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National Development Agency 2009/10 Annual Report

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1 National Development Agency 2009/10 Annual Report
Cape Town 17 November 2010 By NDA CEO: Ms Vuyelwa Nhlapo

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction NDA’s Mandate
Vision, mission and values NDA strategic goals Key achievements Financial report Analysis of financial performance Auditor-General report Challenges and Intervention strategy Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION The NDA is accountable to parliament through the Ministry of Social Development. The NDA reports to the Ministry via the NDA Board, who is the accounting authority. The Board exercises governance oversight through the following committees: Management committee, Audit & Risk, Human Resources & Remuneration committee and Project and Programmes Screening. The NDA has for the past four years achieved an unqualified audit.

4 NDA MANDATE Primary mandate
Contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organizations for the purposes of: carrying out projects or programmes aimed at meeting development needs of poor communities strengthening the institutional capacity of other civil society organizations involved in direct service provision to poor communities

5 NDA MANDATE…Conti Secondary mandate To promote:
Consultation, dialogue and sharing of development experience between civil society organizations and relevant organs of the state Debate on development policy; and Undertake research and publication aimed at providing the basis for development policy.

6 VISION, MISSION, VALUES VISION A society free from Poverty. MISSION
MISSION  Facilitate sustainable development by strengthening civil society organizations involved in poverty eradication through, enhanced grant funding and research. VALUES Integrity Respect Excellence Commitment Honesty Partnering

7 2009/10 STRATEGIC GOALS Goal 1: To build the capacity of CSO’s to enable them to carry out development work effectively Goal 2: To grant funds to contribute towards the eradication of poverty Goal 3: To facilitate research towards poverty eradication Goal 4: To position the NDA as a premier development agency and mobilize resources

8 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2009/10 The NDA continued to contribute towards poverty eradication by fostering self reliance amongst the poor by achieving the following key outputs and deliverables.

Strategic Goal One A total amount of R111.1 million was disbursed to 396 projects. 11 food security projects funded to the value of R13.3 million. 11 food security projects supported towards sustainability. 3 551 beneficiaries supported through food security projects, including women, youth and people with disabilities. 45 income-generating projects funded to the value of R54.2 million. 45 projects supported towards sustainability. 1 761 employment opportunities created through income-generating projects. 15 agriculture and agribusiness projects funded to the value of R23.4 million. 1 071 beneficiaries supported through agricultural and agribusiness projects, including 442 women, 504 men, 125 beneficiaries from incubation centre and, in addition to that, 299 youth and 37 people with disabilities.

10 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2009/10--Conti
Strategic Goal One 77 projects approved for funding with capacity building elements, including governance, financial management, conflict resolution and marketing. 6 networks of NGOs funded to strengthen capacity of their membership to the value of R3.8 million. Capacity-building interventions implemented for 34 projects to enhance institutional capacity and sustainability. 9 South African Qualification Authority(SAQA) aligned training manuals developed in specific learning areas relevant to NDA Business These materials have been developed in the following learning areas: Governance Project Management New Venture Creation Resource Mobilisation Financial Management Stakeholder Management Conflict Management Agro-Processing Business and Marketing Management Cooperative Development & Management CSO Administration

11 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2009/10--conti
Strategic Goal Two Two MOU’s (Asgisa and Masisizane) were signed with these strategic partners for facilitation and coordination of programmes in rural economic development zones The NDA 2010 – 2013 strategy document produced on time for tabling in Parliament.

12 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2009/10--conti
Strategic Goal Three A strategic policy dialogue on the developmental state and the fight against poverty in South Africa was held.

13 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2009/10--conti
Strategic Goal Four A National Study on the state of ICT in the NGO sector in South Africa was carried out successfully. Two best-practice case studies on NDA funded projects were produced.

14 FINANCIAL REPORT: 2009/10 Summarised Statement of Financial Performance for the year ended 31 March 2010 Notes 2010 2009 R Revenue Grant from Government 1 Interest & Other Income Expenses Mandate expenses 2 Committed poverty eradication projects 3 Project Write Backs 4 ( ) ( ) Direct project costs Administration expenses 5 Staff costs Operating leases Accommodation and travel Board fees Consulting and professional fees Depreciation and amortisation IT Communications costs Marketing and communication costs Office relocation costs Other Expenditure Net deficit for the year ( ) ( )

15 FINANCIAL REPORT: 2009/10---Conti
Statement of Financial Position As at 31 March 2010 Note 2010 2009 Assets R Current assets Cash and Bank balances 1 Exchange Receivables Non-current assets Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Asset Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities Payables and Provisions 4 431091 Short-term employee benefits Provision for Committed projects 2 European Union 3 Net Assets IDT establishment fund 4 Accumulated surplus Total Liabilities & Net Assets

Grant received from National Treasury through the National Department of Social Development increased by 6% (R851 k). Interest on bank balances went down by 40%( R10,9 million) due to reduction in interest rates and declining cash holdings. The NDA Board approved 77 projects to the value of R95 million. There were 7 397 direct beneficiaries and these include women, men of which are youth.

Projects worth R 12.4 million were written back in the 09/10 financial year mainly due to project related challenges and environmental factors.

For the 2009/10 financial year, the NDA achieved an unqualified report with an emphasis of matter on irregular expenditure to the amount of R where proper procurement processes were not followed.

Intervention Plan Limited financial resources Resource Mobilisation Limited management, institutional and technical capacity of funded projects Periodic capacity assessment of all funded projects. Targeted skills enhancement programme for funded projects (Financial management, governance, conflict resolution) Institutional linkages with expert organisations for skills transfer, coaching and mentorship (ARC, Producers Associations) Fostering closer relationships with local government, particularly LED desks for ongoing support, oversight and reporting

Intervention Plan Limited management, institutional and technical capacity of funded projects. Financial and non-financial support to CSO national and sectoral networks to provide capacity support to their members. Inadequate skills and competencies of NDA staff to provide effective support to funded projects. Ongoing skills training on financial management and alternative dispute resolution (ADS) Training on and institutionalisation of results-based monitoring and evaluation and evaluation framework. Strengthening recruitment and selection process for newly appointed staff Linking project capacity and sustainability to staff performance agreements

Intervention Plan Performance monitoring and evaluation of funded projects. Rigorous implementation and enforcement of annual monitoring plan. Increased resource allocation for project monitoring. Increased frequency of monitoring visits. Dedicated support to funded projects to improve implementation and reporting. Establishing a network of professional volunteers to provide specialist support to funded projects. Evaluation and impact assessment of all funded projects (mid and end-term)

22 CONCLUSION The NDA believes that through the successful engagement in poverty eradication initiatives and the constructive impact it has on the lives of its beneficiaries, poverty challenge can be defeated. For as long as there are women who are subjected to discrimination, exploitation or abuse; We are not resting, and we will not falter, in our drive to eradicate poverty.

23 Thank You


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