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Presentation on theme: "UNMANNED INTELLIGENT MILITARY ROBOT USING ZIGBEE"— Presentation transcript:

Presented by: Arokia Christy Ranjan.A Mohamed Yazin.J Vikram.K Guided by: Mr.J.Kumaresan

2 ABSTRACT This project deals with the risk of saving human life and protects the country from enemies by using an unmanned intelligent military robot using Zigbee in military applications. An important component of an intelligent environment is to anticipate actions of human inhabitant and then automate them. The decision of which action to be executed must be correct in order to avoid creating extra work for humans. This system can control many important aspects in the military field such as ambient temperature, ambient pressure, gas leakage, human presence, etc. Every parameter which is monitored can also be controlled using a suitable controller. When leakage of gas is found, the sensor indicates it to the controller. The sensor detects the presence of human and the camera can be used to identify the enemies.

3 NEED FOR THE PROJECT The main reason for using this project is to reduce the loss of humans in military. In war times, there is loss of human life. To avoid this, the unmanned robot is used. The unmanned robot is used for military application especially during war and the place where the landmines are placed. It will sense the landmines automatically and will escape from the place. Another reason for this project is that the unmanned robot can be controlled from the control room itself.

4 EXISTING METHOD This method evaluates the development of a Low-cost security system using small PIR sensor built around a microcontroller. The low-power PIR detectors take advantage of pyro-electricity to detect a human body that is a constant source of Passive Infrared. The system senses the signal generated by PIR sensor detecting the presence of individuals not at thermal equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Detecting the presence of any unauthorized person in any specific time interval, it triggers an alarm & sets up a call to a predefined number through a GSM modem.




8 TEMPERATURE SENSOR LM35 precision integrated PIR sensor which has an advantage over linear temperature sensors are used to sense the atmospheric temperature continuously. Temperatures are recorded along the optical sensor cable. The LM35’s low output impedance, linear output is interfaced with the pin 2 of PORT3.

9 PIR SENSOR A passive infra-red sensor used in this project is an electronic device that detects the infra-red radiation emitted from the human body.

10 GAS SENSOR A gas detector is a device which detects the presence of various gases within an area, usually as part of a safety system. This type of equipment is used to detect a gas leak and interface with a control system so a process can be automatically shut down. A gas detector can also sound an alarm to operators in the area where the leak is occurring, giving them the opportunity to leave the area. This type of device is important because there are many gases that can be harmful to organic life.

11 ZIGBEE Zigbee wireless protocol is used to transfer the sensor signals from the robot section to the controller section and vice-versa. Zigbee is a wireless technology developed as an open global standard to address the unique needs of low-cost, low-power, wireless sensor networks. The standard takes full advantage of the IEEE physical radio specification and operates in unlicensed bands worldwide at the following frequencies: 2.400–2.484 GHz, MHz and 868.0–868.6 MHz.

12 CONCLUSION The process of controlling the robot was successfully implemented. It was found to be a reliable within its range. The video captured by the robot is successfully viewed through the PC. The operations performed by the metal detector, PIR sensor, temperature sensor and gas sensor is satisfactory. This project can be used in hazardous areas.

13 FUTURE WORK Bar code detection system can be implemented in the robot, which can be used to identify and pick the containers or boxes in handling cargo. Robotic arm can be modified as per the requirements of the user which can perform more mechanical and physical operations. High definition camera can be implemented. The arm and the camera can be made to rotate through 360 degrees, so that the observer can get a better view of the area.

14 REFERENCE Z. Zhi - hui, L. Hui, L. Yin, C. Jia - jia, "Design of the intelligent fire proof and theft - proof alarm system for home", JOURNAL OF HENAN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, vol. 28,no. I, pp , Feb   Q. Qu, Z. Guohao, W. Baohua, "Design of Home Safeguard System Based on GSM Technique", Electronic Engineer, vol. 32, no. I I, pp , Nov M. Shankar, 1. Burchett, Q. Hao, B. Guenther, "Human-tracking systems using pyro-electric infrared detectors", Optical Engineering, vol. 10, no. 45, pp (01-10), Oct M. Moghavvemi and C.S. Lu, "Pyro-electric infrared sensor for intruder detection," in Proc. TENCON 2004 Conf., pp



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