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Grangemouth High School

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1 Grangemouth High School
Taking forward inter-disciplinary learning

2 IDL in Grangemouth High School: The key goals
IDL ‘built-in’ to the curriculum with planned experiences accordingly. Clear, shared understanding across the school of what genuine IDL is IDL experiences include clear, planned progression in learning supported by Progression Frameworks Learning through IDL is assessed consistently and includes engagement with Significant Aspects of Learning

3 Progress to date Pilot IDL projects in 14/15: “Athletics data collection & Analysis” in Maths and PE; “Scotland Project” involving PE, Music and Art; “Healthy Humans” PE, H&WB and Literacy Staff survey: indicated teachers want a consistent planning document and approach and time to plan IDL Each Faculty has an “IDL champion” to support faculty IDL planning Resources available to support faculties in IDL planning include: Professional reading to explain purpose and nature of genuine IDL Overarching IDL Planning document Initial IDL opportunities identified by each Faculty Pilot project planning documents and evaluations from to support faculties as examples of good practice BGE subjects timelines shared and updated by “champions” allow faculties to monitor and identify new IDL opportunities Prof reading: HMIe advice note 14/15, HGIOS 4, Building Staff capacity in IDL (HMIe), and…..

4 Future developments IDL champions to carry out “Es & Os bundling” exercise Purpose: To allow champions to support faculty planning and ensure genuine, natural IDL links are exploited Support faculties in developing plans that sit below the overarching planning document, and ensure Significant Aspects of Learning, Progression and Assessment are built into plans Request for IDL planning time to be built into school calendar next session taken to SLT Explore how we can engage pupil voice in IDL process – planning and evaluation stages?

5 Impact of Falkirk IDL course at GHS
To date: IDL course resources shared with IDL champions Shared understanding of what is and is not IDL Planning document shared and evaluated with IDL group/champions Identifying need for progression in learning when planning IDL experiences To follow “Bundling” and planning activities modelled and practiced in IDL group for supporting faculties “Bundling” to include a skills as well as content/topic focus Engagement with SALs and Progression Frameworks to inform IDL planning, assessment and moderation activities

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