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TBM thermal modelling status

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1 TBM thermal modelling status

2 Summary We have 3 models of varying complexity
Plus a GUI version with knobs All of them applied to a single SAS for comparison Can be scaled for the whole module Aim is find optimal point for CV to design their system cooling topology dissipated power water Tin ambient T water flow model component T water Tout (total ΔT) heat to air Input to CV for dimensioning-costing

3 Model Everything is coupled Mesh size Run time for SAS
Conduction within copper (pipes and the AS), air, water, and the concrete wall Convection between copper and water; and between copper and air Radiation exchange between the structure and the walls Heat loss to the soil outside of the wall is not accounted Mesh size ~20 million cells Run time for SAS ~5 hours for convergence

4 Domain 3m 3m 3m water in water out
walls kept at 18 degC for radiation exchange with the AS 3m air through

5 Output

6 Conclusions Time-consuming
But give more accurate and complete results as everything is coupled Heat loss to the outside of the tunnel wall may be accounted, but need adequate boundary conditions for modelling the wall and the soil

7 FEA thermal simulations for SAS
ANSYS Thermal steady-state analysis Single SAS without loads Run time: ~5min Heating power 860 W Cooling water 27 °C, 1.3 l/min Ambient T = °C Convection HTC_air = 7.5 W/m^2K Radiation to surrounding ”space” (T = 18°C) (no surface-to-surface effect)

8 Water Radiation Air convection

9 FEA thermal simulations for TBM
ANSYS Thermal steady-state analysis T0#2 Module Run time: ~1hr Total heating power 7354 W Cooling water 27 °C, 1.3 l/min Ambient T = °C Convection HTC_air = 7.5 W/m^2K Radiation to surrounding ”space” (T = 18°C) (no surface-to-surface effect) Heating power (W) CL 20x 161 3220 PETS 4x 88 352 SAS 860 3440 DBQs 2x 171 342 Total 7354 W

10 Water Radiation Air convection

11 Thermal steady-state simulations
Notes: Steady-state/average heat loads Static loads (cables etc.) are not taken into account Convection: Heat transfer coefficients are assumed constant Radiation: All of the radiation energy is assumed to be exchanged with the surrounding “space” at constant temperature (18 °C) What happens to radiated power in reality? How much can the wall absorb? How much ends up heating the air indirectly? Heating power (W) CL 20x 161 3220 PETS 4x 88 352 SAS 860 3440 DBQs 2x 171 342 Total 7354 W

12 Extra: Results for SAS, when having around 3°C lower component temperature (50% higher water flow, 2 l/min) Water ~20% Radiation ~20% Air convection 3 °C

13 Extra: Module temperature example, T_amb = 30

14 Extra: Module temperature example, SAS+loads cooling channels, T_amb = 30

15 Extra: Module temperature example, SAS core temperatures, T_amb = 30

16 Analytical model Simple pipe, heated and cooled all along
Excludes folding of piping Run time for SAS: 1 sec Run time for TBM: 3 sec Can be used to run many different combinations, including air condition units flow Tin Tout Dissipated RF power Heat to air Heat to water Radiation

17 Results for SAS

18 Results for TBM Further tuning required
Individual components need to be validated

19 Models summary Alex: Antti: Edmond: VERY simplified Run time ~2sec
Operational Antti: FEA with assumptions, still reasonable accuracy Run time ~1hr for full module Edmond: Full CFD, most realistic results Run time ~3hrs only for a SAS Needs some polishing Use this to optimize parameters and topology Use a combination of those to verify

20 Where to go Wait for next round of measurements with improved sensors
Possible strategy: Use advanced models for individual components tune the simple model accordingly

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