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Virginia Company of London

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1 Virginia Company of London
Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

2 Virginia Company of London
1607 Joint stock companies financed colonies by having investors pay a share (portion) of the cost Profits (and losses) were shared by all of the investors thus lessening the risk. Virginia Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. What is a Joint Stock Company? Video

3 The settlement was on a swamp. The gentlemen refused to work.
The winter was really, really bad. The Native Americans were not friendly. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

4 Swamps are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and all of the diseases they carry. Plus, it’s always a bad idea to go to the bathroom right next to where you get your drinking water. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

5 Death at Jamestown video
Swamps are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and all of the diseases they carry. Plus, it’s always a bad idea to go to the bathroom right next to where you get your drinking water. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. Death at Jamestown video

6 John Smith emerged as Jamestown’s leader and, among other things, he declared that those who didn’t work, wouldn’t eat. In 1609, things were so bad, the colonists boarded a ship to leave only to be met by a ship with supplies and more colonists so they returned to Jamestown. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. Life in Jamestown Video

7 In 1612, John Rolfe and his wife, Pocahontas, experimented with growing tobacco and developed Virginia’s first profitable export. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. The Value of Tobacco Video

8 It may be a vile weed but it saved Jamestown!
In 1612, John Rolfe and his wife, Pocahontas, experimented with growing tobacco and developed Virginia’s first profitable export. It may be a vile weed but it saved Jamestown! Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. The Value of Tobacco Video

9 *Growing tobacco was very labor intensive, but also hugely profitable.
*The Virginia Company offered free land to people who settled in Jamestown. *Indentured servants were first used to work the fields and cure the tobacco, but in 1619, the first African slaves were brought to Jamestown. *In March 1622, Native Americans killed 25% of the European settlers in Jamestown. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved. Indentured Servants Video Jamestown and Slavery Video

10 In 1619, the first legislature made up of elected representatives in North America was established at Jamestown. Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

11 House of Burgesses Video
Only property owners could vote to elect representatives to the House of Burgesses. House of Burgesses Video Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

12 The Virginia Company of London failed to make a profit…
In 1624, the debt-ridden Virginia Company’s charter was revoked. Virginia became a Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

13 The Virginia Company of London failed to make a profit…
In 1624, the debt-ridden Virginia Company’s charter was revoked. Virginia became a Copyright©2016 History Gal. All rights reserved.

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