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Silicon Valley Region Student Division

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1 Silicon Valley Region Student Division
 A new exhibit From a Culture of Violence to a Culture of Peace Transforming the Human Spirit Silicon Valley Region Student Division Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

2 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years
Exhibit Overview Ensuring Human Security Arms-Based Security vs. Human Security Changing Our Worldview Global Efforts for Peace SGI’s Commitment to Nuclear Abolition Profiles of Peace Heroes Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

3 A Culture of Violence: Arms-Based Security
Wars Begin in the Minds of Men Illusion of “efficiency” “relegates human beings to the status of things and pursues expediency at the expense of countless human lives” Daisaku Ikeda, For the Sake of Peace Dresden ,000 Tokyo ,000 Actual Deaths Hiroshima 140,000 Disclaimer about video clips not being the exhibit content, but explaining material Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

4 Deterrence Deterrence: Dr. Strangelove
Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

5 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years
“…we continue to talk about ‘us’ versus ‘them.’ Only when we can start to talk about ‘us’ as including all of humanity will we truly be at peace…” Mohamed ElBaradei Director General International Atomic Energy Agency Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

6 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years
“I wish to go further, to attack the problem at its root. I want to expose and rip out the claws that lie hidden in the very depths of such weapons.” Josei Toda Declaration Calling for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons September 1957 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

7 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years
“Through this declaration, Toda entrusted young people with the task of inspiring this conviction in others, urging them to conduct dialogue based on belief in the preciousness of human life and the human capacity for wisdom, courage and compassion. He wanted his audience to arouse and call forth those qualities in others and communicate to them the imperative of taking action toward nuclear abolition.” Daisaku Ikeda Restoring the Human Connection: The First Step to Global Peace Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

8 Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years
“Peace is a competition between despair and hope, between disempowerment and committed persistence.” Daisaku Ikeda Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

9 Become true leaders of society! Become true victors of justice!
Become true builders of peace! (Message from President Ikeda, July ) Student Division FNCC 2007: 50 Years

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