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Leafy Lessons How to be Eco-Friendly.

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Presentation on theme: "Leafy Lessons How to be Eco-Friendly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leafy Lessons How to be Eco-Friendly

2 Recycling

3 Discussion What is recycling?
To recycle is when we change and reuse our waste What does recycling help? The materials we use stay in landfills for millions of years, recycling allows us to reuse these materials Can all things be sent to your local recycler? No! Why is it important for every person to recycle? Each person uses and throws away lots of trash, about 4.5 pounds a day!

4 Sorting Activity

5 Can be recycled: Cannot be recycled: Milk Carton Cereal Box Paper Milk Jug Copper Wire Cardboard Fabric Food Poster Board Egg Carton

6 Composting

7 Discussion What is composting?
The act of making compost with used material Why do we compost? Creates soil good for growing plants Why is it good to compost? Recycles materials, allowing our waste to feed plants What do you need in order to compost? Green waste (nitrogen rich), Brown waste (carbon rich), and Soil

8 Browns: Greens: Dead Leaves Woodchips Shredded Newspaper Brown Lunch Bags Shredded Non-Corrugated Cardboard Vegetable and Fruit Peels Grass Clippings Coffee Grounds Tea Grounds Cleaned Eggshells

9 Making a Compost Bin

10 Bees & Butterflies

11 Discussion What are pollinators?
Insects that go to plants and spread pollen, allowing plants to create seeds and grow future plants Why are pollinators important? They are the reason we have fruits, vegetables, and many of the foods we eat from plants What kinds of plants will attract bees and butterflies? Flowering plants with pollen and nectar, bright colors

12 Milkweed A plant that attracts bees and butterflies, Monarch butterflies will only leave their young on this plant

13 Texas’s state flower, attracts bees and butterflies
Bluebonnet Texas’s state flower, attracts bees and butterflies

14 A flower that attracts bees and butterflies
Indian Paintbrush A flower that attracts bees and butterflies

15 Lovely smelling purple flower that attracts bees and butterflies
Lavender Lovely smelling purple flower that attracts bees and butterflies

16 Bright flowers that attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies
Chrysanthemum Bright flowers that attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies

17 Save the bees and the butterflies
Save the bees and the butterflies

18 Flower Activity

19 Growing Plants

20 Discussion What are the four things plants need to grow?
Soil, water, sunlight, and air What do plants produce that we need? The air we breath! Oxygen! What do plants need that we produce? The air we exhale! Carbon dioxide! Could people live without plants? No!

21 Tomato and Pepper Plants

22 Questions?

23 Post-Test

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