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Presentation on theme: "Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants

2 Characteristics Eukaryotic Multicellular Non-mobile Cell Wall

3 Producers! Cuticle Definition: A waxy layer that coats the surface of leaves. Keeps plants from drying out.

4 Plants Nonvascular Vascular No Seeds Seeds No Flowers Flowers (Spores)
(1) Nonvascular Vascular (2) No Seeds Seeds (Spores) No Flowers (3) Flowers

5 Plants Nonvascular 5. Water is carried by osmosis Plants must be small
4. Def: there are no tubes to carry water throughout the plant. Nonvascular 6. Example: Mosses 5. Water is carried by osmosis Plants must be small VERSUS

6 Plants (1) Vascular 7. Def: Have tubes to carry water throughout the plant Vascular plants can be small or large

7 Plants (1) Vascular (2) No Seeds SPORES 8. Example: Ferns

8 Plants Vascular Seeds No Flowers (1) 9. Conifers Most produce cones!
Gymnosperms Seeds No Flowers

9 Plants Vascular Seeds Flowers (1) (10) Angiosperms
Plants (1) Vascular Angiosperms Flowers attract pollinators (10) Seeds (3) Flowers


11 Plant Selfie Time! Your homework is to take selfies with various plants and include a caption that lists the type of plant! Fern Moss Flowering plant Conifer

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