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Spin up or down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

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1 Spin up or down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
The simplest thin gamma jet model for grb and sgr connecting to PSRs: Gamma by synchrotron - ICS Explain a wide spread of GRB power and their apparent power evolution. Jet as thin as micro-nano sr offer the geometry variability and the GRB XRF-spread-into SGR Natural extension to X-PSR and G-PSR But different kind of Jets: Radio -- Quit-Loud D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

2 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Earliest signature of SS433 or most recent evidence of TeV-GeV Microquasars precessing Jets : LSI D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

3 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
A GRBs Explosive Precessing Jet A SGRs In binary system D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

4 Precessing gamma jet and its blazing time evolution
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

5 Precessing Jet angular and Intensity time evolution
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

6 No an unique event: Precursor ten minutes before
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

7 A famous teaching precursor just ten minutes GRB 060124
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

8 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
GRB are reapeters? GRB D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

9 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Why Fireball- or Wide beam fireball just fails? D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

10 New Sept09-and old-May 09 Spectra Power versus redshift
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

11 Jets : How does they form?
Accelerate charges (not neutral cannoon ball) Use Maxwell equation on PSR (or BH spinning). Magnetic fields variation electric field Like in Ampere law: spinning magnetic poles makes magnetic currents and Electric E field. Polar spinning Pulsars source, Spinning Left or Right hand accelerate positive or negative charges, or just: Hadrons (protons or nuclei) or Leptons (electrons) D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

12 Spin up: proton-nuclei acceleretor
BN D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

13 Spin down: electron oe Lepton acceleretor
BN D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

14 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Spin up: proton-nuclei acceleretor jet and an opposite charge emission disk for charge conservation E Proton jet BN Electron disk-wind jet D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

15 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Spin down: proton-nuclei acceleretor jet and an opposite charge emission disk Electron jet E BN Proton disk-wind jet D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

16 Not just two different jet
Because of the charge jet at pole there is a net charge emission also at disk: Positive and Negative ejecting disk and twin Jets Proton or Electron Jets And opposite evaporating equatorial disk Proton- Sources of UHECR and neutral pion Jet Proton-photon into pions like a local GZK cut-off Pion goes to UHE gamma pairs WITHOUT low radio Electron-Inducing synchrotron-ICS gamma Jet also at radio: Radio Loud and Radio quit Pulsar jets: Electron----Hadron Jets D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

17 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Fermi Map updated D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

18 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
The two extreme edges UHECR Radio Quit PROTON JETS UHE gamma Radio Loud LEPTON JET D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

19 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Conclusions PSR spinning up-down form two kind acceleretors: positive-negative or Hadron (proton-nuclei) and Lepton (electron); Gamma-Star (proton)– XRay-PSR (elec) Radio Quit—Radio Loud Exploding SN-Jet into PSR lead to GRBs and older SGRs either Radio Laud or not. 2 Different GRBs and source of afterglows Thank you for beamed attention… D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

20 If I may explain GRBs more..
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

21 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
More on GRBs apparent evolution D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

22 Are Jet beaming the base for higher Luminosity at higher redshift ?
GRBs have higher and higher Luminosities at larger and larger distances..apparent: Are many families of growing GRBs ? Or are just a beaming better and better at larger and larger volumes within more and more sources? D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

23 Too many events within a nearby Galaxy GRB080109
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

24 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
The Egg Nebula twin Cone and the SS433 precessing Jets : Evidence for Jet actions: SS433 Herbig Haro D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

25 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Jet by Inverse Compton Scattering (GeVs electron pairs over I.R.) or better by UHE Synchrotron Radiation Micro-nano sr solid angle 30 Micro sr solid angle D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

26 Amati et all.2008 Peak energy versus E_iso
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

27 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
XRF Short GRB Short GRB D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

28 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
The Simplest case of precessing Blazing Jet in the Bursting Pulsar GRO A pedagogical Link to SGRs Jets D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

29 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Brief show of Jets in actions: the Egg Nebula and the HH 34 microquasar The egg Nebula showing a pair of collimated beams emerging from the central star HH34 Jet in whip shape D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

30 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Most distant z= 6, more on axis, more variability and bumps..harder ones D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

31 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
February 2006 : a near GRB an off-axis large impact angle, a long duration burst, a soft event… D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

32 Earliest forgot long event
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

33 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
XRF.. 40 days later:050416a D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

34 GRBs  SN XRFShortGRB  XRF  SGRs
Beaming in axis at far edges Off axis at near distances born at SN-end at PSR output power Long lived SGRs at late epoches Afterglows late days and months Precursors minutes before the GRB Change in population with redshifts because geometry beam and statistics D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

35 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Simplest view D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

36 Long time Jet-Cone bending
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

37 No: Just a Blazing SGR on 27° dec 2004 SGR
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

38 Light curve : 27 dec 2004 SGR 1806 event
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

39 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Conclusions We propose a precessing and persistent jet model with a highly collimated beam (θ < 10-4) as a mechanism to explain the observed properties of GRB - SN. Solid angle like a laser. The jet decays with a power law proportional to (t/t0)-1,t0 ~ 104s PeV electron pairs (Lorentz factor Γ > ), secondary of PeVs muons may produce the observed gamma emission by the Synchrotron Radiation on Galactic Fields Inverse Compton scattering of thermal photons (IR-BBR) may produce the rarest observed harder gamma emission. We suggest that SGRs are analogous persistent Jets as in GRB at smaller energies by X-PSRs (off-axis beaming). X-flare precursors and XRF are off axis flash previous or later from a main GRB – SN jet blazing Multi-bump in optical - radio afterglows are the multi precessing signature of the spinning jet. Thin Jets to solve GRB and SGR Thank you D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

40 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
To read more D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

41 Thank You…for the beamed attention once again
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

42 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

43 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

44 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

45 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

46 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

47 Electrons or Muon primary?
How to escape a SN while staying beamed D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

48 A case for a primary PeV muon pair jet
To survive the SN photon-baryon opacities, we consider a higher energy jet composed by PeV – TeV muons: the (four order of magnitude) lower energy losses allow to better escape the opacity of SN lights and the interstellar medium. The PeVs muon later (tens seconds) decay into electron pairs that will lead to the gamma jet emission probably by Synchrotron Radiation on Galactic magnetic Fields. ICS on IR photons may explain (the TeVs) and the final surviving tens GeVs D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

49 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
THE MUON JET- ESCAPING from the mess: the photon opacity for muons is negligible , while GeVs electrons are captured by SN lights: Too small muon energy, too short muon lenght. PeV is the first energyto escape. D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

50 The synchrotron Radiation energy, time and Larmor radius:
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

51 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
SS433 - a Precessing Jet as a nearby Galactic example. A SGRs if it was on axis D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

52 GRB and Soft Gamma Repeaters by a Precessing thin Gamma Jets
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

53 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Last D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

54 The puzzling SGR period
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

55 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
Period derivative growth: Magnetic Field increase and energy Magnetar growth D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

56 The puzzle of magnetar energy
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

57 Inverse compton is in GRB the very last gamma ray jet feeding tail
D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

58 D.Fargion-1-10-2009- SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets
SN-GRB opacity to the Jet : time photon reddering by redshift in flight D.Fargion SPIN-UP and Down and Hadron-Lepton Jets

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