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Cartilage Properties of Cartilage Matrix Chondrocytes 1. Avascular

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1 Cartilage Properties of Cartilage Matrix Chondrocytes 1. Avascular
Fibers (collagen Type II, 2. Permeable Fibers elastic) (conducts nutirents and water) Ground Substance 3. Flexible but Weight-Bearing (hyaluronic acid, (resistance to compression) chondroitin sulfate, keritin sulfate, 4. Elasticity and Resiliency 60-70% H2O) 5. Resistance to Shear Forces 6. Slippery (low friction at articular joints) Isogenous 7. Poor Regenerative Capacity Lacunae Group


3 Hyaline Cartilage Hyaline Cartilage Matrix (amorphous & glassy)
hyaluronic acid chondroitin sulfate keratin sulfate chondrocyte nucleus H2O (60-78%) lacuna Fibers- collagenous matrix (invisible due to same refractive index as matrix) Typical Locations Hyaline Cartilage (SEM) intercostals (connect ribs to the sternum) wall of trachea & bronchii articular cartilage of bone epiphyseal plate fetal axial skeleton

4 Fibrocartilage Matrix hyaluronic acid chondroitin sulfate
Fibrocartilage- longitudinal section Matrix collagenous fiber bundles hyaluronic acid Fibrocartilage- SEM chondroitin sulfate keratin sulfate Fibers dense collagenous bundles Typical Locations intervertebral discs Fibrocartilage- transverse section pubic symphysis meniscus of knee joint attach tendons to bone Properties resistance to compression and shear forces

5 Elastic Cartilage Elastic Cartilage- pinnae of ear Elastic Fibers
Matrix (resorcin-fuchsin stain) hyaluronic acid chondroitin sulfate kertatin sulfate Fibers elastic (elastin) Typical Locations external ear walls of external auditory canal and eustachian tubes Elastic Fibers- silver stain epiglottis & larynx bridge of nose Properties resiliency and pliability

6 Growth of Cartilage fibroblasts collagen Perichondrium perichondrium
Appositional blood vessel Growth chondroblasts (peripheral mitosis and differentiation of fibroblasts) hyaline matrix Interstitial Growth isogenous (mitosis of chondro- groups cytes and deposition (nests of of new matrix) chondrocytes) Territorial Matrix

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