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Reporting on Miscarriages in Zaatari and Azraq camp-2016

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1 Reporting on Miscarriages in Zaatari and Azraq camp-2016

2 Miscarriage Miscarriage (pregnancy loss):
Is the spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or fetus is incapable of surviving independently, generally defined in humans at prior to 20 weeks of gestation. Still many countries defined it at prior to 24 weeks (most Arabic countries including Jordan, UK, Italy, Spain). * The term abortion was replaced by miscarriage since 2005 to describe a spontaneous event. The term abortion is limited now to iatrogenic termination of pregnancy *Many countries adopted the 20 weeks because with good baby care units they are having few take home babies. Others sticks to 24 weeks because they do not want to increase their national perinatal mortality rate

3 Types of Miscarriage Occult miscarriage: Occurs before the women knows that she is pregnant (50% of all pregnancies) Early pregnancy loss (chemical pregnancy): Spontaneous abortions that occur before the 6th week. Proved by pregnancy test (positive hCG) Account for 15 – 20% of all pregnancies Clinical pregnancy loss (Clinical pregnancy): Those that occur after the sixth weeks gestation. Proved by ultrasound scan. Account for 8 – 10 % of all pregnancies between 6 – 8 weeks and 2% after that.

4 Data Analysis of Miscarriages at Zaatari and Azraq Camp
Data collected (1st Jan - 31st Dec.2016). - UNFPA/ JHASi Clinic in Zaatari camp, - UNFPA/IMC clinic at Azraq camp. Total number of cases : Zaatari camp : 210 women - Azraq camp : 180 women Documentation in log book Collection of data from monthly report of Misc. template

5 Distribution of cases by age
% No. Age (years) 12.9 27 < 18 34.8 73 18-24 52.4 110 > 24 100 210 range:15 – 48 years Zaatari % No. Age (years) 7.2 13 < 18 28.9 52 18-24 63.9 115 > 24 100 180 range:17 – 45 years This slide indicate that 12.9% were below the age of 18 years. So if the prevalence of early marriage is around 11% then this slide support the evidence of increased incidence of miscarriage among women below the age of 18 years. Azraq

6 Distribution of cases by parity
% No. Parity 39.0 82 Low parity (0 – 1) 40.5 85 Multiparity (2 – 4) 20.5 43 Grand multiparity (> 5) 100 210 range: 0 – 12 Zaatari % No. Parity 38.3 69 Low parity (0 – 1) 40.6 73 Multiparity (2 – 4) 21.1 38 Grand multiparity (> 5) 100 180 range: 0 – 11 This slide shows that high cases reported among the patients had a low parity in both camps. This may reflect the increased incidence of miscarriage among primigravida and those with low parity. This could be also age related Azraq

7 Distribution of cases by gestational age
Expected range (%) % No. Gestational age (weeks) 15 – 20 30.4 64 Early first trimester (< 7 weeks) 2 – 8 44.3 93 Late first trimester ( 8 – 13 weeks) 1 25.3 53 Second trimester (14 – 24 weeks) - 100 210 range: 4 – 28 Zaatari Expected range (%) % No. Gestational age (weeks) 15 – 20 37.8 68 Early first trimester (< 7 weeks) 2 – 8 45.0 81 Late first trimester ( 8 – 13 weeks) 1 17.2 31 Second trimester (14 – 24 weeks) - 100 180 range: 3 – 27 This side shows an unexpected finding. We all know that the most common cause o miscarriage is chromosomal anomalies (60%), so we should expect that most of our cases should be early pregnancy loss. But this slide shows a high tendency toward late miscarriage. This could be due to under reporting of early miscarriage or there is an environmental causes or another causes that could attribute to this findings. Azraq

8 Miscarriages in relation to other variables
% NO. Variables 86.2 181 Planned pregnancy 84.8 178 Booked for ANC 54.8 23.8 15.2 6.2 115 50 32 13 Clinical presentation: Vaginal bleeding Abdominal pain Vaginal spotting Asymptomatic Zaatari % NO. Variables 73.3 132 Planned pregnancy 75 135 Booked for ANC 69.5 2.2 26.6 1.7 125 4 48 3 Clinical presentation: Vaginal bleeding Abdominal pain Vaginal spotting Asymptomatic Azraq

9 Zaatari Azraq Types of miscarriage % No. Types of miscarriage 19.5 41
Threatened 25.7 54 Incomplete 8.1 17 complete 46.7 98 Missed 100 210 Total Zaatari % No. Types of miscarriage 43.9 79 Threatened 8.3 15 Incomplete 26.7 48 complete 21.1 38 Missed 100 180 Total Azraq

10 Cases with history of previous miscarriage
% No. Number of previous Miscarriages 17.6 37 One miscarriage 11 23 2 miscarriages 0.9 2 3 miscarriage 0.5 1 5 miscarriages 30 63 Total Zaatari % No. Number of previous Miscarriages 11.1 20 One miscarriage 14.5 26 2 miscarriages 36 3 miscarriage 15 27 4 -5 miscarriages 7.2 13 6 -7 miscarriages 67.8 122 Total More data need to be collected on recurrent misc.(Habitual abortion) Is the occurrence of three consecutive spontaneous miscarriages. Primary recurrent pregnancy loss refers to couples that have never had a live birth, Secondary recurrent pregnancy loss refers to those who have had repetitive losses following a successful pregnancy Incidence: 1% of all women Azraq

11 Distribution of cases in relation to other variables
Zaatari % No. Variable 14.3 30 Home Place of Miscarriage. 85.7 180 Health facility 100 210 Supervision by Skilled personnel 88.1 185 Referral to hospital 30.2 80 Counselling Post abortion care 41.1 62 FP Post abortion care : no mention about any management that were provided apart from Counseling and Family planning.

12 Distribution of cases in relation to other variables
Azraq % No. Variable 35 63 Home Place of Miscarriage. 20 36 Health facility 45 81 N/A 100 180 Supervision by Skilled personnel 16.7 30 Referral to hospital Counselling Post abortion care FP

13 Recommendations: Improve reporting and data collection.
Revision of the miscarriage template to ensure documentation of Recurrent( Habitual Miscarriage) Implementation of the template at host communities. Improve the post abortion care services and family planning counseling


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