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SIM WG10 brief report of activities

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1 SIM WG10 brief report of activities
SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

2 SIM WG10 (Volume and Flow) Meeting
October, 2012 Querétaro, Mexico; Simposio de Metrologia 2012

INDECOPI/PE LATU/UR SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

4 CMCs summary NMI Volume Liquid Flow Gas Flow Air speed NRC 1 TCC 2
NIST 3 + 1 CENAM 11 3 INMETRO 4 INTI LACOMET 8 INDECOPI 7 LATU 40 9 SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

5 Comparisons SIM.M.FF-S6 volume of liquids at 100 mL and 20 L
- draft A under preparation – pilot: LACOMET SIM.M.FF-S7 volume of liquids at 100 L and 100 mL - draft A under preparation – pilot: IBMETRO SIM.M.FF-S8 volume of liquids at 5 mL and 100 L - draft A under preparation – pilot: LACOMET SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

6 Pilot study Calibration of Rotary Gas Flow Meter Qv = (5…100 ) m3/h
TS: Actaris S-Flow Participants: CENAM NIST CDT Gas (Colombia) INTI INDECOPI MC

7 Measurements at CENAM

8 Measurements at CDT


10 CMC Reviews Under Review: WGFF Agreed Review Protocol INMETRO
SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

11 news CENAM is extending its low pressure gas flow laboratory:
Up to m3/h; using turbine and positive displacement meters CENAMEP develops a Liquid Flow Laboratory CENAM cooperates with CARICOM as coach for Volume of Liquids comparison at 20 L CENAM and PTB cooperates with INDECOPI and IBMETRO on Gas Flow Measurements 2nd Round of SIM.M.FF-K4.1 planned (a 100 L graduated neck will be included) A comparison in Water Flow is planned (potential participants: PTB, NIST, CENAM. CI/Chile, INDECOPI, IBMETRO, INTI). SIM WG10 Meeting, Arlington, VA. , April 2015

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