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Upper Limb Case #1 Table 36 Farah Abbas Jeremy Jacobs Brian McQuillan

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1 Upper Limb Case #1 Table 36 Farah Abbas Jeremy Jacobs Brian McQuillan
David Smith

2 Chief Complaint and HPI
35 yr/o female, computer software executive Burning/tingling sensation in left hand Symptoms progressing over past 3 months Localized to thumb, index, middle, and lateral side of left ring finger Difficulty grasping objects Frequently drops things

3 Vitals Normal Vital signs: Blood Pressure: 130/80 Pulse: 75
Rhythm: Regular Temperature: 99.0oF Respiratory rate: 17 Height: 5’10” Weight: 150 lbs. HEENT Examination: Normal All other systems: Normal

4 Musculoskeletal Exam Thenar eminence of left hand flattened
Minor loss of touch sensation on thumb, index, middle, and lateral side of left ring finger Positive Tinel’s Sign (tapping over the median nerve on flexor retinaculum caused pain to shoot from wrist to hand) Loss of strength of certain movements of left thumb


6 Anatomy of the Forearm and Hand

7 Anatomy of the Forearm and Hand

8 Anatomy of Forearm and Hand
Muscle Innervation Origin Insertion Action Flexor Pollicis Brevis (Thenar) Median n. Flexor Retinaculum Trapezium Proximal Phalanx of 1st digit Flexes the Carpometacarpal & Metacarpophalangeal joints of Thumb Opponens Pollicis Flexor Retinaculum Trapezium Shaft of 1st Metacarpal Opposes the Thumb Abductor Pollicis Brevis Scaphoid Abducts the Thumb, Grasping


10 Diagnosis Weakness of thumb muscles (thenar) Loss of touch sensation
Positive Tinel’s sign Compression of the median nerve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

11 Treatment Splint the affected wrist, 2-6 weeks
NSAIDs (aspirin or ibuprofen) See a specialist if there is atrophy of thenar muscles or continued weakness for an injection of corticosteroids Surgery (cut the transverse carpal ligament to relieve swelling)

12 References Hellman, David B., Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008, Forty-Seventh Edition, "Musculoskeletal Disorders- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." 2008. Netter, F.H. Atlas of Human Anatomy (4th ed.) Deune, E. Gene. Current Rheumatology Diagnosis & Treatment, Second Edition "CH 6: The Patient with Hand, Wrist, or Elbow Pain"

13 References Harris: Kelley’s Tesxbook of Rheumatology, 7th ed “Common Etiologies for Hand and Wrist Pain.”

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