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Affirmative Informal (Tú) Commands

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Presentation on theme: "Affirmative Informal (Tú) Commands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Affirmative Informal (Tú) Commands

2 Affirmative Commands When you tell someone to do something, you are giving an affirmative command.

3 Affirmative Commands Here are some affirmative commands you might give to a person you address as tú:

4 Affirmative Commands Pablo, apaga las luces por favor.
Linda, recoge la basura. Cristóbol, sirve la cena ahora.

5 Affirmative Commands Notice that command forms are usually the same forms that we use for él / ella / Ud. in the present tense.

6 Affirmative Commands Certain verbs, like poner and hacer have irregular command forms.

7 Affirmative Commands Isabel, pon los libros en la mesa.
Miguel, haz tu cama.

8 Irregular informal (tú) commands – these have to be MEMORIZED!!!
Venir - ¡Ven! (Come!) Tener - ¡Ten! (Have!) Poner - ¡Pon! (Put/Set) Salir - ¡Sal! (Leave!) Hacer - ¡Haz! (Do! Make!) Decir - ¡Di! (Tell!) Ser - ¡Sé! (Be!) Ir - ¡Ve! (Go!)

9 If you want to add pronouns to the affirmative tú commands, attach them on the end. Think affirmative, attach! Note that in order to maintain the original stress of the verb, a written accent is often needed. If the command has more than one syllable, a written accent is required when one or more pronoun is added.

10 Here are some examples of affirmative tú commands with pronouns attached
Cómelas! (Eat them! (referring to las verduras) Sácala! (Take it out! (referring to la basura) Escríbelo! (Write it! (referring to el informe) Hazla! (Do it! (referring to la tarea)

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