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Writing at Home Ms. S Fernandez & Mrs. Vargas

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Presentation on theme: "Writing at Home Ms. S Fernandez & Mrs. Vargas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing at Home Ms. S Fernandez & Mrs. Vargas
Southwood’s Family Writing Night Laugh often, Dream Big, Reach for the Stars Writing at Home Ms. S Fernandez & Mrs. Vargas

2 Handwritten in 6th – 7th grade
Writing 411 FSA Writing Assessment – window opens February 27, 2017 Handwritten in 6th – 7th grade Typing 8th grade *Argumentative Essay – Claim, Counterclaim , Evidence and Elaboration, read multiple sources, state a claim and support it – prove it! *Informative Essay – Facts, Evidence and Elaboration, read multiple sources, state facts and elaborate *show rubric

3 Glance at time/estimate completion
TIPS FOR WRITING 1. LOOK for prompt words- is it informational or argumentative? 2. Brainstorm- organize paragraphs and citing Glance at time/estimate completion 3. list transitional words 4. Edit

4 Informative & Argumentative Writing
Facts Evidence Elaboration Argumentative Claim










14 List transitional words
Purpose words Introduce Portrays characterizes Conveys advocates Suggests demonstrates Symbolizes Represents reveals delineates exhibits illustrates displays urges Transition Words Continue/Emphasize However, As a matter of fact, Not with standing, Uniquely, Regardless Subsequently, For instance,  Moreover, Nevertheless, Even though Nonetheless Therefore, Although Afterwards




18 Some Advice Encourage the Writing Process:
Brainstorming, Planning, Rough Draft, Edit, Revise, Publish Encourage completion of i-Ready (student portal) Read a Variety of Texts: Web pages, articles, documents, how-to-manuals, history/science books, historical documents, magazines, instructional manuals – ACROSS ALL SUBJECT AREAS Cite important details from texts

19 Some writing activities that can be done at home:
Let children write creatively poems (to family during holiday/birthday), short stories, jokes, play (perform it) Keep a journal/diary about life experiences- good and bad, travels, extracurricular activities, friendships Convince-me Letters – letter that kids can write to convince their parents that they need “that” use persuasive language and vocabulary (they can do a research if necessary on $$$, store)

20 Keep Calm & Write On Cont.
Additional writing activities that can be done at home: Current Events – research different events around the world and write a summary – discuss during dinner, outings Debate – research different topics or even a family topic or concern, create teams and conduct a debate – pros and cons For Critical Thinking, Spelling and Vocabulary Development - students can play board games like Scrabble, Scattegories, crossword puzzles

21 Resources & Important Information

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