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Mafia Adapted for Novels

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Presentation on theme: "Mafia Adapted for Novels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mafia Adapted for Novels
Learn: How to play Mafia. How to make Mafia “fit” into curriculum (if you have to). Goal: Quick overview, play ~30 minutes, then troubleshooting and adaptations. Write your own “Demise” stories if time. Link to the Brandon Brown vs Yucatán Mafia Demise stories used in this presentation.

2 About me About you? Rachel Emery 5th and 6th grade Spanish
Intermediate students @Srta_Emery About you?

3 What is Mafia? Fun! Adapted from slumber party/ camp game Bonding
More input!

4 What you will get here Where to find resource materials
A demo of the game Ideas for modification or adapting to your curriculum (if you ‘have to’) Troubleshooting tips from me and others

5 Materials and Inspiration:
Martina Bex’s Mafia instructions and handouts/posters available here (FREE) on Teacher’s Pay Teachers. 5 beginner scripts (FREE) / 15 beginner scripts ($3) Bex’s Complete Blog Posts: Beginner Version (Ben Wang’s Mandarin Beginner’s Mafia) / Advanced Version

6 Adaptations/Tips from Others
Play Twilight Zone theme music in the background --Martina Bex Personalize for your students-- “If there is a child in the class obsessed with all things avocado and llamas, of COURSE, he will be brought down by a avocado eating llama that was under the magic spell of the malicious mafia…” --Annabelle Allen Bad Unicorn--Erika Peplinski’s elementary, non-violent version

7 ¡Oh No! Someone time us: 30 mins! La Mafia está en San Antonio. La mafia quiere matar a todos los profesores de NTPRS! Los profesores necesitan arrestar a todos los mafiosos. Objetivos: Mafiosos: Matar a todos los profesores. Shh! ¡Es un secreto! La gente (Profesores de NTPRS): Arrestar a los mafiosos. Reportera: Informar a los profesores.

8 Vocabulario Útil (S’s Understand)
La gente= the people Se duerme= (zzz) sleeps Se despierta= *yawn* wakes up ¿Quién es su víctima?=Who is your victim? Está muerto=is dead

9 Vocabulario (S’s Understand)
La gente=the people Se duerme=(zzz)goes to sleep Se despierta=*yawn* wakes up Llueve=it rains ¿Quién es su víctima?=Who is your victim? Está muerto=is dead

10 Vocabulario (S’s Say) Acuso a...=I accuse ¿Por qué?=Why? ¿Cómo respondes?=How do you respond? Es sospechoso/a=s/he is suspicious Parece…=s/he seems Se ríe mucho=s/he’s laughing a lot ¡Soy inocente! = I’m innocent! ¡No hice nada!=I didn’t do anything! (¿Inocente? No lo creo. = Innocent? I don’t believe it.) More advanced: I heard that… /So-in-so told me that… / Where were you at 3 in the afternoon yesterday! / It wasn’t me, I swear! Watch Sr. Wooly’s El Banco!

11 En mi clase

12 Basic Premise and Steps: (for reference after game)
Close eyes, assign roles by you tapping heads or passing cards--Secret! Narrator/Reporter (you) explains that there is a group of mafiosos trying to kill everyone in our small town. Round 1 (night): Everyone goes to sleep. In the night… Mafia (1-4 ppl) wake up, silently chooses a victim. (optional Advanced players) Police and Nurse wake up separately, choose someone to arrest/save. Skip during presentation, just for reference later.

13 Basic Premise and Steps cont:
Round 1 cont (the next morning): Narrator tells everyone to wake up. Narrator tells “the demise story” how the mafia killed someone. (Optional act out.) Accusations (mafia is anonymous, so they participate too). Allow to defend themselves! All players vote on one person to send to prison who they think is a mafioso. Once the person is in prison, s/he tell whether they were really in mafia.

14 Basic Premise and Steps (cont):
People in prison are out of the game. They can observe but not interact in any way with other players!! Round 2 (night): Narrator continues as in Round 1 until either all players are dead or all mafia are in prison.

15 Troubleshooting--ideas from other Mafia players?
Prisoners are talking and distracting others. (Keith Toda: have prisoners draw demises, keep track of who’s dead/in prison on board) The game takes a very long time (typical for the first time you play). The demise stories take too long to tell/circle and students lose interest. ¿Qué más?

16 How and Whether to Adapt
Introduce new setting/topic/structures Extension/enrichment after a story has been taught Letting students write/piece together the ‘demise’ stories?

17 Come up with your own Mafia ‘Demise’ Story:
Involves 1-3 characters, class doesn’t know who will ‘die’ or if a surprise additional character will be discovered. Someone must die/go to hospital/go away from ‘town’ in end Surprises and dramatic demises are fun Can be whimsical and silly, not necessarily traditional murder stories

18 Link to the Brandon Brown vs Yucatán Mafia Demise stories used in this presentation.

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