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Wright’s Robins Newsletter October 30th-November 3rd, 2017

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1 Wright’s Robins Newsletter October 30th-November 3rd, 2017
From the Teacher Important Dates Please remember all money brought to school should be in individual envelopes and labeled. (ice cream, spirit money, fieldtrip money) Ice Cream every Friday – 75 cents. Spirit Sales every Friday! Please practice the sight word list in your child’s folder daily. (flashcards are helpful) Read your book in a bag every night – new books on Friday! (Take care of them!) Tuesday, October 31st we will make a special snack called “Witches Brew”. Please bring your designated item by Monday afternoon. Thanks for all you do! November 1st – Progress Reports November 2nd – Early Dismissal 11:45am November 10th – No School – Veteran’s Day Learning Targets Skills to Practice at Home Reading: I can blend long o words with silent “e”. I can read sight words fluently. I can correctly spell and write grade level words. Math: I can count objects to 120. I can use addition strategies to add doubles and use 10 to add. *Sight Words-Listed Below and the provided list in their folder. *Spelling Words-Make sure to complete tic-tac-toe activities in homework packet. *Reading Logs-if completed weekly throughout the month they earn a prize! *Addition Facts-Timed Test Every Friday ! Spelling Words/Sight Words (Test Friday) Spelling Words: home woke joke hose those rose stone hope bone rode Sight Words: down there inside together now

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