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Key Monuments & Places of Significance in the USA

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1 Key Monuments & Places of Significance in the USA

2 Virginia State Capitol Building
Richmond, Virginia Location of General Assembly; government for Virginia

3 Washington Monument Washington, DC
Named after George Washington; First President

4 White House Washington, DC
Home of President; symbol of American freedom and power

5 Lincoln Memorial Washington, DC
Named after Abraham Lincoln; symbol of equality and emancipation

6 Statue of Liberty New York City (harbor)
Given by French; symbol of freedom and immigration

7 U.S. Capitol Building Washington, DC
Location of Congress (Senate & House of Representatives); symbol of American power and democracy

8 Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, CA
Second longest suspension bridge span in USA; longest in world in 1937

9 Independence Hall Philadelphia, PA
Location of Declaration of Independence signing; creation of United States of America

10 St. Louis Gateway Arch St. Louis, Missouri
Gateway to the West; starting point for western settlers by wagon trail or river

11 Wheat Fields Wheat Belt; Mid-West
Location of America’s Bread-basket; food production area for USA and exports to world

12 Skyscrapers Big cities
Allows people to live and work in a limited space; build up higher

13 Shopping Malls Urban & suburban areas in USA
Easy access to products from many stores and places in world

14 Bilingual Signs Areas in the USA where people speak other languages
Globalization of the world; diffusion of languages and people in USA

15 Automobile Any interstate and access road for automobiles
Modern transportation networks allowing for rapid and efficient movement of goods and people

16 Chinatown Large cities that have large Chinese populations
Gives people the opportunity to live in a new country and still practice original customs.

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