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Features, Code Mappings and User Access

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Presentation on theme: "Features, Code Mappings and User Access"— Presentation transcript:

1 Features, Code Mappings and User Access
Essential 2 Welcome to CALPADS Essential 2, which covers the Key Features and concepts of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, and user access. For those of you that might have printed the PowerPoint, we just want to remind you that some of the slides won’t be covered because we will be covering them in the live demonstration. They are there for you to follow along during the live demonstrations and to make notes on. The CDE has adopted the “Train the Trainer” model, which means that the LEA Administrator and possibly 1 other person in your LEA will attend all the trainings and support your district staff. The LEA Admin and the other person trained are allowed to contact the CALPADS. Other district staff are expected to consult with the LEA Admin to get questions answered. You’ll be asked to complete a training survey at the end of this session. We appreciate your input on our trainings and we have changed training sessions based on Leas' feedback. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

2 Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS LEA Administrators & individuals responsible for entering data in CALPADS should attend Essential 2 training. A best practice would be to include your supervisor in the training for a clearer understanding of the scope of data required. CALPADS should be a team effort—includes your the data stewards and individuals entering the data in your SIS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

3 Questions and Courtesy
HOLD Mute yourself There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lync Chat Box Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Here are our courtesy guidelines to create a session with minimal disruptions/interruptions: 1) Please Do not put your phone on HOLD!!! If you absolutely need to take another call during this session, please end your call with us and then call back into the training once you are done. Even if you do not press a hold button, many phones put a call on hold if you pick up a second one. The music played by the hold can be very disruptive to the training. 2) When we are presenting please make sure to mute your phone. If necessary we will mute everyone, and then you will need to wait for me to unmute everyone before you can ask a question. 3) We will stop periodically for questions. We encourage you to ask questions, That said, please hold your questions until we call for them, which we will try to do at reasonable intervals. 4) When you ask a question, please include your name and your LEA. 5) If you happen to ask a particularly lengthy question or one that is unrelated to the material currently being covered we may postpone addressing the question until the end of the presentation, in the Q & A segment of the training. 6) We want to make sure all of your questions are answered, so if you think we missed your question, please remind us of your outstanding question at the end of the presentation during the Q & A segment or send in a service ticket or attend the live Q&A held each Wednesday at 3pm Last - Lync provides a chat box where you can type questions that CSIS staff will answer, however please try to focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. If you think that you need a more immediate answer so you can understand the current slide, please ask it verbally when we pause for questions. Also note the chat box can be turned off if it creates a distraction. (explain how to do this) Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

4 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation
Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification End of Year 1 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies Here is a list of all the CALPADS trainings we provide which are available in both self-paced and webinar formats. The Essential 1 is only available in self-paced. Prior to today’s training the assumption is that you have completed E1 (Data Coordinator Orientation) that describes CP workflow and data collections. It also describes best practices for data management team and data security Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

5 Agenda Security Local Code Mapping Application & Features
Getting Started Wrap Up Reports & Extracts Essential 2 will cover: A general overview of the application & features Security Local Code Mapping Navigating Reports & Extracts How to get Started And finally we will wrap up the session Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

6 CALPADS Application and Its Features
Lets start with the review CALPADS ‘ application and its features Essential 2a Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

7 Application Design SYSTEM INTERACTIONS
CALPADS is designed to interact with End-users LEA users School users State users System interfaces CDE systems As you can see CALPADS is at the center of all interactions and the arrows show that data flows in and out of CALPADS CALPADS is designed to interact with different types of users and systems: There are different security levels that can be establish for the various user accounts. An LEA user will have access to all schools within the District or COE. A School User will only have rights to schools which they have been assigned to. A State Level User will have access to all LEAs, a CALPADS Support person is an example of state user. LEA Systems include LEA, CDE, and Vendor systems Assessment vendors will initially have access to upload test results. Systems that interact with CALPADS use automated processes to collect and report data such DC & Foster student databases. Reminder: CALPADS is not intended to be a teacher level system. It is more an administration level system. You’ll want those that are assisting you in the maintenance of the data in CALPADS to have access. Remember the CDE is using “Train the Trainer” model for CALPADS, which means you & one other person will be trained on CALPADS and then conduct internal training for your users. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Application Design SYSTEM INTERACTIONS (cont.) CALPADS manages different interactions Users Interactions LEA User Manage SSID, enrollment, state reporting, and assessment data Validate data submitted Certify data for state reporting Administer and manage users (within LEA) School User State User Manage state reporting, work flow, and data collection windows, list of expected schools Administer users (state user accounts and LEA Administrator accounts) Administer data submission, workflows, metadata, reference data, etc. This slide and the next provide detail information on the systems interactions we just covered on slide 7. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Application Design USER INTERACTIONS (cont.) Users Interactions State User Demographic data extracted for Test vendors Provide LEA test results back to CALPADS CDE Interfaces and Extracts Provide and receive data to and from the following external system or processes: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Calculation process County District School Codes / Educational Service Institution system National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Direct Certification Foster Youth Data from CDSS (CA Department of Social Svcs) assessments test results are loaded into CALPADS. Interfaces & Extracts: More and more divisions of the CDE are pulling the data from CALPADS for their reporting. The statewide NSLP matching will be brought into CALPADS through the Direct Cert process. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

10 Application Design CALPADS Portal Integration Hub (FTP)
SYSTEM COMPONENTS Staging Area Operational Data Store (ODS) State Reporting Snapshots Integration Hub (FTP) CALPADS Portal The components of CALPADS manage the interactions of its users and the resulting flow of data into and out of the system LEA Systems State Users Outside Entities CALPADS was designed to allow data to be uploaded and extracted—note data flows in and out of CALPADS. Outside entities such as LEAs, state users, & divisions of the CDE will have access to upload data & extract (pull) data in CALPADS Uploaded data initially comes into the CALPADs portal Data then moves into the Staging Area automatically. It is in the staging area where edit checks and IVRs (Input Validation Rules) are detected. These are errors on the uploaded file data. During the Post function the data is then moved into the ODS (Operational Data Store) which is a live database reflecting all posted data The last component is the State Reporting Snapshots. Throughout the year, the CDE has predefined submissions (Fall 1/Fall 2, etc.) based on specified timelines (point in time). It is during these submissions, that a snapshot of the ODS data is created and moved into the State Reporting Snapshots function—the snapshot reflects a point in time of your data in CALPADS. Very similar to you taking a picture—it only captures an image at the time when you clicked the button and doesn’t reflect changes since the picture was taken CALPADS has the ability for LEAs to upload data through the integration Hub (FTP) and you will want to check with your SIS vendor to see if they provide this function. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Application Design SYSTEM COMPONENTS (cont.) Component Description Portal The Portal component will provide users with the ability for: LEA USERS Request and maintain statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) Submit required data via batch or online Review LEA specific information regarding data submissions Perform reporting and data extraction activities STATE USERS Manage data collection windows Manage the list of schools expected to submit data Administer CALPADS user accounts View state reports Download report extracts We won’t go over slides because we covered them on slide 10. You can use them as reference if you need more detail on these components. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Application Design SYSTEM COMPONENTS (cont.) Component Description Operational Data Store The ODS captures and maintains all validated/posted student and teacher related data submitted by the LEAs and assessment vendors in a longitudinal structure. This data store is the source for reporting and data extraction. State Reporting Snapshots The state reporting snapshot is a view of the data in the CALPADS ODS at particular points-in-time based on a snapshot collection window. Before the start of the snapshot collection window, CALPADS takes a current snapshot of data for the LEA and stores it in the Snapshot database. The LEA has an opportunity to review and certify each snapshot. Once certified the data is frozen for official state reporting and analysis. Staging Area The Staging Area is the temporary storage for LEA submitted data until these are corrected, validated, and approved or “certified” for loading to the Operational Data Store (ODS). The Staging Area is the initial data loading point for all data submission. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Application Design SYSTEM COMPONENTS (cont.) Component Description Integration Hub The Integration Hub is a logical component of CALPADS that contains FTP Landing Zone The Landing Zone is a temporary storage for all incoming FTP files to CALPADS. Data are processed at the Landing Zone before they are posted to the Staging database. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

(Demonstrate this section live. The presentation is available to guide the presenter as well as to provide a reference for the audience.) Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

OK, I’ll be switching over to the live demonstration and for those of you who have printed out the presentation, we are starting on slide 19 through 45. We may not go through the slides exactly in the order you see here but pretty close to it. If you would like to do a demonstration locally for district staff, this presentation is set up to do that. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

16 Portal Overview Demonstration
LOGIN PAGE A User ID and Password are required to enter CALPADS After 3 unsuccessful attempts to login, CALPADS will lock you out for 10 minutes. Login in Screen for CALPADS (security begins at the very beginning of entry into CALPADS. Access to CALPADS requires the following: Enter your user id Password And check the box “I agree to the statement below”—references CALPADS rules & behaviors, which refers to the confidentiality of the data in the system. You have to check this box every time you login into CALPADS Important to remember if you attempt 3 times to sign into CALPADS and are unsuccessful, CALPADS locks you out for 10 minutes. You will want to wait 10 minutes, try to log in, and if you are unsuccessful this time you will want to contact support through the service desk. We will be setting up the user id & password when we cover the Admin menu a little later in today’s training There is a “forgot password” link which and we will talk about this process & the temporary password when we discuss the security level section Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

17 Application Organization
PORTAL MENU User The functions of CALPADS are organized with a series of tabs. These tabs allow an authorized user to move between system functions in order to perform specific tasks or to retrieve information. Home View a dashboard of system and general notifications relating to the operation of CALPADS SSID Enrollment Perform student enrollment processes: SSID assignment and entry of enrollment, student information, & program data In just a moment, we will get into the portal demonstration and Slides can be reviewed after today’s training for clarification on the portal menus. We will be covering them in the live demonstration. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

18 Application Organization
PORTAL MENUS (cont.) User State Reporting Manage scheduled data collection processes, including data maintenance, data submission, and data certification Assessment Review and extract the test results provided by assessment vendors File Submissions (Not available at this time) Reports Access reports and data extracts Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

19 Application Organization
PORTAL MENUS (cont.) User Admin Administer user security for local accounts Map local codes to CALPADS codes Help Access file templates View documentation such the CALPADS User Manual and CALPADS Error List Submit Service Desk Request ? View context-sensitive online help Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

20 Portal Overview Demonstration
HOMEPAGE The Homepage provides a dashboard of system and general notifications relating to the operation of CALPADS Here’s a high level look of the system itself. This is the CALPADS Home Page and there are 4 dashboards and they can help you manage you’re activities in CALPADS. If text is Blue and Underlined, the user may click the text to link/drill down to supporting data. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

21 Portal Overview Demonstration
HOMEPAGE (cont.) This section will display notifications generated by CALPADS such as the status of Extract File requests or creation of an enrollment in another LEA that overlaps the SSID’s enrollment in your LEA This section will notify the user of important messages related to CALPADS The status of the LEAs anomalies will display in this section … Important Messages: Will notify you of any important announcements such as DC/foster results are available. A best practice would be to review this each time you sign into CALPADS to avoid missing notices Status of Submission: Provides the user with the status of each batch file uploaded in CALPADS—as you continue with the remaining trainings this dashboard will become very useful as it will expedite accessing your submitted files. Anomaly Status: Essential 4 training covers anomalies but this describes the most current state of anomalies that exist for your LEA. CALPADS Notification: There are notifications that are built in by CALPADS that will tell you when certain events happen. For example, say another LEA just enrolled one of your students that you still have enrolled with an open enrollment. Obviously that means a CCE has occurred. So this is where you’ll get the initial notification that the event has occurred. There are a number of other notices that you’ll receive. The intent here is that you have information as quickly as possible so that, if there something you need to address, you can address it very quickly. Please remember we are doing a high level overview of the CP homepage to assist in your navigation within CP This section will provide the user of the status of data submissions … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

22 Portal Overview Demonstration
Note that each menu offers selections from sub-menus as a landing page that provides access to all of the sub-functions To the right of the word CALPADS are tabs that allow you to hover over them to see the sub-menus or you click on the tab to drill down to the landing page. The landing page assists new users by providing more information for the sub-menus. A best practice would be to click on each tab for new users. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

23 Portal Overview Demonstration
Locate an existing SSID… Assign an initial SSID Enroll a student in a school Enter student information Enter programs … SSID ENROLLMENT (cont.) I’ve highlighted Online Maintenance & you can see the submenus: Search for students, Request SSIDs, Request record extracts & Download requested files. Essential 3 will go into details on how the search works, how the request for SSID will work, and how each of these can lead into the completion of the enrollment of a student online in CALPADS. The Online Maintenance menu accesses functions to assign/locate an SSID and complete a student’s enrollment with all of the needed information Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

24 Portal Overview Demonstration
SSID ENROLLMENT (cont.) The Manage Submissions menu accesses functions to load data in a batch job Upload File(s) - provides the ability to add data to CALPADS either through the SIS generated batch files or from Excel spreadsheets using the File Templates View the Submission Status provides the ability to CALPADS has predefined file formats. SIS vendors have added the ability to generate these extracts to their SIS product. Check with your vendor for instructions on creating the CALPADS extracts LEAs can either upload a batch file generated from their SIS or manually populate the Excel templates available on the Help menu Once the upload process is completed, you can view the status of the file submission. This is where you will determine if there are any errors in your file submission, LEAs can upload batch files in either the SSID Enrollment tab or State Reporting tab View File Status View Rejected Records Post passed records Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

25 Portal Overview Demonstration
SSID ENROLLMENT (cont.) Anomalies are available through the SSID enrollment menu. There are screens that will allow you to manage these anomalies. We will get into anomalies in training Essential 4B. The Anomaly Reports menu accesses functions to View and correct anomalies View the % of enrollments involved in anomalies Attend Essential 4 Training for anomalies Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

26 Portal Overview Demonstration
STATE REPORTING The State Reporting functions manage the maintenance of data in preparation for an upcoming data submission… The State reporting features are covered in the specific Fall 1, Fall 2 , and EOY trainings. You’ll notice that there is Online Maintenance here as well as the SSID enrollment screen. The important thing to see here is that both SSID enrollment Tab and State Reporting Tab have the OM and the Manage Submissions functions, which means you can either manage individual records online or through batch file uploads in either tab. EOY1 EOY2 EOY3 FALL 1 FALL 2 Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

27 Portal Overview Demonstration
STATE REPORTING The State Reporting menu tab provides access to Online Maintenance Individual records are added or maintained online Manage Submissions Data input or updates are performed with batch input files Manage Certifications Certification reports are reviewed and data is certified as accurate Just like the other tab menus, you have the option to use the submenus or the landing page to navigate in state reporting. Submenus here look a little different then they do in the SSID enrollment. The main difference between them is that no new SSIDs can be assigned in state reporting. They can only be requested in SSID enrollment. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

28 Portal Overview Demonstration
STATE REPORTING (cont.) Note that SSID Enrollment, Student Information and Student Program data for existing students can be entered either in SSID Enrollment or State Reporting at anytime. The State Reporting menu has its own sub-menus viewed either by hovering over the menu or click on State Reporting to open the landing page. This is where you can maintain student information such as race/ethnicity, grade level, programs they are participating in, staff data, etc. The Online Maintenance menu accesses functions to Enter staff data Locate a staff member and maintain staff member’s data Locate an existing student’s data Maintain an existing student’s enrollment, student information, programs. ELAS, Discipline, Waivers, and Career Technical Education Enter course data and maintain it Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

29 Portal Overview Demonstration
STATE REPORTING (cont.) The Manage Submissions menu accesses functions to Upload File(s) - provides the ability to add data to CALPADS either through the SIS generated batch files or from Excel spreadsheets using the File Templates View Submission Status provides the ability to This is where you’ll load data related to a specific submission (F1/2, EOY1-3) View the batch file submission status View Rejected records in a file Post passed records in a file Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

30 Portal Overview Demonstration
STATE REPORTING (cont.) The Manage Certifications menu accesses functions to View the status of a certification snapshot View the records that did not pass the certification edits View the anomaly % for the certification data View reports that display data to be certified Certify the data Decertify data, if necessary Once the data has been posted and in the ODS, it will be copied over to the snapshot database, & you’ll get various views of the data in the snapshot. This is where you’ll start determining whether or not you are ready to certify your data; or you can continue loading data into the ODS to get the data correct, so that the next snapshot will have the correct data in it. More on this in the Reporting and Certification training sessions offered for each submission. Remaining Tabs: Assessment Menu: the assessment module will allow an LEA to view various assessment results, generate reports or download assessment results. File Submission Menu: functionality has not been implemented at this time Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

31 Portal Overview Demonstration
REPORTS The Reports menu tab provides access to these functions Submission Reports Error Reports that display data from uploaded files ODS Reports Aggregate and detail reports that display data from the ODS sorted by data collection Extracts Extracts are listed that are available to download data from the ODS Snapshot Reports Aggregate and detail reports that display data for each data collection County/Authorizing LEA Reports Only COEs and Authorizing LEAs review of IRC We will provide a high level overview of the Reports tab later in the training Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

32 Portal Overview Demonstration
REPORTS (cont.) These reports access data from the ODS Reports: we will go into later. Remember ODS Reports reflect your entire CALPADS data that has been posted. ODS Reports are always a day behind—denote by the date in “Red”—which means the data on these reports are based as of this date. Each report offers filters to configure the data Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

33 Portal Overview Demonstration
REPORTS (cont.) Each extract offers filters to customize the data And then there are the Extracts. This is where the CALPADS data can be requested for downloading. Extracts allow you to pull data down from CALPADS to load into your SIS. The Landing page separates the various Request files from the Retrieve Files. The Extracts menu accesses pre-defined files for downloading ODS data Candidate List Rejected Records SSID Extract Replacement SSIDs ODS Extracts Direct Certification Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

34 Portal Overview Demonstration
REPORTS (cont.) Last are the County/Authorizing LEA Reports. Accessing the County/Authorizing reports requires a special role. Aggregate reports display for each district in a county once the district or IRC certifies their submission. County Office of Education can use this report to monitor their districts. The Authorizing LEA can use this report to monitor the Independently Reporting Charters certification. Access to the County/Authorizing Reports requires a special role Provides certified aggregate reports for each district and IRC in a county for COE monitoring Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

35 Portal Overview Demonstration
ADMINISTRATION This is the administration menu. Shortly, we will be going into user security and local code mapping. I mentioned earlier that I signed in as a state user—point to the login info top right of screen. As a result, I see 2 other submenus that will not be available to LEAs on their menu, since they are state-level functions. CDE will use these to manage those snapshots, and to set up submission windows which tells CALPADS when it should be sending you important notes about when a snapshot process is beginning. It is also where CDE will identify schools that will be excluded from a particular data submission. The Administration menu provides access to …. User Security Local Code Mapping Manage User Profile View Direct Certification Status Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

36 Portal Overview Demonstration
HELP Context-sensitive help explains the use of the current page Error List, User Manual, LEA Operations Manual, Batch Templates, and Service Request The LEA User Manual is only available to those of you that have the security level of LEA Administrator. You will also have access to: Error List & a place to request service. Notice you have the option to use either the submenus or the landing page The preferred method to request assistance from support is through the Service Request template but you can contact the CALPADS support desk via The Help menu provides access to …. CALPADS User Manual Batch File Templates Download Service Desk Request Form Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

37 The “?” Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

38 Application Navigation Aids
BREADCRUMB TRAIL Breadcrumb trail records the path taken to arrive at the current screen The items in the trail can be selected to return to a previous screen Very quickly before we go through the demonstration, I’d like to go over navigation aids so that, as I bring up the system, you will be familiar with these navigation aids. Most of you are familiar with online internet applications but some of you are not. CALPADS is dependent on Breadcrumb trails. The breadcrumbs indicates all the steps you took to get to a point in the application. If you need to return where you came from, you can click on the breadcrumbs and go back to a previous step in the process you were performing. Read the Note: In most instances, the back button on the browser will work but the browser can change very quickly and CALPADS will never be able to keep up with all the various combinations. There will be times that the back button can be unpredictable, which is why we recommend using the breadcrumb trail for navigation. Note that the breadcrumbs should be used instead of the browser back button Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

39 Application Navigation Aids
DROPDOWN LISTS Dropdown lists supply standardized data needed in CALPADS. All kinds of dropdown lists are used in CALPADS. This one is for the country codes. You can spot a “dropdown” whenever you see a down arrow in the selection box. Most dropdown lists default to All. Dropdowns display available options for selections Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

40 Application Navigation Aids
FILTER OPTIONS Filters allow configured views of data Must click on Apply Filter button Data presented are based on the selections made from the dropdowns, which indicate the selected data Filter options allow you to configure your data. This indicates it’s for the 15/16 school year (remember CALPADS provides historical data for viewing). The snapshot is for F1. Clicking on Apply Filters button will change the system’s default filters to the ones you have selected. Clicking on Reset Filters button will change the filter(s) back to the system’s defaults. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

41 Application Navigation Aids
LOOKUP FUNCTION Here is an example of the lookup function for School of Attendance. I’m signed in as state user & I can go in & lookup any LEA. The system will default to your LEA’s security account set up for you. This is a good example of the lookup function & you’ll experience other ways to lookup LEAs. You will have access to only your LEA and your LEA’s data, unless you are one of the few individuals that are approved for access to multiple LEAs. Values are displayed that begin with the letter of the alphabet selected Lookups displays the valid values for the field The selected value populates the field Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

42 Application Navigation Aids
PAGE FUNCTION You can see there is a paging function. Most of the data in CALPADS will return a lot of information. You can set a default for the page or, if you want to see more info, you can set it to return more info or all info. These aids allow you to Adjust number of displayed records Navigate through pages of records Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

43 Application Navigation Aids
CALENDAR TOOL The calendar tool--we’ve all used these. You select the date in the calendar & data is populated in the Date field. A calendar displays when the icon is clicked The calendar date selected populates the field Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

44 Application Navigation Aids
COLUMN SORT By double clicking on the column, you can sort by ascending or descending order. The direction of the arrow indicates if the sort is ascending or descending. Most columns on a displayed list can be sorted in this manner. The values in a column are sorted with a double click The sorted values are noted with the red triangle, indicating either ascending or descending sort Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

45 Application Navigation Aids
REVEAL BUTTON Reveal buttons display and hide data The reveal button is provided in a number of areas of the application. This one happens to be the candidate list (for possible matches). When the arrow is pointing to the right, it indicates there is additional information that is available to you about the process you are attempting to perform. When you click on it and the arrow is now pointed down, it means the information has been made available to you. The values relating to the data shown are hidden Clicking the Reveal Button shows the values relating to the originally shown data Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

46 Application Navigation Aids
SEARCH Wildcard FUNCTIONS The wildcard * is accepted for names in this Search The search function with wildcard (the Essential 3 course will get into the actual operation of this search function, but you’ll see this is an SSID enrollment search that took place and this particular search will support the * wildcard. You’ll see I put my last name & my first name initial with an *. The system will bring up all the records in the database that match that. Obviously you are going to get more matches using the * than using the name “Martha.” Recognize you can do it either way, but if you put in “Martha” in CALPADS, it will only show Martha; or if you put in a specific gender, CALPADS is only going to bring back that specific gender. There are multiple ways to use the search capability & you can experiment and determine which is most useful for you. Search function finds data based on the selection criteria All data that meet the criteria are presented Note that the Search By Demographics is faster when more fields are entered; however in order to return a result, the data entered must be an exact match Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

47 Application Navigation Aids
Description Breadcrumb Trail Appears at the top left of each page showing the path that the user has taken to get to the current page. Each entry in the bread crumb trail signifies a tab, link, or button that the user has selected in reaching the current point, with the location in bold letters. Dropdown Lists Displays a list of valid data for that field. The dropdown list is generally used to supply a list of codes in a particular code set. Filter Options Provides LEAs the option of refining the data displayed in order to locate the information needed easier. Wildcard Search Functions Allows you to search for student and staff and includes the use of Wildcard searches (*). Lookup Function Allows LEAs to search for the standardized value for the field and select the value to populate the box. This slide and the next slide list the navigation aids that are built into the CALPADS system and are for your reference. During the demonstration, I will point out the available navigation aide. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017 47

48 Application Navigation Aids
Navigation Aids (cont.) Aid Description Page Function Allows the user to move efficiently through the data and to provide an indication of the subset of data the user is currently viewing. Shows the current page being displayed and the total number of pages for that list. The user may select a page number to view. Calendar Tool Allows the user to view a pop-up calendar and select the appropriate date for a field. Column Sort Allows the user to sort the displayed records based upon the data in a column. This can be in ascending or descending order Reveal Button Is provided for a number of applications within CALPADS. When the reveal button is displayed, it indicates there is additional information that is available to the user about the process you are attempting to perform. When the user clicks on the Reveal button, the information is displayed. Click again to hide the information. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017 48

49 KEY POINTS (Demonstrate this section live. The presentation is available to guide the presenter as well as to provide a reference for the audience.) Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

50 KEY POINTS – Application and Features
Summary KEY POINTS – Application and Features Menu Tabs group like activity File submissions Reports Data input can be accomplished in multiple ways Online Batch Data can be entered and maintained at any time Many report views of the data are available Aggregate and detail data ODS and Snapshots Longitudinal Data Capture Longitudinal data stored to enable point-in-time reporting Key points of the application and features of CALPADS: The Menu Tabs have been set up to group common activities. SSID Enrollment is generally used to upload enrollment and obtain SSIDs. The State Report tab is used when a particular data submission needs to be certified. The Reports tab offers a consolidated list of various reports available in CALPADS. The Admin tab provides the Security functionality and Local Code Mapping tool. For data input, CALPADS gives you more flexibility. You have more than one option to submit data online or batch. Data can be entered & maintained at any time which means you do not have to wait until a certain submission is open to start working on that particular data. More and more divisions of the CDE are pulling data from CALPADS to report to the state and federal government. It is important that CALPADS be kept up-to-date. Different views: views of the ODS data which is your current data, views of the snapshot data which is that point in time snapshot of your data, views of exceptions/errors on uploaded data, & views of your data to verify accuracy prior to posting just to name a few CALPADS wants to make sure you have as much control as possible for the data you are entering to ensure that it is an accurate representation of your LEA. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

51 CALPADS Security Essential 2b On to CALPADS Security
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52 Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

53 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management USER ACCOUNTS A User ID and Password are assigned to a user when a CALPADS User Account is set up. The LEA Admin creates all the LEA account holders accounts and manages the ROLES and SECURITY levels for everyone. Managing user accounts: we’ll review how the user security functionality works in a few minutes. The following data is required to set up a user by the LEA Administrator User id: assigned by the LEA CALPADS Administrator. 8 min/20 max characters. CDE recommends that you use the firstinitiallastname and CD code. Based on the 20 character max, the firstinitiallastname can only have 12 characters. You’ll want to truncate the name if it is too long. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

54 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management USER ACCOUNTS (cont.) User’s Name – the name of the individual needing to access CALPADS User ID – the ID used to sign into CALPADS. It is assigned by the LEA CALPADS Administrator. It can only contain 20 characters total. The recommended format is FirstInitialLastName.CDCode with the FirstInitialLastName containing only 12 characters. – the user’s address to which CALPADS will send a temporary password Phone Number – the user’s phone number Include extension Here’s what you’ll need as LEA Administrator to set up user accounts: An address will be needed for the user because CALPADS will automatically create an to be sent to the user that you created with their temporary password, which means you will review the address typed to verify it is correct. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

55 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management USER ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENTS Assign user accounts to the individuals who … are designated to accomplish the tasks associated with the ongoing preparation, submission, maintenance, and approval of data within CALPADS require access to the reports and data CALPADS offers Assign accounts that allow access appropriate to the individual’s responsibility Review local Data Confidentiality guidelines User account assignments should be made for users assigned to tasks for ongoing preparation, submissions, maintenance & approval of data within CALPADS. And for those in your district that are going to want access to reports and data in CALPADS, such as your principals or someone else in your program areas who wish to stay current on the program information available. So the LEA User Manual goes over the actual roles all the way down to actual reports. You can give someone access to only 1 report in the system and that would be their only access, or you can give them access to all the reports. You’ll want to look at who within your district will have access & then what their roles will be based on the tasks they’re responsible for. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Overview USER SECURITY ACCOUNTS (cont.) The user security Roles in CALPADS control the type of data or function accessible - Role Description LEA Administrator Provides access to all functionality excluding Certifier, Direct Certification, and Anomaly contact roles All Provides access to all SSID enrollment and State Reporting functionality SSID Online Provides functionality to create and manage SSID Enrollment and State Reporting records using the online interface Batch Provides functionality to create and manage SSID enrollment and State Reporting records using the batch upload interface Security roles will then identify more about the type of data or function the user can access. Notice the first role here is the LEA Administrator. An account with this role requires an application to be filled out and sent to CDE for approval. This role is the one the CDE assigns to a LEA users & allows that user to have access to all the functionality that an LEA user can have, with a couple of exceptions--and we’ll talk about what a certifier, anomaly, & direct certification roles are a little later. The other roles are more discreet on what the access will be in CALPADS. You can set this up so the user only has access to the Online function and can only have it for SSID enrollment. You can give somebody the capability to batch only, or to have both the Online and Batch capabilities. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Overview USER SECURITY ACCOUNTS (cont.) Role Description BatchNoPost Provides the same functionality as “Batch” role with the exception of the user not being able to perform the final post to the ODS SENR Search Provides ability to only search for a specific SSID and view the results - a read-only role Reports - Provides access to run and view reports by data collection (e.g. Enrollment/Title III Eligible Immigrants/English Learners = Fall 1) Direct Certification Provides functionality to manage Direct Certification data Free Reduced Lunch Provides functionality to create and manage Free and Reduced Lunch program records Or someone can have the function to batch but not BatchNoPost—which means the user will have the functionality to upload a batch file but not post it. There are many user roles in the LEA Operations Manual &, if you are the LEA Administrator and want to become familiar with these roles, you can review them here. The Report role has different levels. Access to all reports can be set or specific data collection reports. (e.g. Enrollment/Title III Eligible Immigrants/English Learners = Fall 1) Free Reduced Lunch role allows access to submit the SPRG file with program codes 181 ad 182 and view those program records. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Overview USER SECURITY ACCOUNTS (cont.) Additional roles exist that control functions only …. Role Description Data Collection Certifier Allows access to the certification capability in State Reporting Superintendent Certifier Anomaly Contact Identifies the individual serving as the LEA contact for anomalies Here are 3 additional roles that are slightly different from the other roles: Data Collection Certifier -- a level 1 workflow, Superintendent Certifier -- a level 2 workflow, can be a designee These roles can be assigned to the same person for level 1 & 2, this will require you to click twice that you approve/certify the data because of this scenario. The LEA Admin account does not have these roles available The anomaly contact role identifies the person that other LEAs can contact if they are having difficulties with an anomaly. If this role is established the contact info will show on some Anomaly reports. In Essential 3 training, we will look at the anomaly screen, and you will see the anomaly contact for the district that you are having a conflict with. So please do other districts a favor by setting up the anomaly contact &, hopefully, they’ll do the same thing. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

59 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management USER ACCESS RIGHTS The combination of a Security Level and a Role determines a user’s access rights and enables the user to perform necessary tasks within CALPADS. For example a typical LEA User will be created with a Security Level of “LEA” and be assigned user roles based on their local CALPADS responsibilities. If the user is only responsible for submitting the LEA’s enrollment data to CALPADS, the user might be assigned the “BatchNoPost” role. For a user expected to have limited interaction with CALPADS, multiple roles could be assigned such as (e.g. BatchNoPost and Online). However, when a certain access right is intended for a user (e.g., SSID Online), it is not necessary to assign other roles that are encompassed in the broader role, such as SENR Search. If both roles are assigned to the user, CALPADS allows access based on the role with the most functionality. The combination of security level and the role then will determine what level access users have to CALPADS. Designed to help you be flexible in whatever design you want to set up for your users and their interaction with CALPADS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Overview USER SECURITY ACCOUNTS (cont.) Access Rights to Multiple schools An LEA user can have access rights to multiple schools. A school user can have access rights to multiple schools. There are two options for setting up access to multiples: Define the rights within one User Account; however the access rights must be the same for all LEAs Define multiple User Accounts for one user We discussed earlier, users can have access rights assigned to multiple schools within your district. If they have rights to multiple schools, they must have the same roles assigned. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Overview LEA ADMINISTRATOR APPLICATION LEA Administrator account Submit a Service Ticket requesting an LEA Application Carefully compete each section and have the Supt. Sign Save a copy locally, and return LEA Admin application NOTE: This can take 3-5 days to complexprocess. Functionality LEA Administrator account cannot do: Certify submissions View or upload NSLP records Direct Certification results The combination of security level and the admin role will determine what level of access users have to CALPADS. Both functions are designed to help you in whatever way you want to set up your local interaction with CALPADS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Overview LEA ADMINISTRATOR APPLICATION IMPORTANT NOTE: If the LEA Administrator will also be responsible for the following Tasks; Certify submissions View or upload NSLP records Direct Certification results The LEA Admin will need a second additional account with the LEA Roles to include these tasks. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

63 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Directory information (non-confidential data elements) may be disclosed without consent Schools must notify parents and eligible students of their right to opt out of data release Means of notification at the discretion of the school FERPA is the federal law that governs the privacy of student records. related to student privacy regarding third-party contractors, gathering student information from social media, and additional safeguards related to websites, online services and applications. schools may disclose, without consent, some non-confidential data elements schools annually notify parents and eligible students about their rights under FERPA including the option NOT to release directory information. You must allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. (Example: October 1st) The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school. So you need to establish procedures for parents to opt-out of data releases and ensure they are implemented. Many systems have a field that can be flagged to skip students whose parents have chosen to opt-out. If you are an LEA with grades 11 & 12 you must also establish procedures for release of information to the Military. You are required to release this information when requested unless a parent requested that information not be released. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the certain parties or under the following condition: School officials with legitimate educational interest; Other schools to which a student is transferring; To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and These are just a couple of allowable examples. It is essential that you review the FERPA regulations to see the full list. Flag students in SIS whose parents have opted out Schools with grades 11 and 12 must establish procedures to release data to military Records can be shared without consent under specific circumstances Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

64 Data Security Staff Agreements Passwords Snooping Social Engineering
Form to be reviewed and signed each year Staff Agreements Set guidelines for establishing passwords and change frequency Passwords Legitimate access but outside scope of responsibilities Snooping Techniques used to “trick” people into disclosing confidential info Social Engineering Establish written policies, maintain careful records Data release procedure/protocols Board can set appropriate access, samples available Board Policies Put procedures in place to safeguard confidential information Faxing Best practice is to avoid using with personally identifiable information Data security also refers to preventing inappropriate taking of data and the casual or deliberate release of private or confidential information. Staff Agreements – establish policies regarding the safeguarding of student information, which should be reviewed and signed each year Passwords - set guidelines for establishing passwords and how frequently they need to be updated Snooping is legitimate access but outside scope of responsibilities, like a staff member who has access to the student system for attendance reporting, but is using it to look up the neighbors grades and discipline Social Engineering are techniques used to “trick” people into disclosing confidential info, like a student trying to gain access to change grades Data release procedure/protocols should be established, maintain careful records when any data is released, such as who requested, for what purpose, and the scope of the data released The board can set policies regarding who has appropriate access to data, samples policies are available on the CSIS website Faxing is not recommended, but if you must fax, put procedures in place to safeguard confidential information. For instance make sure the person to whom you are faxing student information is available to receive and protect it. - best practice is to avoid using with personally identifiable information. It is okay to use SSIDs, but you should not be using other personal information. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Now we will discuss password management in CP Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

66 9/8/2018 Password Management PASSWORD CREATION Once an account is set up, the user receives an with a temporary password. It must be changed when the user first signs into CALPADS. Password Rules: Be at least 8 characters and up to 15 characters in length Contain at least one uppercase letter Contain at least one lowercase letter Contain at least one of the following non-alphanumeric characters: # $ ^ & * - = _ + ? Password Expiration: Temporary Passwords expire after 10 days After 90 days, users are prompted to change passwords, selecting one that has not been used for the last 6 passwords Password is required at the login screen. After the LEA Admin sets up a new user account & saves it, an will be sent to the address provided with a temporary password. The Temporary password will expire in 10 days For the Temporary password— users can cut & paste into the password field on the login screen. It will then take you to the change password screen that I’ll show you in a minute. These are the rules for setting up passwords (also described in the Users Manual—not the Operations Manual): · should be a minimum of eight characters (alpha, numeric, and/or special characters), and · will expire in 90 days. After 90 days, users will be prompted to change their passwords, selecting a new password they have not used previously. Can’t re-use a password until 6 changes have been completed. . Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

67 Password Management PASSWORD RETRIEVAL
9/8/2018 Password Management PASSWORD RETRIEVAL To receive a password from the Forgot Password link on the login page, a user must complete the security questions in the CALPADS User Profile. Once the account is verified, the user receives an with a temporary password. It must be changed when the user first signs into CALPADS. The first time the new user logs onto the network, he or she will be prompted to change his or her temporary password. This password: · should be a minimum of eight characters (alpha, numeric, and special characters) If the user has set up the security questions, they’ll have the ability to click on Forgot Password & and a temporary password will be ed to them. User must enter User ID, what they think is their password, & click on the I agree statement to have the ability to click on Forgot Password button. Users are given three grace logins to change their password. If the password is not changed after three logins, the user will be locked out of the system for 10 minutes. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

68 SECURITY MANAGEMENT 9/8/2018 Let’s discuss security management
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 SECURITY MANAGEMENT DEMONSTRATION Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

70 9/8/2018 Overview Acceptance of the terms of usage is required in order to log into CALPADS As you can see, security begins at login. User id & password are required to gain access to CALPADS. & you have to accept the terms of usage as well, each time you attempt to login. It is worth noting the importance in understanding your responsibility in protecting the data in CALPADS what the acceptance of the terms mean – This system is intended for authorized users only, in accordance with the CALPADS Rules of Behavior Agreement, and applicable state and federal laws.  Unauthorized access to or use of this system, or any information therein, is strictly prohibited by Department policy, the CALPADS Rules of Behavior Agreement, and applicable state and federal laws. Unauthorized access to this system, and/or unauthorized use of information from this system may result in civil and/or criminal penalties under applicable state and federal laws. By using this system, you are acknowledging and agreeing that all information concerning your access to this system, including but not limited to any information entered, stored or retrieved by you, may be monitored, retrieved, and/or disclosed by authorized personnel, including authorized network administrators and CDE personnel, for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to criminal prosecution. You’ll be allowed 3 login attempts &, after the 3rd unsuccessful attempt, the system will time out for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes, you can attempt to sign in again. Don’t forget the “forget password” option; if it has taken 3 attempts to get in, it probably means you have forgotten your password. If your system sits idle for 20 minutes or more, it will time out. This is part of the CALPADS security so the sensitive data available isn’t accessible to wandering eyes (unauthorized individuals). CALPADS security begins at login. A User ID and Password are required to gain access… Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

71 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management CREATE NEW USER One of the very first things as LEA Administrator will be to set up the user accounts by: Clicking on the admin menu, which brings up a subset of menus. Clicking on user security, which brings up a lower level of menu items within the user security menu. LEA Administrator Responsibilities: Make sure all staff granted access to CALPADS understand their responsibility with security and confidentiality (CALAPDS Rules of Behavior Agreement found in the LEA Admin application). Set up user’s security & roles Manage Security questions (have all users answer the security questions) Change Password or Reset Password Manage Local Code Mapping Review, at least once a year, revoke accounts for staff that have left your LEA. How to revoke accounts will be discussed in more detail later New user accounts are created on the User Security screen, accessed from the Administration menu Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

72 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management CREATE NEW USER Click “Create User” … If “School” is the level chosen, the LEA field appears under the User Level selection The User ID may only contain 20 characters total. The recommended format is … FirstInitialLastName.CDCode with the FirstInitialLastName containing only 12 characters … Enter information about the user User’s temporary password will be ed to address entered here Autopost, a batch processing capability, can be added later … Select the User Security Level (Only LEA and School available to an LEA) We’ll walk through how to create a new user account, search for a user account, & how to maintain those user accounts that you’ve already set up. The security reports: Only the administrator is going to have access to these reports. We will not run them right now. You can view by the users & see all the assigned roles that have been set up for them. These reports will assist you in setting up & reviewing who has access to CALPADS. What you need to create new users: You’ll enter the user’s name, User id: remember the recommendation of the 8 min/20 max character requirements (e.g., psampson ) address of the user you’re setting up (proof read it for accuracy) because this is the address CALPADS will send the temporary password to. For demonstration, I’m entering my address because the system needs an account to send the temp password to. Enter phone # (usually the phone # of the admin) you will use. There is an Autopost flag here but I’ll ignore it for this training because Essential 3 training will discuss this function. We talked of levels of security. Notice there are 2 security levels: LEA (access to all schools in LEA) & School Role (access to an individual/multiple schools within the LEA): After selecting the security level, the bottom portion of the screen opens the role selection portion. The system defaults to your LEA unless you happen to be one of those few individuals who are managing multiple LEAs. The majority of LEAs will only be managing their LEA. If the school level security has been selected, the school will need to be selected in Selected LEA drop down. You’ll see more roles when you sign in. If you are setting up a user to have access to multiple schools, you must set them up individually through each school, since you can’t attach both schools at once. CALPADS requires you select the schools separately. Enter the user’s information and Security Level …. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

73 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management CREATE NEW USER (cont.) If “LEA” Level was selected above, the LEA of the LEA Administrator is defaulted. A State Administrator can locate an LEA with the Lookup function If “School” level was selected, “Select School” will appear here. Enter the school, using the Lookup function …. Select role or roles to be assigned …. Click the “Assign Role(s)” button. The role now appears in the Assigned Role list. Click “Remove Role(s) if a role is to be eliminated …. Don’t forget to set up a separate acct for yourself so you have a different user acct. than the administrator to perform other roles than the admin acct. You will determine & assign which roles the user will have in accessing CALPADS. This is done by selecting the roles you want the user to have on the left side, then click on the assign role button. This will move the roles over to the assign role box, which means the role(s) selected will be assigned to the user once the Save button has been clicked.. There is a hierarchy here. If I click that higher role, such as SSID Enrollment, you’ll see that Batch & BatchNoPost seem to be in conflict with one another. It’s not really an issue with CALPADS because CALPADS will assume the user has the highest level of authority based on any two that may appear to be in conflict. Batch includes posting & BatchNoPost means you can submit batch files but not post them. This user is going to be given the highest role which is Batch. So you don’t have to worry about the BatchNoPost role. Lets just say that I’m not comfortable that my user will know when to post the files upload, I can delete the Batch role and they won’t be able to post the data. They can still search, and use Online Maintenance. There was a question in a previous training session asking how can I prevent a user from coming into Online Maintenance and messing up the data we just cleaned up in the Batch process. You can make sure that the user isn’t assigned the SSID Enrollment Online capability. It’s as easy as clicking on a few buttons. The higher level of roles are indicated in blue & the lower level is green. Click “Save The Roles pane appears when the Security Level is selected …. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

74 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management DUPLICATE A USER’S ROLES Once a user is successfully added, the same account capabilities can be duplicated for another user …. Notice on the upper left hand corner states “User successfully added”. It is very important that you continue to look at this portion of the screen because you will receive feedback from the system based on what’s happening in the system. So if you are ever having problems, please review this area of the screen to see if it can tell you what has happened. Now lets use Duplicate functionality. Once you’ve set up a set of roles the way you want them and you know that other users will have the same roles, you can use the Duplicate button to assign those roles to a new user without having to enter them again. When the Duplicate button is selected, it maintains the roles that I just set up for a user but clears out the fields on the top. If you have multiple users to set up with the same roles, you don’t want to have to go in & enter them individually like I just did—especially one that has a lot of capabilities. You just click on the Duplicate button. You can then enter your new users with the same roles and click on Duplicate & then Save as many times as you need to. If you don’t have another with these same roles, but you need to set up another user, just click on the Reset/Add Another User button. Click “Duplicate” Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

75 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management CREATE ANOTHER USER Click “Reset/Add Another User” New screen Once a user is successfully added, another user can be set up with different capabilities also … Once the user account has been created (saved button selected & message “User successfully completed” appeared in the top left of screen), and you want to add another user, you’ll simply click on Reset/Add Another User button. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

76 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management SEARCH/MAINTAIN EXISTING USER Enter at least one of the information fields …. Click “Search” You can search for a user by clicking on the upper Search button. Just by entering the last name and clicking on the Search button at the bottom of the screen will provide a list of all the users added with that last name. . Enter any user information including an * (wildcard) to locate all accounts for a user…. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

77 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management SEARCH/MAINTAIN EXISTING USER (cont.) Click the User Name to display account information By clicking on the name, the system will bring up that user’s information for me to either edit or revoke. Any changes must be saved. All of the user’s accounts are listed …. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

78 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management SEARCH/MAINTAIN EXISTING USER (cont.) A user’s account can be changed …. Click “Edit” To change a user’s account, you click on the Edit button (notice the fields are greyed out until you click on Edit). This allows you to add/delete roles for the user. Don’t forget to click on the Save button to save the changes. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

79 User Account Management
9/8/2018 User Account Management SEARCH/MAINTAIN EXISTING USER (cont.) The fields are no longer grey. The account information can now be changed. LEA Admin only: Can revoke a user’s account by searching by last name & clicking on the revoke button (remove the anomaly role before revoking an account). The account is no longer active. You will want to set up some local practices so, as district staff leave the district, you have procedures established to revoke their accounts. You can also reset the password by clicking on the Reset button. You’ll want to make sure that your users have set up their user profile (including security questions) so that you don’t have to do this. If they haven’t set up their profile, then, as the LEA Administrator, you can come in & reset their password. An will be initiated by the system with the new temporary password when the LEA Admin resets the account. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

80 Password Management 9/8/2018
Now we’ll look at managing your password in CALPADS Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Password Management CHANGE PASSWORD (cont.) When a user’s password requires resetting, the LEA Admin should reset the password and not submit a service request. Resetting password scenarios: user’s password expired or user forgot password and didn’t answer their security questions If the LEA Admin account expires, only service desk can reset the password. To change the password, enter the current password and a new password. Confirm the new password. Click “Submit” Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

82 A forgotten password can be retrieved …
9/8/2018 Password Management RETRIEVE PASSWORD Enter the User ID and click “Forgot Password?” Password expiration notification If the user has managed their profile by answering the security questions. Once the user answers these questions, a temporary password will be sent to them. You will want new users to complete the security questions to eliminate the need for you to support them when they have trouble logging on to CALPADS. Since the CALPADS passwords expire every 90 days, a best practice would to have users mark their calendar 80 days from the password reset to avoid the password expiring. A forgotten password can be retrieved … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Password Management RETRIEVE PASSWORD (cont.) Select each security questions and provide the answer given during the set-up of the User Profile Once the user answers their security questions correctly, a temporary password will be ed to them. If they password has expired, answering the security questions will NOT provide a temporary password. A service request must be submitted to have password reset. Once security questions are answered correctly, a temporary password is ed to the user … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

84 Password Management SET UP USER PROFILE
9/8/2018 Password Management SET UP USER PROFILE Select “Manage User Profile” Security questions are set up in the Manage User Profile of the Admin tab Security questions are set up when the initial user account is defined … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

9/8/2018 Password Management SET UP USER PROFILE (cont.) Select 2 security questions and provide answers … Click “Submit” The User Profile function allows for setting up security questions which are used when a password is retrieved … Having the user’s answer their security questions will allow them to reset their password and not have to request the LEA Administrator to reset the password. It is the responsibility of the LEA Admin to reset their user’s password if the account holder is unable to change it. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

86 Password Management RESET PASSWORD
9/8/2018 Password Management RESET PASSWORD Select “User Security” The LEA Administrator has the functionality (role) to reset a user’s password, only if the user has not answered the security questions. An with the new temporary password will be sent to the user. A user’s password can be reset through User Security by the LEA Administrator Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

87 Search for the user to access Reset Password button
9/8/2018 Password Management RESET PASSWORD (cont.) Click “Reset Password” … The LEA will search for the user’s account, click on the account that requires resetting, and click on “Reset Password” button. Search for the user to access Reset Password button Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Password Management REVIEW AND MANAGE USER ACCOUNTS Review Security Report Log in to CALPADS with an LEA Administrator account From the Admin Menu, click “User Security” Click on Security Reports 13.1 – Security – Roles by User 13.2 – Security – Users By Role Review the Account Status column “Active” means the user can log in and perform functions associated with the current roles assigned. “Revoked” means the user can no longer log in with that User ID. Determine whether any user access needs to be revoked Always remove the Anomaly Contact role before revoking a user account to no longer have this individual listed as an anomaly contact for your LEA. If you revoke a user account and do not remove the Anomaly Contact role, this individual will still be listed as the anomaly contacts for your LEA. Revoking the user account doesn’t remove the role! Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

89 Password Management REVOKE ACCOUNT
9/8/2018 Password Management REVOKE ACCOUNT Select “User Security” You’ll use this function when a user has left your district or no longer requires access to CALPADS. Simply click on the Revoke button and the user will no longer have access to CALPADS. Prior to revoking an account, please remove the Anomaly Contact role first, click on the Save button, and then Click on Revoke button. You’ll want to establish some local procedures that you’re notified as staff leave the district so their privileges are revoked. A user’s account can be revoked through User Security by LEA Administrator Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

90 Search for the user’s account ….
9/8/2018 Password Management REVOKE ACCOUNT (cont.) It is the LEA Administrator’s responsibility to Revoke user privileges for users that have left their LEA or should no longer have access to CALPADS. Click “Revoke” … Search for the user’s account …. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

91 Summary KEY POINTS – Security LEA Administrator’s Responsibility:
Ensure account holders understand security and confidentiality responsibility Determines who in LEA will have access to CALPADS Access to functionality is based on roles assigned Revoke User Accounts Remove Anomaly Contact Role First Reset User’s Password Require Users to complete the Security Questions Enables Users ability to reset their password Assign Anomaly Contact role for LEA Manage Local Code Mapping Role can be assigned to a user Key points of CALPADS Security: LEA Administrators responsibility to ensure users understand security and confidentiality of the CP data Determines who will have access to CALPADS based on roles assigned to users Revoke User accounts for staff no longer employed or do not require access to CP—Anomaly Contact Role MUST be removed prior to revoking a user’s account. Assure Anomaly Contact role has been assigned to at least 1 user Mange Local Code Mapping (is not limited to the LEA Admin only—can be assigned to a user Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

92 LOCAL Code Mapping Essential 2c
Now we will see how easy it is to map your local codes to the state’s. Essential 2c Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Define which local codes correspond each to CALPADS code so the school can submit local codes 00 School’s local code for Kindergarten KN CALPADS code for Kindergarten The purpose of code mapping is to define which local codes correspond to each state code. This mapping allows LEAs to submit their local codes even if they differ from the state’s codes. For example, your school might use the code 00 for the grade level of Kindergarten. The state on the other hand uses KN. To avoid having to convert your local data, you can use CALPADS code mapping to identify corresponding codes. Your SIS vendor also may providing code mapping and you will want to check with them prior to mapping codes in CALPADS. Applies only to LEAs submitting batch files. If Online Maintenance is used, the state codes must be used. Code mapping is only necessary for local codes that differ from CALPADS codes. Applies to batch files Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Overview RESPONSIBILITY FOR CODE MAPPING It is the responsibility for the LEA Administrator to manage the mapping of local codes; however the task can be performed by a designee who has been assigned the security role that allows access to the “Manage Local Codes” functionality. Another role of the LEA Admin is to manage the mapping of local codes. This role can be assigned to another user. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Overview BENEFITS OF CODE MAPPING Code mapping can Simplify the data submission process Save time Minimize the potential for error in submitting data that is not stored in the local SIS Here are the benefits of code mapping Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Overview CODES THAT CAN BE MAPPED Code Sets Career Technical Education Pathway Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment Course Group State Race Category Disability Category School Completion Status Education Program State/Province Enrollment Status Student Exit Category Grade Level Student Offense Language Weapon Category This slide lists all the CALPADS code sets that can be mapped to your local codes. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017 96

97 ADD NEW CODE MAPPING We will be demonstrating how to map a new local code to the state’s. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

98 Accessing Code Mapping
LOCATE “MANAGE LOCAL CODES” Select “Manage Local Codes” from the Administration Menu The role Manage Local Codes must be assigned to an user account in order to maintain local codes. Local code mapping is an administrative function available from the Administration menu Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

99 Code sets are stored by School Year
Add New Code Mapping IDENTIFY CODE SET TO MAP The codes are maintained by academic school year and the previous year’s code will be automatically uploaded for current AY. It is the LEA’s responsibility to review the codes mapped from one year to the next Code sets are stored by School Year Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Add New Code Mapping IDENTIFY CODE SET TO MAP (cont.) The LEA for which you are authorized will display Select the school year for which you will be managing the local codes. Your LEA will be the default entity. Code sets are stored by LEA Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

101 Select a Code Set and Click “Search” to reveal the valid codes
Add New Code Mapping IDENTIFY CODE SET TO MAP (cont.) Select a Code Set and Click “Search” to reveal the valid codes These are the reference code sets available for you to map to. Just click on the Down arrow and select the state code set that you’ll be mapping to. Click Search and the system brings up the state’s code Sets of reference codes are defined by CDE for CALPADS to ensure consistency of reporting … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

102 Each Local Code is associated with a State Code …
Add New Code Mapping MAP TO STATE CODE Enter a local code Enter your local code. Each Local Code is associated with a State Code … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

103 MAP TO STATE CODE (cont.)
Add New Code Mapping MAP TO STATE CODE (cont.) Select the state code which is the same or similar to your local code and click on the Add button Select a State Code and Click “Add” Only the values defined for the Code Set can be entered … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

104 MAP TO STATE CODE (cont.)
Add New Code Mapping MAP TO STATE CODE (cont.) The mapped code is now saved So now we can see the local code and the state code to which local code is mapped. It‘s as simple as that. The mapping is added for the Academic Year selected … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Now will cover how easy it is to maintain existing codes. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

106 Maintain Existing Code Mapping
EDIT A LOCATE CODE MAPPING Click “Edit” beside the code Click on the Edit button to make the required changes Access “Manage Local Codes” and select the code to edit … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

107 Maintain Existing Code Mapping
EDIT A LOCATE CODE MAPPING (cont.) Obviously there will be some mistakes that will be made and you’ll just follow the same Administration/Manage Local Codes breadcrumbs route to get back into your local codes. You can edit the local codes by clicking on the Edit button and entering the change. You must click on the Save button for CP to be updated with your changes. Or you can click on the Delete button to delete your local code. Note the Local Code is changed from 200 to 200G… Click Save Change either the Local Code or State Code or both … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

108 Maintain Existing Code Mapping
EDIT A LOCATE CODE MAPPING (cont.) Note the changed Local Code Once the code has been edited, click on Save button and changes have been updated in CALPADS The code is saved … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

109 Maintain Existing Code Mapping
DELETE A LOCATE CODE MAPPING Click “Delete” beside the code to be removed Clicking on Delete is a very quick process and the code will be deleted. Access “Manage Local Codes” and select the code to delete … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

110 Maintain Existing Code Mapping
DELETE A LOCATE CODE MAPPING (cont.) It has been reported that this button works a little too quickly and that there needs to be a “safety” question like “Are you Sure.” But you can see how quickly deleting a code can be done. The code is deleted … Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Summary KEY POINTS – LOCAL CODE MAPPING Code mapping is optional Code mapping is carried over from one year to next Allows consistent reporting from multiple systems of record The CALPADS code sets are available under “System Documentation” on the CDE website at Read bullets The URL above is where you can go to pull up the valid code values for the various CALPADS code sets. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

112 Essential 2d Reports and Extracts
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

113 Reports are divided into 5 sections
Reporting Features REPORT SECTIONS 1-Set Filters: Make selections to control which data you see 2-Configure View: Adjust the view using these fields for IE only Comments can be entered and will appear in the report footer 1 3-Data References: Displays report title, timeframes, and entity selections made in Section 1 2 3 4-Report: Data resulting from the filters When you run a report in CALPADS, this is what you will see. Reports have 5 main parts Filters – determines what data you will see & allow the user to enter a comment that will appear on the footer of the report View aid tool -- allows you to adjust the view of the report—IE only Report header – provides the timeframe of the report and general details about the data contained in the report Report data – provides aggregate counts or detail level data based on filter options Footer – summarizes the filters that were used 4 Reports are divided into 5 sections 5 5-Footer: Summary of filters selected in Section 1 Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

114 CALPADS REPORTS Demo reports/extracts after slide 145
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

115 There are four sources for reports:
REPORT SOURCES There are four sources for reports: The Submission Reports (submitted data files) The ODS (current data) The Snapshot Database (certification data) Certification Error Report County/Authorizing LEA Reports These are the actual reports available in CALPADS. The County/Authorizing LEA Reports are generated from snapshot data Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

116 These reports are available to display longitudinal data in the ODS
LIST OF ODS REPORTS These reports are available to display longitudinal data in the ODS A quick review of the ODS reports—remember this is your cumulative data that is in the ODS--the data you are posting in CALPADS LEAs can limit their results to focus on the current year data. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Here is a List of some of the Snapshot reports that are available in the Snapshot database. The snapshot reports provides a view of the posted data in CALPADS and can be reviewed prior to a submission window has been opened. The Fall 1 and Fall 2 training will provide more detail of the benefits of these reports. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

118 Some reports display data from either database
Report Data Views REPORTS FOR BOTH DATABASES ODS Reports Snapshot Reports You can view the status of the data in the ODS that will be captured in a Snapshot – long before the Snapshot is due. This allows you to monitor the data as it is loaded. Therefore, you don’t have to wait until a data collection begins before you can verify your data. Some reports display data from either database Note that the Certification Reports (1.1, 1.6, 1.9) are available for both databases. This is an important piece because you’ll have both the ODS & Snapshot Reports side by side. That means some of those Snapshot reports are available for you to review data either in the ODS or the Snapshot data base. And those 3 arrows you see are the 3 certification reports in which you can view the data in the ODS long before it is time to do a snapshot. So you can keep track of your data that is going to be certified almost from day one. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

119 Reports with aggregate data are supported by reports with detail data
Report Data Views SUMMARY AND DETAIL DATA Click the link to access the school’s detail data report (below). It lists individual student data. Note that the detail report shows the same groups as the summary report. Reports with aggregate data are supported by reports with detail data The key here is that the summary level information on aggregate reports can be linked to lower level (detail) data. Characters in blue and underlined indicate you can click on the link to drill down for additional information. Here you see the Gate is pointing to a similar column in a lower report. What has actually happened is the Carlson Creek school link was clicked on the first report and there is a 2nd report below that blue line 1.2 which is actually bringing you every single student that went into the creation of the aggregate 1.1 report. This is an ideal way to verify that your aggregate data is correct. in the 1.1 report. An ideal way to verify that your aggregate data is correct. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Report Views VARYING VIEWS OF THE SAME DATA The filters on this report allow the disaggregation to be viewed for the same subgroups that were reported on the aggregate Enrollment Report (1.1) The aggregate data on many reports can be disaggregated – This example disaggregates the enrollment reported on the Enrollment Report by Subgroup (1.1) There are other ways to see if the data is correct by viewing data aggregation. You might be keeping your data locally in such a way that you can verify the aggregate data in CALPADS because you keep them aggregated locally. So there are reports that just aggregate the data. You can also see that the Title III Immigrant has a filter on this report. So there are a lot more filters on this particular report. You can filter this report for the aggregate # that was on that certification & then bring up your Title III Immigrants—as a dis-aggregation. So this is another way of looking at the data to verify that what’s on your certification aggregate report is correct. You can also click on the hyperlink of this report as well & it will bring up for you a list of students that were included in the disaggregation generated based on the filters you chose. Click the link to view the student list for this school. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

121 Report Views SORTED DATA
Click here for ascending or descending sort CALPADS reports have the functionality to sort data. Just by clicking on the column heading will allow you to sort either by ascending or descending order. The sort function can assist locating specific data in large reports. Additional views of data are available by sorting the columns on the report – as in this example where the default sort is by SSID and the new sort is alphabetical Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

122 Report Documentation USER MANUAL
Each report is documented in the User Manual with a picture of the report and this information. Title: Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup Number: 1.1 Description: Reports the count of students with Enrollment Status Code of “Primary” by student subgroups at the school level Views/Type: ODS and Snapshot / Certification Links To: Report 1.2 Enrollment - Primary Status Student List Report 2.2 Title III Eligible Immigrants by Birth Country Links From: None View indicates if a report can be viewed in the ODS, in the Snapshot Database, or in both Type indicates whether the report is a Certification Report or a Supporting Report You can also refer to the documentation & there will be pictures of the report. There will also be descriptions of the report and an indication of whether this is an ODS or Snapshot report, or whether it can view data in both the ODS & Snapshot databases. It will also indicate if it is a certification report or whether it is a supporting report. It will tell what other reports this report can link to, as well what reports might be linking to this report, so you can understand how reports can link together. Links To indicates if the report accesses another report Links From indicates if the report can be accessed from another report Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

123 Reports Summary There are four sources for reports:
The Submission Reports (uploaded data files) The ODS (posted data) The Snapshot Database (subset of data used for certification) County/Authorizing LEA Reports Some Reports are available in ODS and Snapshot 1.1, 1.6, 1.9, 1.17, & 2.8 Snapshots Reports Review for data accuracy prior to certification Supporting Reports assist in reconciling to local data Reflects subset of data for a particular data collection Certification Error report ODS Reports Allows LEAs to monitor posted data Reflects previous day’s posted data CALPADS User Manual Provides documentation and pictures of all reports There are 4 sources for reports: The Submissions Reports (your submitted data) The ODS (current posted data in CALPADS) The Snapshot Database reports (your certification/aggregate reports) And the Certification Error Reports that list the number of warning and fatal certification errors along with detail errors Some reports are available in both the snapshot (tied to a CALPADS submission) and ODS: 1.1, 1.6, , & 2.8 (ODS reports provides an early preview of your certification reports) The CALPADS User Manual provides detain information and screen shots of the reports to assist in understanding the data represented on the reports. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

124 CALPADS EXTRACTS We just looked at how the data can viewed on reports now we’ll look at how the CALPADS data can be extracted Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Data extracts are used to download data from the ODS. The following pre-defined data extracts are available …. SSID Extract Candidate List Rejected Records Replacement SSIDs Direct Certification ODS Extracts File formats are included in the CALPADS File Specifications Student Information English Language Acquisition Program Discipline SSID Enrollment SSID Enrollment –Data Reconciliation Staff Demographics Staff Assignment Course Section (Enrollment & Completion) Student Course Section (Enrollment & Completion) Student Career Technical Education Student Absence Summary We’ve talked about extracts several times—now we will share where you go to get those extracts, & how you get them. These are the extracts available to you and the file layouts are available in the CALPADS Extract Specifications. I’ll provide the URL in just a moment. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

Data extracts requested as follows …… CALPADS data can be extracted and downloaded to local systems. You must first request the data from the list provided in Request CALPADS Files Once CALPADS has completed compiling the data in the extract requested, the data can be downloaded to local systems through the Retrieve CALPADS Files function. Request an extract from CALPADS: The Request CALPADS Files provides a list of extracts available in CALPADS The Retrieve CALPADS Files provides LEAs the ability to download the data requested Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

127 Extracts SSID EXTRACT Contains students assigned SSIDs in a CALPADS batch transaction Can be downloaded from CALPADS for import into a local student information system Can be filtered by Grade Level School The SSID Extract provides the following: read bullets Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

128 Contains records that failed validation Can be filtered by
Extracts REJECTED RECORDS Contains records that failed validation Can be filtered by Submitter School Job ID Requesting the Rejected Records extract provides: read bullets Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

129 Contains candidates for SSID requests
Extracts CANDIDATE LIST Contains candidates for SSID requests Can be used to assist working on confirmations offline Does not have filter options The Candidate List extract provides: read bullets Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

130 Contains SSIDs re-assigned during MID Anomaly resolution
Extracts REPLACEMENT SSIDs Contains SSIDs re-assigned during MID Anomaly resolution Can be downloaded from CALPADS for import into a local student information system As MIDs are resolved, you’ll have the ability to extract these replacement SSIDs and upload them into your SIS or any other local systems you may have. This should be done prior to submitting any data to CALPADS or any other reporting system to avoid the wrong SSID being reported. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

131 Contains new SSIDs extract for SSIDs obtained online
Extracts Request SSIDs Extract Contains new SSIDs extract for SSIDs obtained online Can be downloaded from CALPADS for import into a local student information system New SSIDs obtained online can be downloaded to import into local SIS otherwise you would need to manually add the ness SSIDs into your SIS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

132 Can be used for local data analysis or data reconciliation
Extracts ODS EXTRACTS Can be created for each of the file formats that can be submitted to CALPADS Can be used for local data analysis or data reconciliation Same format as the files submitted to CALPADS except there are two additional fields (upload date and last date updated) Can not be used to upload data to CALPADS without additional manipulation ODS extracts are a way to download all the information you have entered into CALPADS. If you need to compare what’s in CALPADS and what you have locally, you can extract that data with one of these extracts. Note that the vendor for the local SIS may have provided the capability to use this file to determine what needs to be submitted to CALPADS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

133 Extracts ODS EXTRACTS (cont.)
The CALPADS Notification dashboard will notify the LEA, when the file is available for download. The file must be retrieved from CALPADS. It is not transmitted via . The selection criteria used to generate the ODS Download extract files follow on the next page. CALPADS Notification dashboard (bottom right on Home page) Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

134 Extracts ODS EXTRACTS (cont.) 1 2 3 4 SSID Enrollment
Item Record Type Selection Criteria Options 1 SSID Enrollment Actively enrolled students (null Student School Exit Date) Date range based on Student School start date and Student School Exit Date 2 Student Information Or Date range based on Enrollment Start Date & Enrollment Exit date Reporting LEA School Effective Date 3 Program Academic Year Education Program Code 4 Discipline Academic Year ID School of Attendance LEAs can request an extract of the current data contained in the ODS for each record type. You will not get one huge file. LEAs need to plan ahead and identify what data they want to reconcile and then select the appropriate ODS file to download. LEAs can use the ODS extracts to compare to what is in their local SIS. Additionally, some SIS vendors will instruct their clients to obtain these extracts so they can do a comparison for you. Check with your SIS vendor to see if they will use the ODS extracts for comparison. You may need to reference the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) document to understand the file layout of each file as they will differ. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

135 Extracts ODS EXTRACTS (cont.) 5 English Language Acquisition Status
Item Record Type Selection Criteria Options 5 English Language Acquisition Status Actively enrolled students (null Student School Exit Date) Date range based on Student School start date and Student School Exit Date 6 Staff Demographics Active Staff (no Staff Employment End Date) Date Range based on Staff Employment Start date and Staff Employment End Date 7 Staff Assignment Academic Year ID Reporting LEA School of Assignment 8 Course Section Course Enrollment, Academic Year ID, Reporting LEA, School of Course Delivery Course Completion, Academic Year ID, Reporting LEA, School of Course Delivery More descriptions of the extracts available in CP on this slide and the next Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

136 Extracts ODS EXTRACTS (cont.) 9 10 11 Student Course Section
Item Record Type Selection Criteria Options 9 Student Course Section Course Enrollment, Academic Year ID, Reporting LEA, School of Course Delivery Course Completion, Academic Year ID, Reporting LEA, School of Course Delivery 10 Student Career Technical Education Actively enrolled students (null Student School Exit Date) Date range based on Student School Start Date and Student School Exit Date 11 Student Absence Summary Reporting LEA and School of Attendance Date range based on Student School Start Date and School Exit in current Academic Year (AY) Students with Absence Students with Absence Exempted Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

137 Extracts Summary Pre-defined data can be extracted from CALPADS
SSID Extract Candidate List Rejected Records Replacement SSID Direct Certification There is flexibility in reporting (configuring) to assist in the analysis of your local data Extracts will be useful in comparing the data in CALPADS to your local data to verify that data in CALPADS is accurate. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

138 Extracts Summary (cont.)
Pre-defined data can be extracted from CALPADS ODS Extracts SSID Enrollment Student information English Language Acquisition Program Discipline Staff Demographic Staff Assignments Course Enrollment/Completion Student Course Enrollment/Completion Student Career Technical Education There is flexibility in reporting (configuring) to assist in the analysis of your local data Extracts will be useful in comparing the data in CALPADS to your local data to verify that data in CALPADS is accurate. There are some reports you can view in both the ODS & Snapshot databases. The ODS is your current posted data and the Snapshot is a picture the CDE is taking of your data (that will become the history of what your data are/were). Data that are going to be certified can be viewed in the ODS long before you actually get to that certification process. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

139 Getting Started Essential 2e Here are the steps to getting started
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

140 First Steps STEPS TO BEGIN
Obtain a CALPADS Administrator Account for new LEA Administrator – revoke the previous LEA Admin. Identify Staff required to enter and update information Complete the CALPADS application setup Ensure User Profile is set up by each user Assign roles for LEA/school contacts Revoke user who no longer need access to CALPADS If your LEA Admin has left your district, you will need to request the LEA Administrator’s application and make sure the previous LEA Admin’s account has been revoked in CALPADS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

141 First Steps STEPS TO BEGIN, con’t
Update your local student information system to enable it to produce files for the CALPADS batch process –or– begin collecting data for entry into the CALPADS Excel templates. Map local codes to CALPADS codes Assign Anomaly Contact(s) Attend Training CSIS Webinar CSIS Self-Paced Student Information System If your LEA Admin has left your district, you will need to request the LEA Administrator’s application and make sure the previous LEA Admin’s account has been revoked in CALPADS. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

142 First Steps STEPS TO BEGIN, con’t Work with Data Stewards
Create systems of training and communications Update your local student information system to enable it to produce files for the CALPADS batch process –or– begin collecting data for entry into the CALPADS Excel templates. Map local codes to CALPADS codes Attend Training CSIS Webinar CSIS Self-Paced Student Information System If your LEA Admin has left your district, you will need to request the LEA Administrator’s application and make sure the previous LEA Admin’s account has been revoked in CALPAD Work with Data Stewards Create systems of training and communications S. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

143 First Steps STEPS TO BEGIN, con’t Work with Data Stewards
Create systems of training and communications Understand the scope of Data required by CALPADS Enforce Data Security Practices and protect data confidentiality If your LEA Admin has left your district, you will need to request the LEA Administrator’s application and make sure the previous LEA Admin’s account has been revoked in CALPAD Work with Data Stewards Create systems of training and communications S. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

144 Wrap Up Now let’s wrap up Essential 2 training
Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

145 Essential 2 Review Drill down to landing page helpful for new users
Landing page descriptions assist in understanding CALPADS functionality Use Breadcrumb to navigate in CALPADS (the path taken to current screen Located upper left hand corner under the words CALPADS Do not use Browser’s back arrow to navigate in CALPADS SSID Enrollment tab to request SSID Files can be uploaded either in SSID Enrollment or State Reporting tabs Column Sort function allows a column to be sorted ascending or descending Read bullets Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

146 Resources CALPADS Calendar System Documentation
System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SPRG, STAS SDIS, SWAV, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, & SCTE tabs CALPADS Code Sets Detailed state code lists CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Matches up related codes CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions SENR, SINF, SPRG, SELA, STAS fSDIS, SWAV, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, SCTE, EOY 1-3 tabs, Fall 1, Fall 2, EOY 1-3 Certification CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Now we have some resources for CALPADS reporting. First we have the CALPADS calendar which lists the Submission and Amendment windows and deadlines for each submission. If deadlines change, updates will be posted to this site. The calendar also includes a high-level summary of the data submitted. Next we have the CALPADS system documentation. The CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) provides the file requirements for submitting batch files. It also provides the field requirements which are useful for both those submitting data online or in batch. Your SIS vendors uses this document to create their extract files. The CALPADS Code Sets provides a list of the state defined codes for data elements which use them. The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations list which codes are allowed or expected to be used together in situations where one field is dependent on another or they are related. The CALPADS Error list is a good resource for those having trouble understanding the rejected record or certification errors. It provides more detailed explanations of the errors, the data elements reviewed in the error, and also suggestions for how to correct them. The CALPADS Data Guide provides detailed requirements of how to submit the CALPADS submissions. Essential 2 - Features, Code Mappings and User Access v1.0 August 28, 2017

147 Support CALPADS:
Web: Phone: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call , you will go immediately into our voice mail system. is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. Annual State Reporting Roadmap v1.0, August 11, 2017

148 Please Complete Our Survey
Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. If you experience any technical difficulty with accessing the survey, please try the alternative long URL: Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate are trainings. Annual State Reporting Roadmap v1.0, August 11, 2017 148

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