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2 Introduction Hotel is a superior building used for accommodating 15 or more strangers temporarily for few days Strangers are charged according to the nature and period of accommodation they avail Hotel provides both lodging (temporary habitation) and boarding facilities Hotels may be of the following types Resort Hotel A hotel where people stay for longer period Can be of 5 star/ 5 star deluxe, 4 star and 3 star Motel A group of furnished cabin by the road side away from the city where motorists may stay for the night lodging and boarding- Place and food Deluxe- luxurious

3 Introduction 3. Star Hotel 4. Heritage Hotel
Hotel proposed in Palace/ Castle /Fort / Havely/ Residence of any size built prior to 1950 Star Single Room Double Room Attached bathroom 5 star deluxe/5 star 180 sq. ft 200 sq. ft 45 sq. ft 4 star 3 star 120 sq. ft AC & NAC 140 sq. ft 36 sq. ft 2 star 1 star 100 sq. ft 30 sq. ft Deluxe- luxurious

4 Introduction Hotel Facilities Reception Cash Information Counter
Money exchange Left luggage room Dinning room Bar/permit room Kitchen Pantry

5 Introduction Hotel accommodation should have the following facilities
Public room, front office- entrance, reception (3m wide minimum), cash information counter, money changing facility, left luggage room Dinning hall, Conference hall, banquet/guest room Bed room – attached with bath room or without bath room Services- Bar/permit room, drinking water chilled (guest room), kitchen, pantry, laundry, air conditioning plant, parking space, Garden, health club, television antenna, shopping Centre, stereo system, food and beverage service, heating/cooling arrangement, telephone, intercom, medical assistance, Wi-Fi services Restaurant Other such as Swimming pool, solar water heating/cooling system Intercom- electrical device allowing one way or two way communication

6 Introduction Some of the basic points to be considered while designing a hotel Building should be made fire proof construction and fire extinguishers, lightening arresters should be installed at proper places Public room, service and restaurant should be located on ground floor only Carpeting of hall ways should be done to reduce noise Corridors, lounges (common meeting place used for waiting, 0.5-1m2/ bed), dinning hall (space cooling, servicing counter having direct link with kitchen), restaurant (2 m2 to 3m2 / head space) Minimum stair should be at least 1.5m wide Minimum two lifts should be provided in multistoried structure Bed room should contain one table, two chairs, a locker or cupboard, shaving mirror, portable TV, room cooler, wash basin, curtains, dustbin, fan etc

7 Introduction Single bed room 2.75 X 4.5m, separate bathroom and water closet Electric Services – Distribution system, transformer, switch gear, overhead distribution system, outdoor lighting, diesel generator set etc Telecommunication services – automatic telephone exchange, FAX, etc Sanitary Services- Drainage, waste disposal system Gas services, Air compressor Water supply system Transportation services- bus, lorries, cars etc Kitchen- Food storage, preparation (circulating air cabin for drying vegetables), cooking and services 1.5 to 3 m wide Room for washing dishes and plates 20 to 30 m2 with running water, pot wash, waste disposal, supervision, ordering, billing

8 Introduction Other stores 10 sq.m minimum Laundry 3 X 4.5 m
Servant room 3X 3.4m Car parking space 15 sq.m/car Scooter parking space 3 sq.m/scooter Cycle parking space 1.4 sq.m/cycle

9 Introduction The physical plan of hotel refers to
Land and site development – road, culvert, garden, tube well, boundary wall, underground/overhead storage tank, soak well, fountain, drainage system, sewer line etc Building – Walls, floors, roofs, doors, windows, ventilators etc Building systems – pipes Interior finishes – paints, varnishes, carpeting, distemper, white washing, wall paper etc Furniture, fixtures and equipment- fire fighting, electrical safety etc Visible components- ground, exterior building, fire fighting, electrical etc Invisible components- structure steel, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment Culvert- a tunnel carrying a stream or open drain under a road or railway. Varnishes - resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry.

10 Introduction Maintenance of Assets
Till now hotel management was not serious for maintenance of grounds, buildings, equipment, waste disposal system, store and sanitary, pollution control equipment, gas distribution system, electrical energy supply system, fuel supply system, water (hot & cold) system, ventilation, refrigeration and air conditioning, fire fighting, heating, telephone system, cable television, elevators, lights, escalators etc. The effect was economic loss Today most of the hotel management give due importance to maintenance of assets Maintenance raises the level of equipment performance and availability It adds to running cost but raises the profits Assets- Varnishes - resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood, metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny surface when dry.

11 Introduction Maintenance consists of the following
Building maintenance Equipment/system maintenance Security maintenance Physical assets of employees or guests- key controls, lock rotation, tools and supplies control Calibration of controls and equipment Fire alarm, fire extinguisher chemicals, communication system, water treatment , trash removal, cleaning and paintings of hotels and club

12 Introduction For better performance of hotel, we have to look for
Better operating performance of a building Understand guest perception of quality of services Employee performance, moral, conduct, motivation Profitability of operation

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