV), silent e at the end (CVCe), and two vowels together (CVVC); understand and use antonyms and adjectives; identify and mark words with short, long, and silent vowels; AND identify and mark the vowel sounds y/ī/, y/ē/, and ay/ā/ Writing: Edit sentences for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Math: Topic 2: Addition Strategies Science: Inquiry: Scientific Investigation September 7 – Color Run Packet Due September 8 – Donuts for Dad (7:30-8:30 am) Volunteer Breakfast (9-10 am) September 22 – PTA Back to School Night A Note from Your Teacher Please check your child’s Wednesday folder each week. If you see any papers marked with C + R, I encourage you to have your child correct his/her mistakes and return the paper for rechecking. This is a strategy that teaches children to do their best work the first time. With practice, accuracy will improve because they don’t like to redo work. Thanks for your assistance!  Upcoming tests & assignments Superkids- Spelling- Unit 1 Week 4- Monday, September Math- Topic 2 Test- Friday, September 16 (subject to change) Reminder: Reading Log is due (with parent signature) every Friday!  Website of the Week Math Baseball on Funbrain ~ Take a swing at a series of Math problems in this Math Baseball game. Get it right and score runs, get it wrong and you will strike out!

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