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Assessment Photo Album

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1 Assessment Photo Album
Cassandra Bruce EDUC Assessment for Student Learning Dr. Ralph Prall

2 Purpose of the Photo Album
This presentation is an overview of our new interdisciplinary unit which will include Music, English Language Arts and Visual Arts. This unit will have several types of activities and assessments centered around the main theme of…… Connections


4 Learning Goals Students will understand…
A good performance is believable and meaningful to both performers and audience. It is important to take into consideration of what someone else believes. Students will know… The story and/or meaning behind the music for the concert. How to look at an issue from different points of view.

5 Learning Goals Continued
Students will be able to… Convey messages in the music for the concert through singing for family and friends. Express yourself through writing and art using proper strategies and techniques. Understand another person’s point of view.


7 Essential Questions How do you find out what others are thinking in order to better understand where they are coming from? What makes someone believable? Why is it important to be emotionally invested and take pride in what you accomplish? Why is it important to make connections with other people?

8 Diagnostic Assessments
Students will create a K-W-L Chart on the history of slavery. Students will create a second K-W-L Chart on the music created during the time of slavery. After K-W-L Charts are completed there will be a short class discussion about the music and history of slavery.

9 Diagnostic Assessments Part 2
Students will sight-read through the song “Follow the Drinking Gourd” to figure out the trouble spots. Students will watch two different video performances of “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” We will have a classroom discussion about the positive and negative aspects of the performances.

10 Diagnostic Assessment - Family
Students and their family will fill out a short questionnaire. I want to know about music your family might know relating to slavery type situations. I am hoping your family can give us more songs to learn for the concert and perhaps. Maybe someone from your family can even come in and teach the class your family’s song.

11 Formative Assessments
The first activity we will do is to read the book and watch the video about “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” Next there will be a classroom discussion about the meaning of the song. Video and audio recordings of choir practices singing “Follow the Drinking Gourd” with be throughout the entire unit. There will plenty of opportunities to discuss the recording as a class.

12 Formative Assessments Part 2
Each one of you will be given a checklist to keep track of all your assignments throughout the unit. You will also be required to write in your learning journal daily reflecting on the daily activities. At the start of each new activity, you will each write a goal for yourself in your learning log you want to reach by the end of the activity. At the end of each activity, you will each write in your learning log why you did or did not reach your goal.

13 Performance Assessment #1 and #2
A day in the life of someone living on a plantation.

14 Performance Assessment #1
Each of you will be a creating a “Journal Entry” from the point of view of someone living on a plantation. First, we will be dying paper in tea water to make the journal pages look older than they really are. After a classroom discussion, each student will pick a person out of a jar. This will be the “person” you will be as you are writing. Once the “Journal Entry” has been finished, students will get into small-groups by “person type.” Each group will put together the “Journal Entries” and create a book for the class to read.

15 Performance Assessment #2
It is now time to write some poetry. Each of you will write a poem about being a slave. I will give you four different types of poems you can choose from when writing your own poem. When all the poems are finished, each person will read their poem to the class.

16 Performance Assessment #3
Connections Essay

17 Performance Assessment #3
Think of a close friend or family member where you do not always agree on things. Now take a moment to try to picture yourself thinking like they do. Pick an issue or problem the two of you do not always agree on.

18 Performance Assessment #3
Each of you will write an Essay addressing an issue or problem close to you. When you write this Essay, you will be writing it from the perspective of the other person’s side of the issue. The goal of this Essay is to gain some insight into how the other person thinks.

19 Performance Assessment #3
After writing your rough draft, you will get into small- groups and help revise and edit each other’s Essay. Once you are done revising your Essay, rewrite it to make your final draft. Lastly you be illustrating your Essay choosing from a wide variety of media like crayons, markers, water color, acrylics, or photography.

20 Performance Assessment #3
CATEGORY 3 2 1 Organization Content is well organized around a central idea and is easy to follow. Content is somewhat organized around a central idea and is able to be followed. Content has little to no organization and is difficult to follow. Point Of View The essay is consistently written from another’s point of view. The essay is generally written from another’s point of view. The essay is occasionally or rarely written from another’s point view. Illustration The illustration gave additional insight into the content of the essay. The illustration to appropriate with the content of the essay. The illustration had little to no relevance to the content of the essay. Connections The student gained new insights to why a connection to others is important. The student understands why a connection to others is important. The student has little to no understanding a why a connection to others is important. Remember: Students’ assessment of own work on left while teacher’s assessment of work on the right side.

21 Performance Assessment #4
The Concert.

22 Performance Assessment #4
It is finally time to perform our songs for our family and friends. All your hard work will have paid off when you see the look on their faces as they are watching you perform on stage with your class. The next time we meet after the concert we will watch a video of our concert and have a classroom discussion about the differences we see in ourselves from when we started this journey together.

23 Paper-and-Pencil Assessment
Throughout the unit there will be important information you discover about topics like… life on a plantation, the writing process, art, music concepts, and the important of connections. During different stages of the unit I will be asking you to write down particular facts and information you believe is important for you to have been successful during the various projects and activities. I will look at what you have written down and create test questions for a short 30 question test at the end of the unit.

24 Paper-and-Pencil Assessment
Examples of possible test questions are… True or False. ___ In order to emotionally connect to the music, it is important to know about the people the song was written about. True or False. ___ In order to emotionally connect to the music, it is important to know about the audience the song was intended for. Fill in the Blank. In order to emotionally connect to the music, it is important to know ___________.

25 Paper-and-Pencil Assessment
More examples of possible test questions are… Multiple Choice. What would help the singer connect emotionally to the music? a) the audience b) the background knowledge c) the words d) the conductor Essay Question. Being emotionally connected to the music you are singing is important in order to create a believable and meaningful performance for everyone. Name three ways in which a meaningful connection to the music can be made. Explain how each way can help you emotionally connect to the music you are singing.

26 I know I am ready to begin this journey how about you??

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