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The 5 steps of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 steps of writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 steps of writing

2 PREWRITING Planning Brainstorming Outlining Bubble Map List
Do not write complete sentences

3 Drafting Turn prewriting into sentences
Do not worry about punctuation, spelling, capitalization Write without interruption, so thoughts can flow freely.

4 Revising Revisit to make sure look at the content and style
Does it fit the genre? Does it have a clear beginning, middle, and conclusion Use proofreading marks to move items around if necessary Do not rewrite yet

5 Editing Using proofreading marks: Do not rewrite Correct spelling
Correct punctuation Correct capitalizion Do not rewrite

6 publish Rewrite paper with corrections Use best handwriting or type
Add cover page, art, or references if appropriate

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