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Naming Acids & Bases Science 10 Ms. McGrath.

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1 Naming Acids & Bases Science 10 Ms. McGrath

2 What is an Acid? Acid: a compound that makes hydrogen
ions H+ (aq) when dissolved in water i.e.: HCl (aq) → H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) Note: acids must be dissolved in water to produce H+ ions. Look for the (aq) which means aqueous to indicate the acid is dissolved in water How to identify them: Hydrogen + a non-metal with the (aq) symbol

3 What is a Base? Base: a compound that makes hydroxide ions, OH- (aq)
when dissolved in water Example NaOH (aq) → Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq) How to identify them: Metal + hydroxide ion (OH) with the (aq) symbol

4 Naming Bases Easy! Name the cation followed by the anion
(hydroxide) with the ending –ide (just like we’ve been doing all along with ionic compounds) You will know that it is a base if you see the (aq) Example: NaOH (aq) sodium hydroxide

5 Try It! Name the following base: KOH (aq) potassium hydroxide

6 Naming Acids with Simple Anions
Example: HCl (aq) You will know to name this as an acid because of the (aq) Write the prefix “hydro-” Add the name of the anion (shortened, with the ending “-ic”) i.e. chloric Add the second word “acid” HCl = hydrochloric acid

7 Practice Name the following acids: HF (aq) HBr (aq) HI (aq)

8 Practice Name the following acids: hydroflouric acid hydrobromic acid
HF (aq) hydroflouric acid HBr (aq) hydrobromic acid HI (aq) hydroiodic acid

9 Naming Acids with Polyatomic Anions
The first part of the name is the name of the anion which is shortened. One of two suffixes added to this name. - ic if the anion name ends in - ate. - ous if the anion name ends in - ite. The last part of the name is acid Examples: HNO3 (nitrate ion) = nitric acid HNO2 (nitrite ion) = nitrous acid

10 Practice Name the following acids: H2CO3 (aq) H2SO4 (aq) H2SO3 (aq)

11 Try It! Name the following acids: H2CO3 (aq) H2SO4 (aq) H2SO3 (aq)
carbonic acid H2SO4 (aq) sulfuric acid (sulfate ion) H2SO3 (aq) sulfurous acid (sulfite ion)

12 Acid Name to Formula Determine the anion present from the name.
Since the compound is an acid the cation (positive ion) is H + Write down the formulas of the two ions. Draw the table to see which subscripts to add: i.e. sulfuric acid sulfuric > sulfate > SO4 2- acid > hydrogen > H 1+ H SO4 Formula > H2SO4

13 Try It! Write the formula for: phosphoric acid
Anion = phosphate PO43-, Cation = H 1+ H PO4 1+ Formula: H3PO4

14 To Do Day 13 Practice p. 165 #18, 20

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