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What is the cause? Disruption of blood flow to the brain Plaque

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2 What is the cause? Disruption of blood flow to the brain Plaque
Foreign debris, clot Broken vessel

3 Signs and Symptoms of STROKE
Hemorrhagic Sudden and dramatic Violent explosive headache Visual disturbance Nausea and vomiting Neck and back pain Sensitivity to light Weakness on one side

4 Signs and Symptoms of STROKE
Ischemic Stroke Harder to detect Weakness in one side Facial drooping Numbness and tingling Language disturbance Visual disturbance

5 Left Brain Damage Right side paralysis Speech and language disturbance
Behavioral changes Swallowing problems

6 Right Brain Damage Left side paralysis Spatial perception Coordination

7 Use a “FAST” STROKE assessment
A screen system to detect Stroke patients Face Arm Speech Time of onset

8 FACE Look for Facial Droop
Have the patient smile or show his/her teeth NORMAL: both sides of the face move equally ABNORMAL: one side of the patient’s face droops or does not move

9 ARMS Motor weakness: look for arm drift by asking the patient to close eyes and lift arms, palms up NORMAL: arms remain extended equally ABNORMAL: one arm drifts down compared to the other

10 SPEECH The patient is asked to say “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” NORMAL: Phrase repeated clearly and plainly ABNORMAL: Words slurred, abnormal or unable to speak

11 ABNORMAL SPEECH Slurring of speech Unable to think of words
Inappropriate words Expressive aphasia: unable to speak words Receptive aphasia: unable to understand words

12 TIME OF ONSET The window of opportunity to effectivelly treat STROKE is 3 hours (180 min) Maybe extended to 4 ½ hours Difficult when patient lives alone or woke up with symptoms

13 Primary stroke care 180 min window of time
The longer the brain remains without oxygen and glucose the more brain cells die Goal is to restore blood flow as soon as possible

14 Treatment after stroke
A rehabilitation unit in the hospital with in-patient therapy A subacute care unit A rehabilitation hospital with individualized inpatient therapy Home therapy Returning home with outpatient therapy

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