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Week 2 English 11 – Trimester 2
Reading Day tomorrow – Bring your book and Reading Records
Thursday, December 12 To prepare for class: Get a Purple Literature book. Pick up a handout from the front table. Reading Day tomorrow – Bring your book and Reading Records Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Scene 2 A sentry brings Antigone to the palace and tells Creon she is the one who was burying Polyneices. Antigone says she broke his law because the gods’ laws are more important to her. Antigone says she is not afraid to die. Creon brings Ismene to the palace and accuses her of helping Antigone. Ismene says she is guilty, but Antigone does not want her sister to join her now. Ismene reminds Creon Antigone is engaged to his son Haemon. Creon says his son can find another woman.
Pictures from yesterday
Haemon – son of Creon Engaged to be married to Antigone
Learning Targets I can distinguish (determine and explain) the difference between explicit (right there) and implicit (hidden) meanings in the text. I can analyze the evidence to support inferences and conclusions drawn from the text, including where the text is ambiguous.
Scene 3 (page 959) Read the scene quietly at your desk.
Make sure you read the notes and questions in the margins. This will help you with comprehension. Complete the paraphasing assignment. Hand me the assignment when you are finished Read Machiavelli’s The Qualities of a Prince
Expectations for the hour
Everyone is reading and working on interpreting the literature until the last 5 minutes of class.
Share what you’ve learned
Meet with a small group and take turns sharing what you learned from the readings today.
Paraphrasing- Formative
4 Excellent; performs with high accuracy; all paraphrases catch all the details of the passage 3 High quality; performs with accuracy; most paraphrases catch most of the details of the passage 2 Basic quality; performs with inconsistent accuracy; some paraphrases catch details of the passage while others are lacking details 1 Limited quality; performs with limited quality; few paraphrases catch details of the passage; most paraphrases are vague and incomplete
Antigone TRAGEDY Disastrous ending Tragic hero Pity and fear
Tragic fall Twists of fate
Wednesday, December 11 To prepare for class: Homework
Get a Purple Literature book. Open your notebook to the Reading Section. Pick up a piece of scrap paper from the table. Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Scene 1 Creon declares his law to the people of Thebes that no one must bury Polyneices. A sentry arrives to say someone has tried to bury Polyneices. Choragus suggests maybe the gods have done this. Creon rages and says he believes anarchists are working together to overthrow him. He believes someone tried to bury Polyneices for money. Creon sends the sentry to find “the man” who did this or he will kill him (the sentry).
A. Antigone B. Eteocles C. Laius D. Sophocles
E. Chorus F. Dionysus G. Oedipus H. Polyneices author of Antigone god of wine in whose honor the plays were held group of elder statesmen who comment on the events of the play previous king of Thebes who blinded himself and went into exile after learning he had killed his father and married his mother king of Thebes who died before the play begins; he is the father of Oedipus son of Oedipus whose body was to be left unburied son of Oedipus who refuses to give up the throne and dies in the resulting battle daughter of Oedipus who defies the king’s edict
A. Antigone B. Eteocles C. Laius D. Sophocles
E. Chorus F. Dionysus G. Oedipus H. Polyneices author of Antigone D god of wine in whose honor the plays were held F group of elder statesmen who comment on the events of the play E previous king of Thebes who blinded himself and went into exile after learning he had killed his father and married his mother G king of Thebes who died before the play begins; he is the father of Oedipus C son of Oedipus whose body was to be left unburied H son of Oedipus who refuses to give up the throne and dies in the resulting battle B daughter of Oedipus who defies the king’s edict A
Which 2 statements best describes Creon’s leadership style
Which 2 statements best describes Creon’s leadership style? Page Support your answer with evidence from the text. People must fear a leader or there will be anarchy. People must feel respected and listened to or there will be anarchy. A government is best run by a leader who makes quick, decisive, bold decisions. A government is best run by a leader who listens to many voices before making a decision. Good leaders stand by their decisions no matter what. Good leaders sometimes change their minds. Because I am the leader, I know what is best for the country. Because I am the leader, I must listen to the people so I can do what is best for the country.
Scene 2 – p. 950 Hour 3 Narrator – Kylie Choragus – Loi Sentry – Jordan Creon – Erik Antigone – Haley Ismene - Meghan
Scene 2 – p. 950 Hour 4 Narrator – Alexandra Choragus – Cory Sentry – Killian Creon – Chad Antigone – Jenn Ismene - Christie
Scene 2 – p. 950 Hour 5 Narrator – Nick T Choragus – Mitchell C Sentry – Brian Creon – Aaron Antigone – Ellie Ismene - Yesi
Scene 2 – p. 950 Hour 6 Narrator – Ryan Choragus – Steven Sentry – Jacob Creon – Kelly Antigone – Tasha Ismene – Bri N
Insolence – full of contempt; bold disagreement
Why did the author choose to describe Antigone this way
Why did the author choose to describe Antigone this way? “A mother bird come back to a stripped nest, heard for the young ones stolen. Just so, when this girl found the bare corpse, and all her love’s work wasted, she wept, and cried on heaven to damn the hands that had done this thing.”
What law does Antigone recognize as the supreme one
What law does Antigone recognize as the supreme one? What is Antigone’s attitude toward death?
Think me a fool if you like; but it may well be that a fool convicts me of folly. “All these men here would praise me were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you.” Lines 131 – 143: What do you think of Antigone’s treatment of her sister?
Draw a scene from the play
Page Lines 30 – 40 Page 954 Lines 78 – 100 Page 956 – 957 Lines 130 – 150 An image from the Ode Write a line from the play somewhere on the picture.
Tuesday, December 10 To prepare for class: Homework
Get a Purple Literature book. Pick up a piece of scratch paper from front table. Open your notebook to the Reading Section. Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Prologue – In READING section of notebook
Eteocles and Polyneices died in battle fighting each other. Eteocles was given a military funeral. Creon forbids that Polyneices be buried; his body will be eaten by carrion (vultures, etc.) Anyone who tries to bury Polyneices will be stoned to death. Antigone tells Ismene she will bury Polyneices even if it means death. Ismene is too frightened to disobey Creon’s law.
Essential Questions for Antigone
What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? What kind of leader is Creon? Why does Antigone feel so strongly about burying her brother Polyneices?
Hour 3 936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Shaddy Loi
Risheco Alex W Kylie Meghan 980 – Literary Concepts – Mitchell D Picture page 952
Hour 4 936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Alexandra
Mitch G Michael R Megan G Maddie K Mija 980 – Literary Concepts – Jayme Picture page 952
Hour 5 936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Shannon
Connor Alex C Seth Justin Grace 980 – Literary Concepts – Georgia Picture page 952
Hour 6 936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Matt Karl
Cassie Ari Bri Roberta 980 – Literary Concepts – Joey Picture page 952
Scene 1 – page 944 Lines 18 – 30: What is Creon saying about friendship and leadership? When will he expect all subjects to give him complete loyalty? (hint: line 18) Lines 31 – 42: Do you think Creon is justified in treating Polyneices’ corpse in this way? What do you think his motive is? Lines 117 – 122: What does Creon assume about the motives of those who have disobeyed him? Ode 1: What does this ode convey about human greatness and tragic limitation?
Exit Slip Name Hour What kind of a leader is Creon? Explain.
What, if anything, is confusing to you in the play?
Monday, December 9 To prepare for class: Get a Purple Literature book.
Pick up a handout from the front table. Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Name Antigone Journal 12/9/13
Journal (December 9) Essential Questions for Antigone
Write for 5 minutes. What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? Consider Who are some great leaders you know of? They might be people in your life. What makes them great leaders? Give examples of times in history when it was necessary for people to break laws.
Essential Questions for Antigone
What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? Jot notes of what stays with you as we listen to the video clips. Jot down a phrase or two that you can share with the class.
Nelson Mandela/ Malala Yousafzai
Cast of Characters Page 939
Reading Section: Contrast Ismene and Antigone
Which adjectives (2 or 3) would you use to describe each sister? Write examples from the play to support your opinion.
Notes Section: Vocabulary from Antigone
Auspicious – of promising success Compulsive – having the ability to compel or force resulting from an irresistible, irrational impulse Defile – to make foul, dirty, unclean, or impure Dirge – mournful piece of music; a funeral hymn edict – an order put out by a person of authority Lamentation – an expression of grief lithe - limber; physically flexible Perverse – willfully determined to go against what is expected or desired Sated – satisfied fully Transgress – to violate or break a law, command, or moral code
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