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Integrated Literacy Assignment

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1 Integrated Literacy Assignment
Alexa McElwee

2 GLCE 8 – U5.1.5 Describe the resistance of enslaved people (e.g., Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, John Brown, Michigan’s role in the Underground Railroad) and effects of their actions before and during the Civil War.

3 Books Harriet and the Promised Land Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion
Explores the historic tale of Harriet Tubman with narrative illustrations and rhythmic verse that captures the urgency of her struggles as she courageously leads slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion: (Graphic Novel) Tells the true story of the 1831 Virginia slave rebellion led by slave Nat Turner, who believed he was a prophet. Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion

4 Books Follow the Drinking Gourd Midnight Rising
Winter's story begins with a peg-leg sailor who aids slaves on their escape on the Underground Railroad. While working for plantation owners, Peg Leg Joe teaches the slaves a song about the drinking gourd (the Big Dipper). A couple, their son, and two others make their escape by following the song's directions. Midnight Rising: Plotted in secret, launched in the dark, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was a pivotal moment in U.S. history. But few Americans know the true story of the men and women who launched a desperate strike at the slaveholding South

5 They Shall Run Harriet Tubman Poems
Poem/Book They Shall Run Harriet Tubman Poems They Shall Run: Harriet Tubmans Poems The spirit and voice of Harriet Tubman is captured in this verse. The poems traces the journeys of Tubman and her fugitives through the backwoods of America while taking a look at the cruelty of slavery.

6 Poetry Harriet Tubman My Name Is Nat Turner
Harriet Tubman Acrostic Poem

7 Songs Swing Low Sweet Chariot Follow the Drinking Gourd
Story: The lyrics were instructions on how to get to safety. They were taught by a man known as Peg Leg Joe. The young slaves would use to song to know when it is safe to run, and where it is safe to go Swing Low Sweet Chariot Story: This is one of the songs that Harriet Tubman used to warn slaves that it either safe to come out, or very dangers and they should stay hidden. This was also one of her favorite songs. In symbolized carrying slaves to safety. This Train is Bound for Glory: “This Train is Bound for Glory”, was connected to the Underground Railroad, too, with “glory” meaning freedom This Train is Bound For Glory

8 Artwork

9 Videos Cartoon Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman
Michigan Underground Railroad A History of the Underground

10 Primary Sources

11 Web sites Video Resource Lesson Plans Scholastic
Resource one stop shop

12 Work Cited
8&q=underground+rail+road&sa=Search freedom.html

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