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Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night at Camp Cahall!

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1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night at Camp Cahall!

2 Contact Information     Phone Number: ext. 4211

3 Arrival Students are not permitted in the building until 8:15 unless they are attending a before school program. No supervision is provided before 8:15. Students wait in the hallway, outside of classrooms between 8:15-8:30. The expectation for students is that they read quietly at this time. Having a book ready to go in your child’s backpack is a great idea. Students enter the room at 8:30 and the school day officially starts at 8:40. Students coming in after 8:40 are considered tardy. Tardy students need to report to the office upon arrival.

4 Attendance If your child is absent for any reason, an excuse is required once he/she returns to school. You have 5 days to turn in an excuse or the absence becomes an unexcused absence.  4th absence/tardy: Parents will be contacted by the school district to notify that any subsequent absences without a valid excuse will be marked as unexcused. 8th absence/tardy: Additional parent contact will take place. 3 unexcused absences/tardies: Parents will receive a letter of concern from the district. 6 unexcused absences/tardies: Parents will receive a second letter of concern and a parent meeting will be set up at the school and an attendance improvement plan will be put into place. Any educational trips that you have planned during the school year must be pre-approved. You can request an educational trip form at the office or let me know you need one and I can send it home with your child.

5 Classroom Schedule 8:30-8:45 Arrival/Morning Announcements 8:45-9:15 Morning Meeting/Olweus 9:15-11:00 Reading 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:02 Recess 12:02-12:37 Special 12:37-1:45 Math 1:45-2:15 Small Group Reading 2:15-2:25 Read Aloud/Brain Break 2:25-3:00 Science or Social Studies Specials: Day 1: CIRC Day 4: Music 3:00-3:10 Pack Up Day 2: Spanish Day 5: Art 3:10 Dismissal Day 3: PE

6 Creativity Innovation Research Center (CIRC)
The purpose of CIRC is to support a blended learning program of computer technology and library. In this blended program, students will have time to explore the ever-changing world of technology with use of computers, devices, and printers, all the while utilizing and sharpening their research skills with investigative opportunities in the library. With this blended program, students will have real world learning projects that tap into their creative and inventive side. Request List: Googly eyes, ziplock bags, dowel rods, bubble wrap, Velcro strips, tape Spanish Spanish video:

7 Lunch Allergy Management
The cafeteria will continue to utilize the online payment program which can be accessed at Parents can prepay online or send in cash or check payable to “Haine Cafeteria.” The cost of lunch is $ School menus can be viewed on the Seneca Valley website. Allergy Management Haine is an allergy safe school. No food is allowed in the classrooms except for special events such as holiday parties. Food for these events must from the Seneca Valley approved food list.

8 My Behavior Plan Consequences:
There is a discipline bulleting board in the room. The students move clothespins onto the bulletin board marshmallows if there is a problem. 1st Marshmallow: Warning 2nd: 5 minutes of recess 3rd: 10 minutes of recess 4th: Note home 5th: Lose all recess Each night I stamp the home assignment book with a marshmallow stamp with 5 marshmallows. If your child had to move a clip, I will cross off one of the marshmallows. If you notice your child has lost a marshmallow for the day, please have a discussion with him/her about it.

9 My Behavior Plan Classroom Rewards: I tie my positive behavior plan into the school-wide behavior plan. Students have numerous opportunities throughout the day to earn paper stars for good behavior. Each morning I choose 5 stars from our bucket and those students who are chosen are able to use the classroom reading tent and chairs for the day. Students also have the chance to earn 5 marshmallows a day by not needing to move their clips for poor choices. Anyone who has earned all 25 marshmallows for the week gets to choose a prize from the treasure chest. HES Positive Behavior Plan Students are rewarded with yellow stars. Stars are collected in grade-level buckets. Names from these buckets are pulled daily and names are added to the Principal’s 200 Board. Names are also drawn for random reward days.

10 Dismissal The school day ends at 3:10. Walkers and daycare students will be dismissed at that time. If your child needs to have a special pick-up or early dismissal, please send in a note ahead of time. s are not accepted. You will need to report to the office to sign out your child and identification will be required. You should have received information stating your child’s bus number and trip (1st or 2nd). Backpack reminders will be given to all students as a reminder of what to do at the end of the day. Please let me know ASAP your child’s dismissal schedule changes or if not taking a daily bus.

11 Homework Reading-Students are strongly encouraged to make reading a daily habit! The expectation for 2nd graders is that they read for 10 minutes a night. 2nd grade will not be doing reading logs this year. Instead we will utilize the Accelerated Reader program (AR). Spelling-Spelling words will be assigned weekly but no formal spelling homework will be given. Please study words how you choose daily. Math-Homework pages will be given on a regular basis and flashcards will be sent home to practice. At this level, students need your support for homework to be successful and purposeful. Please help establish a homework routine and provide homework help as needed.

12 Communication Home Assignment Books Take-Home Folders
In the home assignment books, your child will write any homework assignments for the evening at school. I will stamp it and ask that you initial it to acknowledge that you have seen it and that the appropriate work has been completed. You may also write notes or questions to me. I also use home assignment books as part of my classroom behavior plan. Take-Home Folders In the folders you will find classwork, homework, and handouts many of which need to be looked at and returned. Weekend Newsletter s Each weekend I will home a short newsletter detailing our activities for the following week. I will also include important reminders about book orders, PE days, and other dates to remember.

13 Literacy Theme The Haine Event
This year our building-wide theme is “Real life challenges need real life heroes.” Throughout the year we will be doing literacy activities related to our theme, starting with a literacy theme kickoff assembly. The Haine Event Thursday, May 3rd, 2018 from 6:00-8:00 Classrooms will be putting together raffle baskets. The theme of our classroom basket is, “Camping.” Item or monetary donations are needed before March 3rd,

14 Book Orders At the beginning of each month, I will be sending home a Scholastic book order form. Please do not feel that you have to order. I send these home because the books are at a reduced rate from those at the bookstore and because it excites kids about reading. Please submit the form with cash or check (made payable to Scholastic) by the date marked on the order form. You may also order books online using the code that I will provide. Birthdays The class celebrates a child’s birthday by making him/her a birthday hug book. If you choose to provide the entire class with a birthday treat, the treat must be non-edible. Some ideas for birthday snack alternatives are below: Come in and eat lunch with your child Donate a book to the classroom library after reading it aloud to the class. Donate a game to the classroom for indoor recess. Send in non-edible treats for the entire class (Stickers, notepads, pencils, bubbles, coloring books, crayons, sidewalk chalk, etc.). Send in a birthday card to the office to be delivered to your child.

15 Grading Policy Report cards come out 4 times per school year, once each 9 weeks. They can be viewed online shortly after each grading period. 2nd grade gives letter grades for reading, spelling, and math. Other subjects are giving a grade of O, S, or N (Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement). The grading scale is as follows: A D 89-80 B F 79-70 C You always have access to your child’s current grades through the SV portal. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 9th and 10th to discuss the first report card and student progress. Please sign up for a time if interested. I will contact anyone who does not sign up sometime in October to schedule a time to meet.

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