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Actors and Radiographers: A comparison of approaches to embedding PDP and Employability Fiona Boyle Employability Coordinator Centre for Academic Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Actors and Radiographers: A comparison of approaches to embedding PDP and Employability Fiona Boyle Employability Coordinator Centre for Academic Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actors and Radiographers: A comparison of approaches to embedding PDP and Employability
Fiona Boyle Employability Coordinator Centre for Academic Practice

2 Background to Employability in Scotland and QMU
Enhancement theme followed by specific SFC funding (all HEIs) Audit: employer links, volunteering, curriculum, careers service, Jobshop, PDP, Students’ Union Facilitation, integration, dissemination and sustainability SFC Evaluation: engaging at the strategic level, frontline academic staff, student bodies and learners, employers

3 BA (Hons) Acting and Performance World of Work Modules
Embedded in all years (one continuous PDP?!) Development of skills, knowledge and the ability to be a reflective practitioner Year 1: Introduction to reflection and research (journal) Year 2: Development of a professional attitude Year 3:Transition from student-actor to professional actor Year 4: A comprehensive professional portfolio that can include visual and aural material

4 BA Acting and Performance The Actor’s Journal
1st year: 5 entries per week Hand-written – can include anything Personalised – choice of materials, photos, textures Reflection on workshops, rehearsals, watching TV, films, observations of people, animals Identifying something that resonates with life and course The journal is the student’s voice: a conduit Assessed

5 BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography e-Portfolio for clinical placements
Professional body requirements Pebblepad: 2nd – 4th year and introduction to 1st yr 08/09 (replacement of paper-based portfolios) Generic induction + subject specific guidelines 13 submissions through the Gateway (one for each week of placement) Mandatory elements + allowance for personalisation Pass/fail assessment Failures: wrong gateway, inadequate standard of reflection e.g. 20 words for 1 week’s practice

6 Issues to consider Is one approach “better” than the other? (Does it matter?) Small groups of students – possible for much larger groups? Assessment Implications for subject-specific staff? Implications for support staff? Implications for the rest of the university? What do employers think? After graduation – what next for our students’ PDP?

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