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Public Information Meeting NW 100th Street Reconstruction Project

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1 Public Information Meeting NW 100th Street Reconstruction Project
March 11, 2014

2 Introduction Thank You for Attending!
City of Johnston and HR Green Staff Dave Cubit: Public Works Director Emily Price: Communications Director Chad Mason: Project Manager Mike Lyons: Project Engineer Cory Shannon: Staff Engineer Ross Harris: Transportation Planner Format of Meeting Sign-In Sheet and Comment Forms Mark

3 Meeting Agenda Project Purpose and Need Conceptual Design Overview
Roundabout rationale Funding Schedule Questions? (Open House) Mark

4 Project Purpose and Need
Facility Type: NW 100th Street is currently a “rural section” roadway 24 ft. pavement width Composite pavement, minimal shoulder Open ditch drainage Inappropriate section for proposed development. Need: “Urban Section” roadway with curbs, concrete paving, storm sewers and off-street pedestrian/bicycle accommodation Mark

5 Project Purpose and Need
Traffic Capacity: Traffic Impact Study (TIS) completed in 2012, with revisions in 2013 Traffic generated by new Johnston High School (opening 2016 – full build 2020) Comprehensive Plan growth & development, Year 2037 (25-year horizon) Existing roadway is deficient. Need: Intersection Control (signals or roundabouts) Closely spaced intersections Predominance of left turns Mark

6 Proposed Design Concept

7 Why Roundabouts? Motorist Safety Pedestrian Safety Traffic Flow

8 Motorist Safety

9 Pedestrian Safety

10 Safety Comparison Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (
90 percent reduction in fatal crashes 75 percent reduction in injury crashes 30 percent reduction in pedestrian crashes 10 percent reduction in bicycle crashes

11 Traffic Flow #1 priority of Johnston citizens in recent survey
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) studies found that roundabouts improve traffic flow by 30-50% compared to a conventional intersection.

12 Before & After

13 Funding $4.3 million project cost (City estimate)
Funded by General Obligation bond; cost-share between City and School District No Special Assessments Mark

14 Surveying, mapping, data collection
Conceptual Design Preliminary Plans Easements & ROW Final Plans Bid Letting Utility Relocation Construction Nov.- Dec. 2013 Jan.- Feb. 2014 Mar. – May 2014 Jun. - Oct. 2014 November 2014 Dec. – Mar. 2014/2015 Begin April 2015 Schedule YOU ARE HERE

15 Questions? Continue with Open House…

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