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Ch. 10 Legal Perspectives on Education

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1 Ch. 10 Legal Perspectives on Education

2 In the news… 2

3 Relationship between US Constitution and states
Constitution is fundamental law for nation When states make laws about education, they must be in accordance with the U.S. and state constitution. Which amendments have particular significance to the governance of education? First – Establishment of religion Tenth – Education is reserved for the states Fourteenth – Equal educational opportunity 3

4 Critical Religious Issues Determined by the Courts
Public Funds and Religions Education Religious Activities in public schools Prayer in Schools Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Battle Between Faith and Science video (My Ed Lab) singleplay.php?projectID=foundations&clipID=battle_betw een_faith_and_science.flv 4

5 Guidelines for religion in public schools
Review Figure 10.2 on page 266 5

6 Critical Racial Issues Determined by the Courts
Desegregation and Integration Brown vs. Board of Education (My Ed Lab) php?projectID=foundations&clipID=INFO_004_149.flv School Busing (My Ed Lab) php?projectID=foundations&clipID=school_busing.flv Equal Opportunity – Title IX Affirmative Action 6

7 Critical Issues Determined by Courts regarding Disabilities
Increased quality and rigor Response to Intervention (RTI) Aids as a disability 7

8 Teachers’ Rights and Responsibilities
Due process Teacher certificate - privilege, not a right Contract Tenure - Probationary period Right to bargain collectively Academic Freedom Book banning Refer to Figure 10.5 & on page 274 & 276 8

9 Teacher Responsibilities and Liabilities
=related Educational Malpractice annel 9

10 Teacher and Student Uses of Technology & the Law
SQjUBc&feature=related Social Networking Cheating 10

11 Students Rights & Responsibilities
Alien and homeless children Right to sue Right to due process Right to free speech Board has right to establish rules Dress codes Corporal Punishment Sex discrimination Marriage and pregnancy Child abuse and negl ect Student publications - Hazelwood Student and locker searches 11

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