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P7 Plan for Learning During School Closure 2017/2018

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1 P7 Plan for Learning During School Closure 2017/2018
Numeracy Practise your 3,4,8 times tables related to big maths Sumdog Create a graph charting the temperature in Glasgow . Write 5 questions you could ask someone about the graph (Take a note of the answers) Find the exchange rate for the pound to euro. Create a table showing how many Euros you can get for 1, 5,10, 20, 50 and 100 Pounds. Do the same for Dollars. Literacy Read novel study book. Write a summary of a character. Draw an illustration to match. Choose a favourite part of the book and write about it explaining why you like it. Use the information from the book to create a Fact-file about where the book takes place Watch the news/listen to the radio to find a piece of Scottish news and turn it into a newspaper article. Create an information booklet giving advice to old people in Scotland for keeping safe during the cold weather (Tip: watch the news for ideas) Write a letter to the head teacher to convince her to let you out in the playground on snowy days. Keep a diary of each day, create a recount of events include what you do and when you do it. Include how you are feeling and what you are thinking. Social Studies List 5 famous Scots from the past and 5 famous Scots from the present. Choose 1 and write 10 facts about them and about why they are famous. Draw a map of the UK. Label each country and capital city. Label Moodiesburn. (Watch a weather forecast.) Create an advert for a magazine advertising Moodiesburn as a place to visit. List the local attractions and all the positive points it has. Watch a weather forecast for a country outside the Uk eg France, America (Tip: Try a news channel like Sky or BBC) Create a table listing the current weather for the UK and the other country. Write a paragraph about the differences and similarities. Expressive Arts Draw a picture of the scene outside your house. P7 Plan for Learning During School Closure 2017/2018

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