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EMS2017 Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference

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1 EMS2017 Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference
UKSim-AMSS 11th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation 20 – 22 November 2017 Manchester, United Kingdom Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference

2 Thanks are due to Reviewers, track teams and Authors from (country of 1st author): UK-8, Saudi Arabia-6, Germany-5, Russia-5, Indonesia-3, Brazil-2, China-2, Italy-2, and 1 each from: Algeria, Canada, Ghana, Hungary, Iraq, Malaysia, USA Total 40 papers from 15 countries. EUROSIM and its national societies for active support and participation IEEE: UK & RI Section: chairman Prof Ali Hessami, secretary Dr Cyril Onwubiko, Computer Chapter chairman Prof Frank Wang for support and technical sponsorship, Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, UMP, UMS, UTM, KMUT and other universities in South East Asia for active sponsorship and support. Keynote speakers: Dr Simon Davidson, Dr Zaid Al-Ars and Prof Qiang Shen.

3 Conferences Coming up AMS2017: Asia Modelling Symposium 2017, 4 – 6 December, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. UKSim2018: UK Simulation Society conference 2018, Cambridge, UK, 27 – 29 March2018 ISMS2018: Intelligent Systems, Modelling & Simulation 2018, Kuala Lumpur/Bangkok, 18 June 2018. CIMSim2018: Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation 2018, Kuantan, 17 September 2018. EMS2018: European Modelling Symposium 2018, Madrid, 12 November 2018

4 EMS2017 Monday 20 November: 2 – 5pm: early registration desk
Tuesday 21 November: Keynote speakers Dr Simon Davidson and Dr Zaid Al-Ars + 25 papers, Full day 8.30am till 8pm including dinner Wednesday 22 November: Keynote speaker Prof Qiang Shen + 15 papers, half day 8.15 till 2pm including lunch at 1pm.

5 EMS2017 Published Papers Statistics
Papers published: 40 Scheduled for presentation: 3 keynote speakers and 40 papers Published papers by track: most popular descending order: F. Image, Speech and Signal Processing, 8 8 C. Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research, 6 6 K. Energy, Power, Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation, 5 5 T. Circuits, Sensors and Devices, 4 4 S. Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems, 3 3 N. Parallel, Distributed and Software Architectures and Systems, 3 J: Engineering: Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial, Manufacturing and Control, 2 2 D. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2 B: Hybrid Intelligent Systems & Hybrid Soft Computing, 1 1 G: Industry, Business and Management, 1 E. Discrete Event and Real Time Systems, 1 H: Human Factors, Social & Economic Sciences, 1 L: Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation, 1 P: Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies, 1 R: Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking, 1 Total 40

6 EMS2017 Day-1 Keynote Speakers 1 & 2 + 25 papers
8.30 – 10.15am: Keynote Speaker-1 and 2, Dr Simon Davidson: The SpiNNaker Project: Past, Present and Future? Dr Zaid Al-Ars: Beyond Big-Data Scalability: Bringing High-Performance Analytics to Processing Hardware – Coffee break – 12.15pm, 7 papers C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, D2, G – 1.15 Lunch 1.15 – 3.30pm: 9 papers B1, E1, J2, L1, K1, K2, K3, K4, K – 3.45 Tea break 3.45 – 6pm: 9 papers H1, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8 6pm: Photo opportunity 6.15 – 8pm: Dinner, only £15, limited seats, pay at registration desk

7 EMS2017 Day-2 Keynote Speaker-3 + 15 papers
8.15 – 9am: Keynote Speaker, Prof Qiang Shen: Dynamic Interpolative Modelling and its Application to Intrusion Detection 9 – 10.45: 7 papers C1, D1, J1, N1, N2, N3, P – 11: Coffee break 11 – 1pm: 8 papers R1, S1, S2, S3, T1, T2, T3, T4 1pm: Close of conference, photo opportunity 1.15: Lunch and Depart

8 Keynote Speaker-1: Prof Steve Furber The SpiNNaker Project: Past, Present and Future?
- ICL Professor of Computer Engineering, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester. - B.A. in Mathematics in 1974 and Ph.D. in Aerodynamics in 1980 from the university of Cambridge to 1990: hardware development group, R&D department, Acorn Computers - principal designer: BBC Microcomputer and ARM 32-bit RISC microprocessor, both of which earned Acorn Computers a Queen's Award for Technology. - University of Manchester in 1990, established the Amulet research group ‘asynchronous logic design and power-efficient computing’, and which merged with the Parallel Architectures and Languages group in 2000 to form the Advanced Processor Technologies group. - From 2003 to 2008 the APT group was supported by an EPSRC Portfolio Partnership Award. - Head of the Department of Computer Science in the Victoria University of Manchester from 2001 up to the merger with UMIST in 2004.

9 Keynote Speaker-1: Dr Simon Davidson The SpiNNaker Project: Past, Present and Future?
BEng 1989, PhD 1999, Sheffield University now: Research Fellow, Advanced Processor Technologies Group (APT), School of Computer Science, University of Manchester: original SpiNNaker chip, software stack and spiking neural applications. 1989: began PhD in neural networks, stopped to work on developing SoCs for image processing, then 10 years in industry: SGS-Thomson on Chameleon project on 64-bit superscalar processor for set top boxes, Hewlett Packard. 1999 PhD, returned to UK to join ARC Int. (London-based processor IP start-up) to lead development of ARC-Tangent A5 processor and AR-Compact instruction set. 2005 York University to develop further his PhD work on NN, then current position at Manchester. Currently EU-funded ERC Advanced grant by Prof Steve Furber. Main research interest: spiking large neural networks for high capacity associative memory, robust and reliable, mechanisms for representation and computation using simple spikes.

10 Keynote Speaker-2: Dr Zaid Al-Ars Beyond Big-Data Scalability: Bringing High-Performance Analytics to Processing Hardware - Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Lab, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. - He leads the research activities of the big-data research theme in the lab. - His work focuses on: developing high-performance computing infrastructures for efficient processing of big-data applications using optimized solution alternatives for system performance, memory, power, etc. - Co-founder of Bluebee, a big-data company active in the intersection between genomics, high performance computing and big-data analytics. - He is the chair of Personalized Medicine Workgroup in the OpenPOWER Foundation, leading industrial efforts to develop customized solutions for the computational challenges in precision medicine. - Has more than 100 publications in computer design and manufacturing.

11 Keynote Speakers –3: Professor Qiang Shen Dynamic Interpolative Modelling and its Application to Intrusion Detection PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems, DSc in Computational Intelligence. . Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University, a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, a REF 2014 panel member for Computer Science and Informatics, and a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems). . Professor Shen has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences. His current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty, pattern recognition, data mining, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g., crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis). . Authored 2 research monographs and over 350 peer-reviewed papers, including an award-winning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper. . Director of studies: > 50 PDRAs/PhDs, one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner.

12 EMS2017 Thank you and have a good conference!!

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