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The Personal Bank Account

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1 The Personal Bank Account
STARTING WITH THE MAN IN THE MIRROR Click on Man in the Mirror for music video

2 Quick Write Imagine you could change anything about our school, community, country, or world. What would that change be? Why would you want to do that? What would happen if that change really did happen? How would everyone’s life be better as a result of your change?

3 ASCA Standards PS:A1.1 Develop positive attitudes
toward self as a unique and worthy person. PS:A1.10 identify personal strengths and assets

4 Changing From the Inside Out
How can you immediately build your self confidence? How can you achieve personal victory? You must first fix yourself before you can fix others. If you want to make a change in your life it must begin with YOU. Not your parents, teachers, friends, etc. Read Poem on Page 33 and allow reflection time. Students can share out.

5 The Personal Bank Account (PBA)
How you feel about yourself is called your personal bank account. Just like a real bank account you can make deposits and withdrawals. Instead of banking with real money, you bank with the things you think, say, and do.

6 How does this bank account work?
When you make a promise to yourself, you feel in control so that is a deposit. Cha-Ching! How is your PBA? How much trust and confidence do you have in yourself? Are you loaded or bankrupt? Let’s find out!!!!

7 Symptoms of a Poor PBA You cave into peer pressure
You have feelings of depression or inferiority You are overly concerned about what others think about you You act arrogant to hide your insecurities You self destruct by getting into drugs, alcohol, vandalism, etc. You become easily jealous, especially when someone close to you succeeds

8 Symptoms of a Healthy PBA
You stand up for yourself and resist peer pressure You are not overly concerned with being popular You see life as a positive experience You trust yourself You are goal driven You are happy for others when they succeed

9 Do you have a PBA? How can you start one today?
DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS Keep promises to yourself Do small acts of kindness Be gentle with yourself Be honest Renew yourself Tap into your talents Breaking promises to yourself Keep to yourself Beat yourself up Be dishonest Wear yourself out Neglect your talents

10 Keeping Promises to Yourself
Start small Today I am going to eat healthier. Today I will compliment one teacher and one student at my school. I will be on time to school for 3 days this week. I will read at least one night this week. Over time you can make larger promises I’m going to stop picking on my brother. I’m going to stop telling myself I’m ugly, fat, dorky, etc.

11 Do Small Acts of Kindness
The best thing to do when you are feeling down is to compliment someone else. It gets the focus off you and on others. Go out of your way to include a lonely person at recess or lunch. Say hello to a new student. Let someone go through the door before you. Brainstorm at your table…what else can you do for others? Read first class ticket story on page 36 or clothing story at bottom of p. 36

12 Be Honest Be honest with yourself. BE YOU
“Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else.” Show honesty through your actions Are you honest with your friends, parents, teachers, coaches, etc.?

13 Renew Yourself You must make time for yourself to RELAX!
Where can you go when you just need time for yourself? Exercise, walking, running, dancing, painting, singing, write in a journal, etc.

14 Time to Reflect…and look at yourself in the mirror…
How full is your bank account? How and when will you make deposits into your account? What promise do you want to make to yourself? Are you honest with yourself? Parents? Teachers? Friends? What can you do to renew yourself when you feel overloaded? MAN IN THE MIRROR We Are The World Time to do a written reflection…How will you start to make small changes?

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