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Circles trivia game.

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Presentation on theme: "Circles trivia game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circles trivia game

2 Rules Groups of 3-4 All members of the group must come up with the answer together (I can call on any member). Once your group has the answer, every member must raise their hand silently. First group to do this and answer correctly, gets a point. Group with the most points wins.

3 Question one What do you call a line segment in a circle that connects any two points on the circle?

4 Answer A chord:

5 Question two What is the area of a circle with a diameter measuring 5 cm?

6 Answer Area: 78.5cm²

7 Question three What is the radius of a circle whose circumference measures 40.2cm?

8 Answer Radius: 6.4cm

9 Question four Define the term sector of a circle.

10 Answer Sector: portion of a disc’s area which is defined by its corresponding central angle.

11 Question five What is the diameter of a circle whose area is 75.8 cm²?

12 Answer Diameter: 9.8cm

13 Question six What is the length of an arc whose central angle measures 72 degrees and whose radius is 8 m?

14 Answer Arc length: 10.1m

15 Question seven What is the area of a circle that has a sector area equal to 82.4cm with a central angle of 98 degrees?

16 Answer Area: 302.7cm

17 Question eight What do you call the interior of a circle?

18 Answer A disc:

19 Question nine Define the what the radius of a circle is.

20 Answer Radius: line segment joining any point on a circle to its center.

21 Question 10 Find the area of a circle if its circumference is 37.7m.

22 Answer Area: 113.1m

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