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Jesus’s Teachings Part I:

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1 Jesus’s Teachings Part I:
Sermon on the Mount

2 Memory Verse “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine AND puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24 (NIV)

3 Calling the Disciples Matthew 4:18-22

4 Calling the Disciples And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you of men.” Matthew 4:19 FISHERS

5 Calling the Disciples Jesus had core disciples and many others ( )
that traveled with Him throughout His years of ministry. 12 70+ 3

6 Calling the Disciples God consistently calls the -equipped,
-accepted, and the expected into ministry. UN UN UN

7 Calling the Disciples Many of Jesus’ disciples were followers of
before Jesus. John 1:29:51 JOHN THE BAPTIST

8 Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:1 – 7:29

9 Sermon on the Mount Jesus’ teaching the way of the world. INVERTS

10 Sermon on the Mount Jesus’ teaching inverts the way of the world:
Beatitudes (statement of blessing) – blessed are the poor in spirit, mourn, meek, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers

11 Sermon on the Mount Jesus’ teaching inverts the way of the world:
Do not seek revenge Lend without expectation Matthew 5:38-42

12 Sermon on the Mount Jesus’ teaching inverts the way of the world:
Love your enemies Matthew 5:43-47

13 Sermon on the Mount Jesus’ teaching inverts the way of the world:
Money is not your true God! Matthew 6:19-24

14 Sermon on the Mount Jesus fulfills, gives full meaning, and even expands the laws. OLD TESTAMENT

15 Sermon on the Mount Jesus fulfills, gives full meaning, and even expands the Old Testament laws: “Do not think that I have come to the law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17 ABOLISH

16 Sermon on the Mount Jesus fulfills, gives full meaning, and even expands the Old Testament laws: Murder is unreconciled anger towards your brother Matthew 5:21-26

17 Sermon on the Mount Jesus fulfills, gives full meaning, and even expands the Old Testament laws: Adultery is looking lustfully at someone Matthew 5:27-30

18 Sermon on the Mount Jesus fulfills, gives full meaning, and even expands the Old Testament laws: Divorce is spoken against and expanded Matthew 5:31-32

19 Sermon on the Mount Jesus challenges the way the are currently practicing the faith. RELIGIOUS LEADERS

20 MAIN POINT Jesus’ teachings were and are unparalleled in human history! REVOLUTIONARY


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