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WG Technical Editor’s Report

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1 802-11 WG Technical Editor’s Report
May 2003 doc.: IEEE /197R2 May 2003 WG Technical Editor’s Report Opening Session, May 2003 Interim Meeting Terry Cole, AMD (WG technical editor status will be reported all this year with revisions of this same document number) Terry Cole, AMD Terry Cole, AMD

2 802.11 Maintenance Guidelines
May 2003 Maintenance Guidelines Two parallel activities keep up to date: TGm -- Maintenance Task Group Functional and technical amendments are output Technical corrections and changes Generally not editorial changes Amendments only PAR owned by TGm WG Activity led by WG editor Document publication status Drive editions, revisions, and reaffirmations Editorial changes (technical oversights on revisions also) Not functional changes Full documents only (not amendments) Revision PAR (when needed) owned by WG Terry Cole, AMD

3 Activities of WG Editor
May 2003 Activities of WG Editor Documents for publication: IEEE publication status Editions / Revisions/ Reaffirmations as periodically needed ISO drafts as needed Electronic attachments of Maintain Information (as WG documents): List of potential editorial errata and proposed editorial changes List of current editorial work in all TGs (help coordinate overlaps) Coordinate with all editors -- Tuesday morning 7:00am Coordinate with TGm (refer technical issues to them) Coordinate balloting and publishing processes for: Reaffirmations and revision (including PAR generation) ISO approval process Motions as needed in WG Terry Cole, AMD

4 Documents (1) Publication Status
May 2003 Documents (1) Publication Status No documents pending IEEE-SA publication Please purchase your copies directly from IEEE bookstore on web Supports funding of IEEE-SA, our standardization parent! Waiting on REVCOM approval for: (2003 edition) 802.11f Recommend Practice Expect publication of these within 30 days of REVCOM approval To help meet 30 day goal, IEEE-SA receives from each editor: Document in Frame with linked diagrams and pictures. Diagrams in WMF file (vector), one file per diagram Pictures in TIFF file (bitmap), one file per picture Terry Cole, AMD

5 Documents (2) Publication Status (cont’d)
May 2003 Documents (2) Publication Status (cont’d) Draft Publications from IEEE: Available as of 4/28 from web: 802.11f D6 (approved 11/2002) 802.11g D6.1 (D8.1 was approved 4/16/2003) 802.11i D3.0 (approved 11/2002) As new drafts are created by motion, many TGs are releasing the documents to IEEE for publication and sale This generates funds that ultimately support get802 program TGs should discuss and make recommendation if the draft is appropriate for sale Terry Cole, AMD

6 Documents (3) Editions Planned Reaffirmations / Revisions
May 2003 Documents (3) Editions Planned No new editions are planned at this time Publication of amendments has higher priority than editions Agreement between EXCEOM and IEEE-SA staff 802.11g and h will not likely require editions This is a business decision of IEEE-SA Reaffirmations / Revisions No revisions are planned at this time Approval of i and e and m may be a good trigger point for a revision containing all approved amendments Revision PAR request must be made well in advance Reaffirmation is required in 2005 if no revision undertaken by then Terry Cole, AMD

7 Documents (4) ISO drafts ISO version of 802.11d
May 2003 Documents (4) ISO drafts ISO version of d Will be included for first time in ISO documentation if they approve (2003 edition) ISO version of (2003 edition) After REVCOM, UK delegation of ISO will submit new document for ISO fast track approval (motion passed as Mar plenary) Will include d amendment for first time in ISO document TGf and TGg and TGh (or WG) should discuss and decide if we want to submit their documents to ISO for fast track approval Staff creates the ISO documents after ISO approval Terry Cole, AMD

8 Documents (5) Electronic attachments SDL MIB
May 2003 Documents (5) Electronic attachments SDL Updated version for (2003 edition) created Does not compile -- no better or worse than original Should be published within 30 days of REVCOM approval 802.11g will require update the SDL per amendment MIB Updated version for (2003 edition) already created checked with compiler 802.11g will require update the MIB per amendment Compiler will be run to check syntax -- errata may be necessary A new electronic PICS form is in planning stages by IEEE Based on (2003 Edition) and g and h Date unknown at this point Terry Cole, AMD

9 Information for WG Current list of potential editorial issues
May 2003 Information for WG Current list of potential editorial issues See r1-W-Potential-WG-editor-errata.xls Includes column for refer to another group (e.g., TGm or other Task Group) Current referrals: TGm, TGi -- please discuss in TGs Current list of TG editing activities See r1-W-Status-of editing.xls Includes column showing potential conflicts due to simultaneous modifications Shows current sponsor ballots -- Please discuss in TGs Updates: g D7.1 / h D3.6 Terry Cole, AMD

10 Balloting Processes (1)
May 2003 Balloting Processes (1) Reaffirmation (2003 Edition) failed REVCOM in March Irregularity in comment responses -- see document r3 Reaffirmation ballot question is limited: ACCEPT or REJECT If REJECT, then a revision is needed! No comments suggesting changed can be accepted by rules! NOT EVEN EDITORIAL COMMENTS! Remedy was 2nd recirculation Mentors assigned from SEC to watch process: Howard Frazier (2003 Edition) on REVCOM agenda for July Motion will be made on Wednesday to approve comment resolutions in document r2.xls Please contact Terry Cole or Stuart Kerry if any concerns with r2.xls Terry Cole, AMD

11 Balloting Processes (2)
May 2003 Balloting Processes (2) No ballots in progress for: Revisions ISO drafts Amendments 802.11g, h in process Monitored separately through TGg/TGh reports Recommended Practice 802.11f ballot process has terminated, pending REVCOM approval Monitored separately through TGf report Terry Cole, AMD

12 Motions (1) 802.11 WG motion to be made Wednesday
May 2003 Motions (1) WG motion to be made Wednesday “Move that the WG accept the resolutions as found in doc r2 and support approval of the document from recirculation #2 at the July REVCOM meeting. By taking this action, the WG affirms that it believes the document is useful in its current form and contains no significant obsolete or erroneous information.” Moved: Terry Cole Seconded: xx For xx / Against xx / Abstain xx Terry Cole, AMD

13 Motions (2) 802 EXCOM motion to be made at next opportunity:
May 2003 Motions (2) 802 EXCOM motion to be made at next opportunity: Following approval of (2003 Edition) Based on this motion that we passed in March 2003: “Move to submit (2003 edition), including d amendment, to ISO/IEC for Fast Track approval through the UK national body. Robin Tasker has volunteered to make the submission, and Terry Cole will be the project editor. Moved: Terry Cole Seconded: Harry Worstell For 102 / Against 0 / Abstain 2” Terry Cole, AMD

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