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- Public Hearing - Proposed Downtown Stockton Management District

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1 - Public Hearing - Proposed Downtown Stockton Management District
City of Stockton July 10, 2007

2 Requested Action Adopt a Resolution Overruling Protests; Approving Engineer’s Report and Levying Assessments; Approving and Establishing the Downtown Stockton Management District Plan; Declaring Property and Business Owner Ballot Results; Establishing the Downtown Stockton Property and Business Improvement District; and Authorizing Related Actions and Execution of Related Documents.

3 Location Map Improvement District

4 Boundary Map Entertainment District

5 Background The Downtown Stockton Alliance has requested that the City consider reestablishing the Stockton Downtown Management District for a term of ten years beginning January 1, 2008. The District was originally formed by the City Council in 1997 and renewed for a five-year period in 2002.

6 Background (Continued)
The Renewal involves both a geographic expansion of the Improvement District and a change in service area boundaries. In addition, the Management Plan includes a new assessment on entertainment business uses which fit the criteria for “night time” services associated with live music, dining, etc.

7 Background (Continued)
The Downtown Stockton Alliance previously submitted signed petitions from 65% of the Property Owners within the proposed boundary area. On May 22, 2007, the City Council accepted the petitions, approved a Resolution of Intention to form a Property and Business Improvement District, and set a date for an election of property and business owners to vote on formation of the new District.

8 Background (Continued)
On May 22, 2007, the City Council also approved a second resolution approving the Engineer’s Report, establishing a Management District Plan, approving the boundary map, and setting a public hearing on July 10, 2007, to hear any public protests and to certify election results.

9 Present Situation Property and Business District Law of 1994 requires that formation of the District be subject to a vote of affected property and business owners, weighted by their proportional financial obligation. Formation of the District requires a “yes” vote of 50% +1 of ballots returned to the City Clerk’s Office by the July 10, 2007, deadline. Ballots were sent to all property and business owners subject to the assessment.

10 Financial Summary The proposed assessment for City-owned property within the proposed district totals $316,546 and will be funded from Account No General Fund Non-Departmental Administration.

11 Financial Summary (Continued)
The proposed assessment for Agency-owned property within the proposed district totals $51,700 and will be funded from Account No Redevelopment Agency Administration.

12 Conclusion The City Clerk shall tabulate all ballots submitted by the election deadline. The City Council shall review any protests received at or before the public hearing. Provided that a majority of the weighted ballots returned are in favor of the assessment and District formation, the City Council shall adopt a Resolution Establishing Downtown Stockton Management District , including the following provisions:

13 Conclusion (continued)
Overruling Written or Oral Protests; Declaring Property and Business Owner Ballot Results; Approving and Establishing the Downtown Stockton Management District Plan; Approving the Engineer’s Report and Levying Assessments; Directing the City Clerk to File the Assessment Diagram and Record the Notice of Assessment with the County Recorder of San Joaquin County, and Authorizing Related Actions and Execution of Related Documents.

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