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Home Learning Summer 2017 Dosbarth Cleddau a Dosbarth Penfro Week

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1 Home Learning Summer 2017 Dosbarth Cleddau a Dosbarth Penfro Week
Week Ending: Friday 26th May Reminders: Please can PE kit be brought into school everyday as next half-term we will be practising for sports day. Swimming will be starting on MONDAY 5TH JUNE for three weeks so please make sure you bring your swimwear and a towel in a suitable bag. Week Focus 1 R-recording 2 E-exploring 3 C-collecting 4 O-observing 5 R-researching 6 D-doing Please refer to school website and twitter for updates and more information: #y4 #penfro #cleddau R-researching This week we have continued with this terms topic ‘I am Warrior’ and have written some fantastic commentaries for “Radio Rome’ and researched famous Roman Gladiators. . In Maths we have been looking at decimal numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and rounding to the next whole number. . We have also made our class scarecrow for the school grounds- we wonder if you can spot which one it might be? This week we would like you to design a water safety poster in readiness for our swimming lessons.. We have also sent home a copy of the script for our end of term Rocking Romans performance please learn your words – more details to follow later. The music for the songs is available on line at to help. Please also visit and complete the Termite Tumble challenge in your Active Learn Pupil World. Remember to also read your reading books and sign your yellow reading record. Have a wonderful half-term , Diolch yn Fawr Mrs Crowe, Miss Bale and Mrs Mottram.

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