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Published byMilton Freeman Modified over 6 years ago
IGG Agenda 27th June 2012 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting
10:30 – 10:35 Review of Action Items 10:35 – 10:45 CER Update 10:45 – 10:55 Gemserv Update 10:55 – 11:05 MRSO Update 11:05– 11:15 HSP Project Update 11:15 – 11:25 Retail Market Design Service Update 11: :45 AOB 11:45 – 11:55 Next Steps 11: :00 27th June 2012
Draft Minutes from IGG meeting
23rd May 2012 For approval today. 27th June 2012
IGG Action Items Updated IGG Action List issued in advance of meeting
Actions closed since last IGG meeting: 11 IGG Actions carried forward: 7 27th June 2012
IGG Actions Carried Forward
AP No. Title Assigned To Date Due 645 Provide list of open Defects and timelines for delivery RMDS 16/07/2010 791 Market System Outages: Suppliers to provide feedback to aid development of appropriate process Suppliers 27/06/2012 795 LTNA Sites: Suppliers to consider ESBN Proposals & forward feedback to RMDS 14/06/2012 799 Harmonisation: EULA - CER to liaise with MRSO/ESBN regarding potential Data Protection issues CER 31/05/2012 800 Essential Plant: Suppliers to forward feedback to CER on ESB Networks' Proposals 801 Essential Plant: ESB Networks to forward list of relevant MPRNs to each Supplier ESBN 805 MCR 87: RMDS to update status to Withdrawn and remove from Active List 29/06/2012 27th June 2012
Feedback from 2 Suppliers
LTNA Sites: Suppliers to consider ESBN Proposals and forward feedback to RMDS Feedback from 2 Suppliers 1 preference for Option 3; Supplier requests de-energisation and cost of work is socialised It is better for the market as a whole that long term vacant sites are de-energised to ensure there are no safety risks. numbers across the market are not significant. With option 1 & 2 suppliers are still exposed to the cost associated with the reduced MIC (50 kVA or 100 kVA). 1 Supplier preference for alternative Option 4 ESBN would allow the supplier to be deregistered 3 months after the supplier has requested the de-energisation of the site In order to quantify what impact the proposal will have on costs ESBN require details from suppliers on the connections that qualify (include MPRN, DUoS Group and current MIC). 27th June 2012
Industry Governance Group 27th June 2012
CER Update Industry Governance Group 27th June 2012
Retail Market Assurance Services for the Irish Electricity Market
Peter Varley IGG 27th June 2012
Assurance Activity Update Business As Usual (RMDS)
Assurance Process Document Third review comments from RMDS received Final draft compiled and being reviewed by RMDS Expect it to be ready for next IGG 21 September 2011 8
Assurance Activity Update Harmonisation (HRDS)
PQ Most questionnaires received but some still awaited IPTs have been prioritised and streamed scenarios and evidence requirements have been written individual Supplier Packs are being prepared Supplier test slots planned 21 September 2011 9
Assurance Activity Update Harmonisation (HRDS)
Proposed Go/No-go criteria (for discussion): No major issues raised at ESBN site visit(s) All No major issues arising at EMMA/Webforms commissioning All Priority 1 scenarios successfully completed for all Large Suppliers If criteria not met CER take advice and then determine whether to go/no-go 21 September 2011
IPT Streaming – Large Suppliers, TSO
IPT Number HSP Changes Grouping MM Trigger Target MM Title Priority ESB Networks, Large Suppliers, TSO IPT001 BAU 030 332 Successful meter works - Change of Meter Configuration 1 IPT002 New Message 017 131 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - not resched - Refused Access (DN05) IPT003 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - Rescheduled - snag customer fault (R002) IPT004 NPA Re-energise (W203) - fail - not resched -Safety Problem (RE04) IPT005 Change to MCC (W306) - fail - no access - resched (R001) IPT006 260 RP Inspection Visit (W402) - fail - missed appointment ESB fault (R008) IPT007 Non-RoI MPRN 010 102R CoS registration of NI MPRN 3 IPT008 013 014R CoCD for NI MPRN IPT009 210 303R Supplier provides customer reading for NI MPRN IPT010a CSSNs CoS Add 1 SN 2 IPT010b CoS Add 2 SNs IPT011a 016 CoLE Add 1 SN IPT011b CoLE Add 2 SNs IPT011c CoLE Add 4 SNs IPT012a Energise Add 1 SN - successful so no MM131 IPT012b Energise Add 7 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT013a De-Energise add 5 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT013b De-Energise add 6 SNs - successful so no MM131 IPT014a 101 N/C with 1 SN IPT014b N/C with 3 SNs IPT015, incl in IPT010 105 Included in CoS above IPT016a CoCD delete 1 CSSN IPT016b CoCD delete 3 CSSNs IPT017 CoCD delete all CSSNs IPT018a CoCD add 1 CSSN IPT018b CoCD add 2 CSSNs IPT018c CoCD add 5 CSSNs 21 September 2011
IPT Streaming – Small Suppliers
IPT Number HSP Changes Grouping MM Trigger Target MM Title Priority ESB Networks, Small Suppliers IPT030a Webforms - CSSNs 013 CoCD add 2 CSSNs 1 IPT030b CoCD delete 1 CSSNs IPT031 Webforms -New Msg 131 017 131 NPA De-energise (W103) - fail - not resched - Refused Access (DN05) IPT030 Webforms 10 N/A Simple NQH CoS Gain/Loss (2 small suppliers) 3 Simple QH CoS Gain/Loss (2 small suppliers) IPT032 NQH Cos with Objection (2 small suppliers) IPT033 QH Cos with Objection (2 small suppliers) IPT034 13 CoCD IPT035 16 CoLE IPT036 017/210 De-energise IPT037 17 Re-energise IPT038 30 Change to Meter Configuration IPT039 New Connection NQH IPT040 New Connection QH IPT041-NEW 21 September 2011
IPT scenario definition
Script Name: IPT005 Unsuccessful Change to Meter Configuration Code Test objectives: The Supplier receives and correctly interprets the requested Meter Works Status from the new market message, MM131. Participant roles under test: Supplier, ESB Networks Participant roles requiring simulation: None. Initial Conditions: The Metering Point is registered to the Supplier with all Registration Data items set; The Metering Point is currently energised; The Supplier has a recorded history for the Metering Point; and The Supplier has retained evidence of all of the above. The Scenario: The Supplier requests a change of Meter configuration code by submitting a meter works (MM030) request, with no CoLE to ESB Networks Central Market Systems; ESB Networks validates the meter configuration is from the standard set and that both the meter work request and appointment date are valid and that all permits and requisite requirements to perform the meter works are in place. ESB Networks is unable to perform the change as they are unable to access the customer’s site; ESB Networks reschedules the visit, updates their records, and informs the Supplier via relevant market message (MM131). Test Ends Final Conditions: The requested Meter Configuration Code change is not performed; The Supplier receives the new MM131 (Work Type W103 and Outcome Reason (R001)) informing them of the status of their requested meter works; and The Supplier processes the new MM131 according to their business processes. 21 September 2011
IPT Evidence Required 21 September 2011 IPT027
ESB Networks sends sample of daily MM342s to Suppliers, TSO and applicable Generators 1. Receipt of MM342 by Supplier; 2. Recognition by BGE of: IntervalStatusCode, IntervalValue, and NetActiveDemandValue 3. "Sxx" (SupplierID) be recipient ID 1. XML of MM342 received by Supplier for sample of 3 MPRNs; and 2. Evidence that interval data has been correctly processed by Supplier IPT022 Supplier requests change of UnM Group characteristics which is withdrawn due to incorrect incorrect estimation BGE withdraws initial request Change of Unmetered Group (UM010_CoG.doc) due to incorrect estimation. 1. Screen print of withdrawal of UM010_CoG sent; 2. XML of 700 (received); 3. XML of 700W (received); and 3. Evidence of interpretation of PSOExemptionFlag IPT011b Change of Legal Entity - Add 2 Customer Services Special Needs BGE submits multiple Customer Services Special Needs requirement on a Change of Legal Entity (MM016) request. 1. XML of MM016 (sent); and 2. XML of CoLE Confirmation (MM116) (received); and 3. Screen print / confirmation of the interpreted confirmation in the Supplier's internal systems. IPT028 Supplier provides customer reading with the meter serial number 1. BGE submits an invalid Customer Reading (MM210) including the Serial Number which is now required for validation; 2. BGE receives the Validated Reading (MM300) 1. XML of MM210 (sent); 2. XML of Vlaidated Read (MM300) (received); IPT042 Readings Processing - Non QH The Supplier receives and process their standard NQH reads using their normal business processes as per business as usual (BAU). XML of sample of three received reads ((MM300) 21 September 2011
Questions & Discussion
MRSO Update Jim Long 27 June 2012 21 September 2011
105L Market Messages
010 Market Messages
Oct 11 1 Nov 11 Dec 11 5 Jan 12 8 Feb 12 12 Mar 12 40 Apr 12 163
COS In Progress 19/05/2012 – 8,013 Reviewed Monthly Suppliers notified of individual switches outstanding and reason Switch outstanding for Energisation or Token Meter Removal will not time-out Contact Customer or submit cancellation 32 Switches held due to an existing Open Service Order Oct 11 1 Nov 11 Dec 11 5 Jan 12 8 Feb 12 12 Mar 12 40 Apr 12 163 21 September 2011
COS and CoLE Month Explicit CoLE Inferred CoLE Total CoLE Total 010
Mar-12 5,702 3,814 9,516 27,875 20% 34% Apr-12 4,945 2,998 7,943 24,292 33% May-12 5,173 3,343 8,516 27,055 19% 31% 21 September 2011
21 September 2011
Debt Flagging Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Total MPRNs Received 447 749 599
Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Total MPRNs Received 447 749 599 Total Inferred CoLEs Returned to Outgoing Supplier 120 222 186 Returned for other reason to Outgoing supplier (Invalid MPRN, Switch Completed, Explicit CoLE) 36 19 26 Valid Debt Flags issued to Gaining supplier 291 508 387 Total Cancelled 204 197 246 Valid Debt Flags as % of total COS 1.1% 2.5% 1.6% 21 September 2011
Disputed Reads Processed
21 September 2011
21 September 2011
Objections – Erroneous Transfers
21 September 2011
Uncontactable by phone Written communication
Objections Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 No. of Objections 53 25 43 Cancellations from Objections 44 24 33 Objection s to MRSO 21 16 8 Reasons: Uncontactable by phone 2 3 1 Written communication - COS Confirmed 15 13 6 Other Escalation s 14 4 21 September 2011
ROI HSP Project Update Conor Garrigan 21 September 2011
HSP Agenda Items Project Plan Update
Design Clarifications (Extranet and Data Formats) 21 September 2011
High Level Schedule 21 September 2011
ROI HSP Design Clarification
Standard Load Profile on Supplier Extranet 21 September 2011
Final position and format for new Standard Load Profile field on Extranet
21 September 2011
ROI HSP Design Clarification
Data Format Changes (aligning with existing live Harmonised Design in NI) 21 September 2011
Data Format Changes in Market Messages to Support new TIBCO-based Communications
Background The introduction of the new TIBCO-based communications technology requires a number of changes in the contents and/or format of certain fields in some Market Messages. Summary of Impact Changes are being introduced in the following areas: Changes in naming convention for XML Messages Dropping of leading zeroes in Transaction Reference Number in Message Header on all outbound from Supplier messages created by Webforms Change in format of MarketTimeStamp field in Header Segment on all Messages to conform with UTC format These changes are described fully overleaf. All of these changes will be added to the ROI Extended Impact Summary spreadsheet as presented at the ROI MP Planning Workshop on 17 April The updated presentation will be Version 1.3 and will be replaced in the HSP Project Folder on the RMDS Calendar. 21 September 2011
1. Change in Market Message File Naming convention
Outbound from Supplier (via Webforms) Inbound to Supplier As-Is MM Number Date and Time MM Number Date and Time Mxxxx_YYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSS Mxxxx_YYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSS Seconds since base date Seconds since base date To-Be MM Number TIBCO Process ID MM Number TIBCO Process ID (Pending or Outbound Folder) MIM_xxxx_sssssssssssss_pppp (Inbound Folder) MIM_xxxx_sssssssssssss_pppp DSO_MIM_xxxx_sssssssssssss_pppp DSO_MIM_xxxx_sssssssssssss_pppp (Archive/ Outbound Folder) (Archive/ Inbound Folder) Planning and Implementation Notes This change does not impact on the HBL or Harmonised Schema This change is separate from the12 message name changes in the Harmonised Schema (see the category “Message Name Changed” in the ROI Extended Impact Summary spreadsheet on page 16 of the MP Planning Workshop slide deck) 21 September 2011
2. Dropping of leading zeros in Transaction Reference Number (TxRefNbr) in Header Segment on all messages outbound from Supplier created by Webforms As-Is (assuming message is from S98) MIM YYYYMMDD HHMMSSSSS S98_ To-Be (assuming message is from S98) MPID YYYYMMDD HHMMSSSSS S98_ Planning and Implementation Notes Change applies only to outbound messages to Networks created by Webforms Leading zeroes are dropped from HH, MM and SS but not from milliseconds This field is populated automatically on messages created by Webforms users This field is unchanged on all outbound to MPs messages Validation rules for this field on inbound to Networks messages are unchanged This field is not to be confused with the MP Business Reference field in the body of many Market Messages (that field remains unchanged by this change) This change does not impact on the HBL or Harmonised Schema 21 September 2011
3.1 Change in format of MarketTimeStamp in Header segment of all messages – Inbound to Supplier
WinterTime SummerTime As-Is YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.SSS TimeZone YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.SSS TimeZone T10:15: :00 T10:15: :00 To-Be YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.TT TimeZone YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.TT TimeZone T10:15:20.07Z T10:15:20.07Z Planning and Implementation Notes Change applies only to the MarketTimeStamp field and not to other timestamp fields in the message body such as those for IntervalPeriodTimestamp in 341, 342 and aggregation messages 602 Message: the existing StartTime and EndTime timestamps are both in the format “DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS” so are not impacted by this change This change does not impact on the HBL or Harmonised Schema Note: As-Is TimeZone does not change with Wintertime/Summertime changes 21 September 2011
3.2 Change in format of MarketTimeStamp in Header Segment of all messages – Outbound from Supplier (by Webforms) WinterTime SummerTime As-Is YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.mmm TimeZone YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.mmm TimeZone T10:15: :00 T10:15: :00 To-Be YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS T10:15:20 T10:15:20 Planning and Implementation Notes MarketTimeStamp is populated automatically on all messages created by Webforms Validation rules for this field on inbound from Supplier messages are unchanged This change does not impact on the HBL or Harmonised Schema 21 September 2011
Retail Market Design Update
RMDS Update Retail Market Design Update Aileen O Connor, RMDS 27th June 2012 27th June 2012
LTCA Working Group Working Group held 13/06/12
Draft WG Report issued 22/06/12 Wide variety of issues and partial solutions Actions for ESBN/Suppliers to provide evidence and statistics for next meeting Facilitate better focus on effective solutions Conference Call 28/06/12 to discuss next meeting date Terms of Reference V5.0 for Approval 27th June 2012
ESB Networks. DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging. Discussion Document
ESB Networks DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging Discussion Document Meeting of the IGG , 27th June 2012 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging
Background CER Decision Customer Bad Debt in Electricity & Gas Markets CER/11/106 requires an automated solution to replace the current interim Debt Flagging Process Since October 2011 the manual interim process based on WP20 is in place Subsequently a fast-track solution for Service Orders was implemented DR1111 The objective of these slides is to present options on the Automation of Debt Flagging to inform the debate within the industry The options are based on a market messaging solution Discussion Request DR1111 will be raised and will be based on the outcome of the debate and CER requirements Key Concepts of Debt Flagging Old Supplier must Debt Flag where specific conditions and thresholds are met New Supplier can if they choose Cancel the COS, but is not obliged to do so 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Two Options
Two Options are presented for consideration Option A : 3*New Market Messages; Debt Flag passed through MRSO from Old to New Supplier Option B : 3*New Market Messages, Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Comment Option A retains the disadvantage of a need for a manual fast-track process for certain Service Orders Option B is a more complex solution and necessitates a delay in the raising of certain Service Orders 3* New Market Messages 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option A : 3*New Market Messages
Debt Flag passed through MRSO from Old to New Supplier Option A : 3*New Market Messages Debt Flag passed through MRSO from Old to New Supplier The Old Supplier will get a notification message 110 from MRSO that they are losing an MPRN in a COS process. Old Supplier carries out their own checks and where a Debt Flag is necessary then the MPRN is sent to MRSO via the 018MM . This should be timed to arrive while the COS is still in progress. In this Option the COS process does not wait for an 018MM Where the 018MM is not received by MRSO from the Old Supplier while the COS is still in progress then it will be rejected via 118R , and the COS process will continue as normal See #2 Where the Old Supplier does not Debt Flag then MRSO will not receive an 018. and the COS process remains as-is MRSO will perform automated checks via the Central Market System [See #7] on the 018MM and where passed will send the Debt Flagged MPRN to the New Supplier via the 118MM however, should these checks detect a problem then the 018MM will be rejected and the 118R will be sent to the Old Supplier with the appropriate reject reason code After receiving a 118MM the New Supplier can cancel the COS for Debt Flagging on 011MM an via a new cancellation reason See #6 The 011MM should be timed to arrive while the COS is in progress otherwise it will be rejected See #6 Similar to the current interim solution, a manual fast-track process will be needed for certain Service Orders viz Re-energisation where previously Deenergised NPA / Remove Token Meter 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Sundry items relevant to both Options
#1 The 110 is proposed to be amended to indicate where there is a COLE either explicit or inferred #2 Where the Old Supplier submits a late 018MM notice of Debt Flagging then the proposal is to reject back to the old supplier via 118R - 018MM must arrive into MRSO while the COS is in progress otherwise it will be late - Option A - For Option B an 018MM must arrive into MRSO during the <<24hr or 48hr >> First Wait Period #3 QH sites, where eligible for Debt Flagging, will need to be accommodated in the final approved design and where needed changes to the Central Market System will be proposed #4 Assumption tbc is that Unmetered will be included in Debt Flagging and - As Unmetered is a manual process the assumption is that the Debt flagging process for Grouped Unmetered will be manual and via the current SFTS - Single Point Unmetered is assumed to be part of the automated solution #5 Should Suppliers’ sign-up process include a warning where a prospective customer is de-energised due to NPA or has a token meter to be removed that the physical work of Re-Energisation or Removal of Token Meter may be prevented from starting until the Debt Flagging process has run its course 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Sundry items relevant to both Options
#6 Proposals for cancellation of COS due to Debt Flagging General The 011 is proposed to be amended to indicate a cancellation due to a Debt Flag Currently the Cancellation Reason code ME is being used in the interim process and this is proposed to be replaced by a new value Where a Supplier submits an 011MM and the cancellation is for Debt Flagging there will be new validations to check if MRSO has received the 011MM before an expiry window For Option A the expiry window is proposed as follows After receiving a 118MM the New Supplier can cancel the COS for Debt Flagging on 011MM The 011MM should be timed to arrive while the COS is in progress otherwise it will be rejected Note should Option A be the favoured option to progress then further work would be needed to define the cancellation window for a manual fast track solution, as well as all other details related to this sub-process For Option B the expiry window is proposed as follows There will be new validations to check if MRSO has received the 011MM before the SWP expiry. and where late the cancellation will be rejected on a 111R and with either the existing TIM or a new rejection reason code. Note that the Cancellation 011MM for Debt Flagging will not be accepted if sent in before the start of the SWP because the 118MM will not have been sent out 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Checks on the 018MM - both Options
#7 Automated Checks proposed on the 018MM leading to rejections on the 118R to the Old Supplier eg Invalid MPRN [IMP] MPRN is not registered to Supplier [SNR] Duplicate 018MM has been sent in by the Old Supplier [IA] COS not in Progress or Cancelled [IA] There is a COLE with the COS [COLE rejection reason - New] DUoS Group is invalid [DG Rejection Reason - New] Comment existing reject reason codes will be used where possible ; new values are likely to be needed 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Option B : 3*New Market Messages Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines For all COS, MRSO via the Central Market System will perform automated checks similar to those for the 018MM and where there is a COLE either implied or explicit , or a DUoS Group that is valid for Debt Flagging , then there will be a further check carried out such that if the MPRN has been Deenergised for NPA or has a Token Meter that is to be removed then no Service Order will at this point be raised for Reenergisation / Removal of Token Meter resp. The Old Supplier will get a notification message 110 from MRSO that they are losing an MPRN in a COS process. The First Wait Period of << 24hr or 48hr >> is kicked off. [FWP] This is to allow the Old Supplier to carry out their own checks and where a Debt Flag is necessary then the MPRN is sent by the Old Supplier to MRSO via the 018MM . MRSO will perform automated checks via the Central Market System [See #7] on the 018MM and where passed will send the Debt Flagged MPRN to the New Supplier via the 118M Should these checks detect a problem then the 018MM will be rejected and the 118R will be sent to the Old Supplier with the appropriate reject reason code Should the 018MM not be received by MRSO from the Old Supplier while FWP is open then it will be rejected via 118R Where the Old Supplier has not sent in a valid Debt Flag message 018 before the expiry of FWP then the ReEnergisation or Token Meter Removal Service Order is now raised, where needed. and the Cos process will continue as normal 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Option B : 3*New Market Messages Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Introduce automated timelines...continued Otherwise at the expiry of FWP and where the Old Supplier has sent in a valid Debt Flag message 018 the ReEnergisation or Token Meter Removal Service Order will not be raised The Second Wait Period of <<24hr or 48hr >> is kicked off [SWP] This is to allow the New Supplier time to send in an 011 Cancellation Message before Service Orders are raised. If the New Supplier sends in a Cancellation 011MM there will be a new cancellation reason code for Debt Flagging, and where a cancellation is for Debt Flagging there will be new validations to check if MRSO has received the 011MM before the SWP expiry. If not then the cancellation will be rejected on a 111R and with either the existing TIM or a new rejection reason code. Note that the Cancellation 011MM for Debt Flagging will not be accepted if sent in before the start of the SWP because the 118MM will not have been sent out See #6 Where the New Supplier does not send in a valid Cancellation 011MM by the expiry of the SWP then the ReEnergisation or Token Meter Removal Service Orders will be raised, where needed. and the Cos process will continue as normal 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Items specific to Option B #8 Service Orders for certain MPRNs that are Deenergised for NPA or need a Token Meter to be removed are prevented from being raised by this process from << 2 or 3>> and possibly up to << 3 or 4>> time periods ref#11 for time periods - There is no Fast-tracking element in this proposal - Operationally, ESB Networks would not favour a new manual fast-tracking process #9 Not all MPRNs that are Deenergised for NPA or need a Token Meter to be removed will meet the euro criteria for Debt Flagging. It is the Old Supplier and not MRSO who is able to perform this calculation after receipt of the 010MM. This is why all of these MPRNs would be included in the process to prevent the Service Orders from being raised , and not just those that are eligible for Debt Flagging #10 In the specific Debt Flagging scenario where Service Orders are not being raised pending the outcome of the Debt Flagging process then Suppliers would need to be aware that the 102P will issue even though no Service Order has been raised at that point , and in cases where there is a cancellation of that COS then no Service Order may have been raised at all even though a 102P has issued ESB Networks SLA timelines start as normal once the Service Orders are raised. 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines # Slides on Option B follow illustrating sample Message Flows and timelines for wait periods General The proposal is that the start of the automated timeline will be from an identified trigger , and not from midnight. This allows for a Service Order to be raised earlier than if using a midnight-midnight clock , and from a Customer perspective the Re-Energisation following NPA to be processed as soon as possible Days are Working days, and therefore Weekends and Bank Holidays are not counted within the wait period timelines <<48hr + 48hr >> wait periods FWP starts from when 110 is outbound from SAP and ends a max of 48hr later SWP starts from when 118 is outbound from SAP and ends a max of 48hr later This timeline is consistent with WP20 and along Gas timelines Up to 4 days longer for impacted Customers to have Service Order raised for Reenergisation of NPA or Token Meter removal << 24hr + 24hr >> wait periods FWP starts from when 110 is outbound from SAP and ends a max of 24hr later SWP starts from when 118 is outbound from SAP and ends a max of 24hr later Earlier raising of Service Orders than with <<48hr + 48hr >> Less time for Suppliers to respond with 018MM [Old] , 011MM [New] 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Example Message flows : <<48hr + 48hr >> Wait Periods Slide 1 of 3 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Example Message flows : <<48hr + 48hr >> Wait Periods Slide 2 of 3 24*2 = Earliest for Re-Energisation NPA and Token Meter removal Service Order to be raised – this will happen where No valid Debt Flagged MM018 has been received viz scenarios 12, 13 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages
Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Example Message flows : <<48hr + 48hr >> Wait Periods Slide 3 of 3 24*4 = During this period Service Orders are raised for a COS that has had a Debt Flag raised by the Old Supplier and the New supplier does not cancel , or cancels late viz scenarios 5, 6, 10, 11 24*2 = Earliest for Re-Energisation NPA and Token Meter removal Service Order to be raised – this will happen where No valid Debt Flagged MM018 has been received viz scenarios 12, 13 21 September 2011
Example Message flows : <<24hr + 24hr >> Wait Periods
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Option B : 3*New Market Messages Do not raise Service Orders (Re-energisation /Remove Token Meter), Introduce automated timelines Example Message flows : <<24hr + 24hr >> Wait Periods 24*1 = Earliest for Re-Energisation NPA and Token Meter removal Service Order to be raised – this will happen where No valid Debt Flagged MM018 has been received viz scenarios 5, 6 24*2 = During this period Service Orders are raised for a COS that has had a Debt Flag raised by the Old Supplier and the New supplier does not cancel , or cancels late viz scenarios 3,4 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Volumes
These stats indicate the level of MPRNs where there would be a delay under Option 6 in raising Service Orders for ReEnergisation 35 in April , 64 in May also indicated is the level of those where the COS is subsequently cancelled 7 in April , 20 in May and where the COS continued 28 in April, 44 in May 21 September 2011
DR1111 Automated Debt Flagging – Next Steps
Asking for your consideration of this presentation and to feedback your comments to RMDS over the next three weeks and by 18th July 2012 If you wish to comment on identified items then we ask you to flag your comment with the associated item # reference number feedback will be circulated by the next IGG the intention is to arrive at a draft text for DR1111 for the earliest possible IGG Thank You 21 September 2011
IGG Meeting AOB 27th June 2012
Next Steps Diary dates for next two IGG meetings:
Wednesday 8th August 2012 – Belfast Wednesday 19th September Dublin Dates included on Calendar of Events on RMDS website 27th June 2012
Next Steps Diary Dates for next two Conference Calls:
Thursday 19th July 2012 Thursday 30th August 2012 Dates included on Calendar of Events on RMDS website Call details are as follows: LoCall: Local Access: +353-(0) Guest Passcode (Pin):167172 27th June 2012
Thank You 27th June 2012
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