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Professor Anthony R. Brunello Political Science WHGC 2008 Spring

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1 Professor Anthony R. Brunello Political Science WHGC 2008 Spring
What is Freedom? Professor Anthony R. Brunello Political Science WHGC 2008 Spring

2 Imagination and Freedom
“Imagine all the people, living lives of peace.” (From IMAGINE, by John Lennon)

3 Night “Nothing but Bread.” Dr. Elie Wiesel

4 Escape From Freedom “The right to express our thoughts, however, means something only if we are able to have thoughts of our own.” E. Fromm

5 Rule in the Name of the People?

6 The Web of Government “At all times people must choose between liberties.” R.M. MacIver. Freedom is a balancing act. Freedom From=Negative or Political Freedom Freedom To=Positive Freedom-Personal & creative.

7 James Madison—Federalist Papers
“As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of…distrust, so there are other qualities of human nature which justify…esteem and confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities…” (Madison) Social Contract requires patience, humility & fairness…rule of law.

8 John Locke: 1689 The Second Treatise Of Civil Government
British Social contract theory; major figure in the ideas of the American revolution.

9 John Stuart Mill Mill published On Liberty in 1859.
“Tyranny of the majority.”

10 Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto, 1848
“A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of communism.” “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”

11 Toni Morrison Beloved, 1987; wins the Pulitzer prize for fiction in 1988 Nobel Prize winner for literature The “personal is political.”

12 The Human Condition Hannah Arendt
“It is the publicity of the public realm which can absorb and make shine through the centuries whatever men may want to save from the natural ruin of time.”

13 Cornel West Race Matters/Democracy Matters
“Democracies are quite rare and usually short-lived in the human adventure.”

14 A New Deal: Four Freedoms
Freedom of Expression Freedom of Worship Freedom from Want Freedom from Fear

15 A Global New Deal “Do we have the courage to walk this path?”
Professor William Felice Can we make the jump?

16 “And a river opens for the righteous….”
“I am a patriot. and I love my country, Because my country, Is all I know.” Performed by Jackson Browne (Composer: Steven Van Zandt)

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