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Vegetation Enhancements (continued) Lost in Feature Space!

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetation Enhancements (continued) Lost in Feature Space!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetation Enhancements (continued) Lost in Feature Space!
Statistical and Feature Space Transformations

2 Learning objectives What is a feature space, and how do you construct one? Where are plants, soils, and water located in feature space? How can we use feature spaces to enhance vegetation spectra? What is Principal Components Analysis (PCA)? What is Kauth’s Tasseled Cap, and how is it different from PCA?

3 Feature Space Transformations
Also called “band space” Graph with bands = axes Can be difficult to visualize, because feature space is n-dimensional (where n is the number of bands) Can mathematically transform to enhance spectral information Results in new axes that are not parallel to old ones Examples are Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Kauth’s Tasseled Cap, Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI), and many more.

4 What is a feature space?? NIR Band DN Green Band DN Red Band DN
Blue Band DN

5 Why is feature space useful?
A way to visualize data – a different way to see information Can analyze a feature space mathematically to isolate groups of pixels that may be related

6 Creating Feature Space Graphs
Each axis represents DNs from one satellite band; multiple axes = multiple bands Can plot each pixel from an image in the feature space using its DNs.

7 Interpreting Feature Space
Where is vegetation? Where is soil? NIR Red

8 Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
Transforms the original data (DNs) into new “bands” that isolate important information in the data (e.g., vegetation spectra). Principal component axes (PCs) must be perpendicular to one another First 3 PCs usually contain the most useful info Other PCs are sometimes useful for highlighting features PC2 is usually a good vegetation index

9 Principal Components – 2 bands

10 Principal Components – 3 bands

11 Erdas Demo Principal Components for Laramie Area

12 Kauth’s Tasseled Cap Like PCA, but axes don’t have to be perpendicular to each other 1st axis oriented towards overall scene brightness (brightness) 2nd axis oriented towards vegetation greeness (greeness) 3rd and 4th axes often called “wetness” and “yellowness” – less useful than first two.

13 Tasseled Cap (cont.) Fits all the criteria for a good vegetation index
Almost as widely used as the NDVI Excellent index

14 Tasseled Cap

15 Creating Your Own Spectral Indices
Can create custom indices to highlight anything that makes spectra unique Can use temporal data just like you use spectral data Can build indices for any material, not just vegetation

16 Summary Vegetation Indices should highlight the amount of vegetation, the difference between vegetation and soil, and they should reduce atmospheric effects Minimize soil background effects if possible Indices can be customized for particular applications

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