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Matter Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Chemical/Physical Properties Chemical/Physical Changes
POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Matter Chemical/Physical Properties Chemical/Physical Changes Phases of Matter Phase Changes 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Matter is anything that has _______ and ________
Mass and Volume

4 In which phase of matter are molecules the closest?

5 As you increase the temperature.. Molecules move__________
Faster or more freely

6 If a gas is in a sealed container will it have a definite volume and shape?

7 What state of matter is the sun and stars

8 Flammability is what type of property?

9 Malleability is a physical property. What is malleability?
The ability to be made into thin sheets

10 Density is what type of property?

11 List 2 physical properties of copper
Shiny, conductors of heat and electricity, ductile, metal

12 Give 3 physical properties of water

13 Breaking glass is an example of what type of change?

14 Is freezing water into ice cubes a physical change or a chemical change?

15 Burning wood is what type of change?

16 What type of change, changes the composition and identity of a substance?

17 Describe at least two indicators that a chemical change has occurred.
Unexpected change in energy (heat or light) Unexpected change in color Production of gas (bubbles or fizzing) Production of precipitate Change in odor

18 What has no definite shape, but definite volume.

19 Which picture best represents a gas?

20 When do molecules vibrate in place, during what phase?

21 With the exception of water, matter _____ when heated.

22 Explain the movement of speed of particles in a solid versus the speed of particles in a gas.
Solid: slowly vibrate in place Liquid: slowly flow around another

23 The change from liquid to solid

24 The change from gas to solid

25 Which Number represents condensation?

26 At what temperature does this substance melt?
~ 7℃

27 What phase is represented by letter A?

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