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Draft On screen as participants enter the room..

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1 Draft On screen as participants enter the room.

2 Environmental Awareness Training
Proudly Presents Welcome to GreenPath Environmental Awareness Training! Introduction: Good morning/afternoon everyone my name is __________ _________and I am the ______________________________ here at ______________________________. Today we will be discussing GreenPath. By the end of this session you will know: l What GreenPath means l What your responsibilities are regarding GreenPath l What you can do to help promote GreenPath l Who our GreenPath leaders are l Why GreenPath is so important Environmental Awareness Training Name Title Location

3 Consider Some of the Locations Where DNCP&R Operates?
Asilomar Grand Canyon Yosemite Sequoia National Park Prior to showing the photos: Ask: What are some of the other locations that DNCP&R operates? After brief discussion: Show the location and photos located on this slide and the next one.

4 How Do We Help Protect the Environments in Which We Operate?
l DNCP&R has adopted an Environmental Management System called GreenPath. l Maybe you’ve seen the buttons? Ask the question before revealing bullet points: How do we help maintain the environments in which we operate? After brief discussion: Show bullet point one. Ask: Does anyone know what an Environmental Management System is? Important: Wait a few seconds for someone to answer... If no one answers explain that it is a system that helps to hold us accountable for reducing the negative impacts that we have on the environment. By environment we mean land, air, water. Show next bullet point: Ask: Have you seen this button? Who has one of these buttons raise your hand? Pass around a basket full of buttons. If you don’t have one of these buttons please take one out of the basket as it comes around. Why is it important to wear this button?

5 What Is the Purpose of GreenPath?
To help DNCP&R operations better manage our environmental responsibilities To promote environmental awareness in our associates, guests, community and clients. To reduce the environmental impacts that our operations have on our environment. Ask: What is the purpose of GreenPath? Immediately show the next bullet point and say… To promote environmental awareness and a sense of personal environmental responsibility in our associates, guests, community and clients. To reduce the environmental impacts that our operations have on the environment.

6 GreenPath Goals The Key Elements of our Environmental Policy Are:
Continuous Environmental Improvement Pollution Prevention Comply with all Environmental Laws and Regulations

7 ISO Registered GreenPath is Registered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) DNCP&R was the first Hospitality Company to receive ISO registration. Asilomar was the first State park to receive ISO registration. Discuss the significance of ISO certification, all DNCP&R properties are certified. DNCP&R was the first hospitality company to receive ISO certification at it’s properties. Asilomar was the first State Park to receive ISO certification.

8 Asilomar Accomplishments
l We’ve done a great job! Reduced Electric use by 628,197 KWH Say: Let’s take a look at how well we have been doing at reducing our negative impact on the environment. Talk through the next three bullet points and the graph. We’ve done a great job! We’ve reduced electric consumption by 539,833 Kilowatt Hours during the past six years. That’s enough electricity to light 7, watt light bulbs for one month. Maybe some of you weren’t here six years ago but we want you to know that you play an important role in reducing the negative environmental impacts now that you are here. Reduced Natural Gas use by 92,400 therms

9 Asilomar Accomplishments
Reduced water consumption by 9.8 million gallons Reduced trash generation and disposal by 1,880 tons Say: Let’s look at some other reductions: Talk through each bullet point and the graph. We’ve reduced water consumption by 8.7 gallons during the past six years. That’s enough water to fill Asilomar’s swimming pool about 110 times Recycled over 857 tons of plastics, metals, and paper

10 Asilomar Accomplishments
Recycled over 337 tons of cardboard Donated 8,628 extra meals to charity Say: Gas usage is another area that we’ve had an impact. Talk through each bullet point and the graph. We’ve reduced gas consumption by 92,342 therms during the past six years. That’s enough Natural Gas to supply 63 average homes for one year. Recycle total of 1,140 tons

11 Significant Environmental Aspects
Energy use (Electricity & Natural Gas) Water use Solid waste Discuss the six significant environmental aspects identified by the Asilomar Green Team. Our objective is the reduce the environmental impacts of these aspects by identifying, creating and executing environmental management plans with objectives and targets.

12 Significant Environmental Aspects
Material use Air emissions Flora & Fauna

13 What Is the Target? l Consider and practice methods to reduce all negative environmental impacts. Methods Include: Conservation Ask: What is our target? What can we do to hit that target? Talk through the bullet points. Consider and practice methods to reduce all negative environmental impacts. Remember to conserve, recycle, properly dispose of waste and make an effort to perform your work as safely as you possibly can. What does this mean? It means… Show next three slides. Recycling/Reuse Use Environmentally Friendly Products

14 Turn It Off! Say: Don’t waste electricity or water.

15 Recycle It! Say: Don’t just throw things away. Remember we want to recycle or reuse as much paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, and metal as possible. Reuse building materials. Can you think of products that are recyclable ? Newspaper Magazines Office Paper Bottles Cans Jars Etc.

16 Keep It Safe! Use environmentally friendly products.
Say: Remember to work as safely as possible. Sometimes the products that we use and the environment that we are exposed to aren’t safe and we need to protect ourselves or use a more environmentally friendly product. What environmentally friendly products do you use at work or at home? Citrus-based cleaners. Mechanical methods to remove finishes and clear drains. Use water-based paints (Latex). Use environmentally friendly products.

17 How Will I Remember the GreenPath Policy?
The corporate environmental policy and your responsibilities are posted in your department. Become familiar with our environmental policy and your environmental duties related to your job Say: Okay, I’ve given a lot of information about the environment and you might be thinking, “How on earth am I ever going to remember this stuff?” The answer is…You don’t have to memorize it. Just remember to think of the environment when you are working. Policy Statement posted. Employee environmental duties posted Other GreenPath postings Annual GreenPath training

18 Environmental Duties Your Environmental Duties are an important part of Asilomar’s Environmental Management System. Failure to follow your Environmental Duties may result in the unnecessary generation, discharge or emission of waste to air, land or water, Discuss the importance of following environmental duties and the consequences of not following them. Ask for a volunteer to read this slide

19 Environmental Duties Continued
violation of environmental laws and regulations, violation of concession contract with State parks, the unnecessary use of resources, a negative economic impact, harm to the Park’s environment, wildlife and facilities, or injury to yourself or others. Ask for a second volunteer to read this slide.

20 How Is GreenPath Enforced?
DNCP&R has assigned the responsibility for GreenPath to John Huey. Mr. Huey is the DNCP&R Director Stewardship Rick Wood is the Environmental Manager at Asilomar. Say: You should know how GreenPath is enforced. John Huey, Rick Wood and the Asilomar Green Team all play a key role in implementing and ensuring that GreenPath is part of our daily operations. They enforce the GreenPath policy. Talk through the bullet points one by one... Mr. Huey is the DNCP&R Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs. Rick Wood is the Environmental Manager for DNCP&R at Asilomar.

21 So, What Has This All Got to Do With Me?
l DNCP&R at Asilomar wants to encourage you to enthusiastically support GreenPath. l Become familiar with, and practice the environmental duties related to your job. Say: Two things that you can do to help GreenPath to succeed: First, enthusiastically support GreenPath. Second, Know the environmental duties related to your job. Do you know where to look to find out what your specific responsibilities are?

22 What Else Can You Do to Help?
You are encouraged to: l Ask Yourself: What can I do to help prevent negative impacts on our environment? l Share: Say: What else can you do to help? Ask yourself…What can I do to help prevent negative impacts on our environment? Each of you has a different role and responsibility here on grounds so your answer to this question will be different depending on your job. However the question is very important. Again, What can I do to help prevent negative impacts on our environment? When you think of the answer, share it with your co-workers and management. If we implement your idea we will recognize your efforts with our new “Thank You” program. You could receive a $10 Blockbuster Video Card, Movie Tickets, $5 Asilomar Buck, a phone card and other rewards. Ideas with your co-workers and management.

23 Who Benefits From Our Efforts?
Them US Ask: Why should we care about the environment? Who benefits from our efforts? Wait for the answers before showing the pictures… Then click through the pictures and say… US THEM and OUR GUESTS! Our Guests

24 GreenPath Quiz What is GreenPath? What are the goals of GreenPath?
What is ISO 14001? How can you help protect the environment? Where can you find out more about GreenPath? What are Asilomar’s Significant Environmental Aspects

25 Congratulations! Concluding Comments:
Ask: Are there any questions or comments? Thanks everyone for participating today! If you haven’t signed in please do so before you leave the room. You’ve been great!

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