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Performance Testing Methodology for Cloud Based Applications

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1 Performance Testing Methodology for Cloud Based Applications

2 Cloud Performance Challenges
Scalability Elasticity Failover/DR Tests Multi-tenancy Availability of wide range of IP addresses for load simulation

3 Traditional On-Premise Application Testing in QA cloud
Traditional On-Premise Application Testing in QA cloud – absolute no change in approach barring the below points to note in performance testing. Factors Key Points to Note Earlier performance benchmarks available from the on-premise /staging environments Performance test results from cloud need to be compared with earlier available benchmarks. If this is not available, then it might be worth considering to do a performance bench marking exercises from production like staging environment. Remember the cloud and virtualized environment can result in a 05-10% performance degrade . So factor in this for translating the results to on-premise apps. Factor in the performance testing tool setup Enterprises might have performance testing tools with them and hence might have the load injection infrastructure within their network else they might be availing load testing tool and infrastructure services externally. You need to factor in these carefully. Monitoring physical and virtual resources essential In virtualized environment OS monitors such as CPU, memory utilization, disk & network activity reported by guest OS. This does not give the complete picture and hence it is essential to monitor the underlying physical system resources as well. Example Genilogix Monitor Bridge for VMware is an add-in for LR allows VMWareESX server stats from multiple hosts to be collated agentlessly.

4 Performance Testing in the Cloud
Existing Apps being re-engineered for the cloud: Check for existence of performance benchmarks when on- premise. If there are no performance bench marks, then carryout a performance benchmarking of the apps on-premise. Go to “New App built for the Cloud” New Apps built for the cloud: Validate the NFRs for the applications being hosted on the cloud. Assess the Cloud – Private/Public/ Hybrid Do a tool fitment based on the technology stack, cloud setup and strategy. Setup the test tool in the cloud, identify all dependencies, port openings between cloud service providers, where tool and applications are hosted. Carryout a proof of concept for the identified tool. Test the performance of the cloud platform. If clouds involved are Hybrid then validate for performance – private and public separately. In case of Hybrid cloud perform inter-cloud connectivity. Test web services performance individually at component level, check for compliance to NFRs Then test for the services performance together while integrating them. Finally, test for performance for end to end business scenarios holistically. Characteristics to Test: Scalability, Elasticity, Accessibility, DR, Virtual Failover Testing, Performance © 2011 Infosys Technologies Limited

5 Performance Testing Methodology for cloud based applications
1 Assess Non-functional Requirements 2 Understand Usage Patterns 3 Test Strategizing & Test Planning 4 Workflow Traversal &Test Script Preparation 5 Cloud Environment Readiness 6 Test Data Population 7 Automated Test Suite Generation for Non-functional Testing 8 Test Execution, Reporting & Publishing 9 Certification © 2011 Infosys Technologies Limited

6 Performance Testing Methodology for Cloud Based Applications- Performance, Elasticity, Availability & Resilience Step 1: NFR Analysis Step 2: Test Strategy & Planning Step 3: Test Preparation Step 4: Test Script Preparation Step5: Test Execution, Reporting & Certification Activities: Understand Business Needs Elicit and analyze NFRs– spanning application, data, infrastructure (Performance, Elasticity, Availability, Compliance, & Regulations) Understand underlying Cloud Architecture Cloud Deployment Model App Design, Technology Stack 3rd party tools/middleware integration Hardware Configs Compliance Regulations Availability zones & regions, if any Document NFRs Review and Sign off NFR doc Activities: Identify critical business transactions & scenarios Analyze usage patterns, geo distribution, Prepare workload model Identify different types of testing to be done covering performance , elasticity, availability and resilience Identify key performance metrics to be measured, SLAs to be monitored Identify performance and monitoring test tools, diagnostics provided by cloud service provider Prepare performance test strategy and test plan Review and Sign off performance test strategy and plan Activities: Create Traversal Workflow documents for identified business critical, resource intensive business transactions that need to performance tested Ensure as part of traversal workflows the exception scenarios as well are being accounted for. Review and Sign off traversal workflows Activities: Ensure environment readiness for testing Install and configure test tools, establish connectivity to cloud in which application will be hosted Using the identified performance test tool create test scripts for performance Setup test data required for validation Perform dry runs of test scripts against the cloud instances. Review and Sign off of test scripts Activities: Carry out performance tests – performance , elasticity, scalability and resilience as per agreed traversal workflows and as per defined strategy In case of hybrid cloud scenarios execute and measure performance - isolated and then together Collate performance metrics from all layers of the cloud setup. Ensure the monitoring is not only accounted for virtual systems but as well as for physical resources Prepare analysis and publish test report Identify bottlenecks, make recommendations for improving performance Deliverables: Non-Functional Requirements Document Deliverables: Performance Test Strategy & Plan Document PoC, ROI Report Deliverables: Traversal Workflow Documents Deliverables: Performance Test Scripts Deliverables: Performance Test Reports Performance Defect Tuning Recommendations

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